How the fuck did obi wan defeat grievous if he had been out-sworded 1:4 couldn't grievous just attacki him with his 3...

How the fuck did obi wan defeat grievous if he had been out-sworded 1:4 couldn't grievous just attacki him with his 3 other arms while just blocking blocking obi wan's 1 lighstaber with 1? lucas you fucking hack

He had the high ground.

George Lucas didnt like Grievous so he wanted him out of the story quickly.

look up "plot armor"

>CGI robot with no texture
how can star wars get away with this?

too fast to block

What if grievous just swung his lightsabers from to different direction? 2 from the left 2 from the right or 4 different direction even 1 from the left 1 from the right 1 from the top 1 from underneath right into obi wan's balls How the fuck do you block that?

Why didn't anyone ever use one of these bad boys?

pretty sure lucas changed his mind about grievous being a badass during post
Prob thought it would take away from awakens arc, plus all the EU buzz he was getting.
Still hate lucas to this day for it, love grievous's design.

>H-he's fast

Grievous species was only two-armed, so his brain could only really support two arms at once.

What species? Wasn't he a robot?

A cyborg


>George Lucas didnt like Grievous so he wanted him out of the story quickly.
So why even put him in the movie in the first place?

i'm sure it's in an EU novel or something

Grievous could literally have cut him in like 30 pieces when he does that twirly shit while drawing his swords and Obi-wan doesn't even react.

Grievous will always be my favorite Star Wars character. Will never understand why they made him so useless in ROTS and the tv show

are you 14

he was made of plastisteel

Grievous was a stupid fucking character.

He was one of the best jedi ever trained in Soresu was it? The style for 100% defense. Obi was a master at it and as a jedi had the force. Grievous on the other hand just had limited training with the lightsaber.

He was a badass action figure, but it's a stretch to call him a "character."
The clone wars did what it could, but since revenge of the sith said he'd never met anakin before they have to dance around that by having grevious do nothing but run away for the first few seasons.

Greav had a crushed lung if not 2

Obi-Wan is a jedi. He has quick reflexes and can sense when he's in mortal danger. Obviously he wasn't in that moment.

I used to wonder about this until I listened to the audio commentary and one of the SFX guys just admits that animating four arms was such a chore they convinced George to make sure he loses two of them quickly. So yeah, it was just a fucking nightmare to animate.

If you want we can all play pretend and speculate about specific Jedi lightsaber techniques that take into account multi-limbed enemies or Grievous' hubris based on his previous victories, but in truth it just wasn't a good use of the CGI budget.

Unfortunately the genndy tartakovsky animated clone wars aren't cannon.
Supposedly there was some kind of fallout between him and lucasfilm (read: georgie porgie). They were talking about making him the executive producer for the star wars animated universe.
Thats why the cartoon's last episode is the prologue to the opening scene of revenge. But then they made the CGI clone wars, keeping genndy's aesthetic but ignoring everything about the first one.

>the SFX guys just admits that animating four arms was such a chore they convinced George to make sure he loses two of them quickly.
what a fucking lazy asshole wasn't he getting paid for this?

>limited training
Take your head out of your ass he was a Jedi assassin that's why he had so many sabers

He killed many lesser jedi simply because he could hold 4 lightsabers. Obi-Wan was one of the top jedi in the order.

In the old EU he was literally unbeatable with a lightsaber. He steamrolled multiple Jedi Council members and masters with ease and was a match for Windu and Dooku when it came to lightsaber combat. His only weakness was the force. It even explained his defeat in ROTS by showing that he had been badly damaged and was not at peak performance.

So of course Disney threw all that out.

Grievous is the best ting about Star Wars.

I want a standalone film about him, from birth to death

He was trained by dooku personally. Pretty sure the movie meant to portray him as being skilled with the light saber.
I can only think of one other non-jedi that used a lightsaber, and that was mandalorian man with the darksaber in the clone wars.

palpatine needed a workhorse to advance the war plot I guess

>that's it dooku, spin your arms really fast
>twice the arms, double the power
>if you get more than two chopped off then run away
>protect your unnecessary biological parts
>don't let obi wan have the ground

dooku was a good teacher

I think I would have liked him more if he didn't sound like he was from Barbados


his voice was obnoxious to me, I wish it were less so

>what a fucking lazy asshole wasn't he getting paid for this?

Yep, but they have deadlines and a limited budget. Grievous swinging around four lightsabers like a mad bastard was just too time-and-therefore-money-intensive. It had nothing to do with The Clone Wars or how good Obi-Wan is with a sword.

Idk but if I were a Jodi I'd just jump, I guess?

why the fuck didn't Obi-One just use his force powers to hold Grievous still and just stab him once and be done with it

I feel you especially the unexplained idea of robot coughing, I dare say those movies become really awesome if Jeremy Irons dubs over the voice of Grievous.

Cyborg. Cyborg coughing. If they could build a robot that would fuck up jedi so badly, they'd drop everything and mass produce that shit.

The real question is: Punished Darth Maul vs Grievous?