Welcome to parliament of Sup Forums...

Welcome to parliament of Sup Forums, where autistic children pretend like they are passing laws concerning this shitty and cancerous board.

>1 person=1 MP
>1 MP=1 vote
>MP has name, trip and a party
>Name like this Name [Party] ##tripcode
>only MPs with a secure trip count for votes and quorum
>if no party just put [Independent]
>Once a quorum of 20 MPs is present or after 30 minutes with a quorum of 10 MPs present, parliament elects a president and a speaker (to replace me). Speaker election is first.
>President motions for legislation to be brought to a vote, can decide which legislation to bring before parliament. Speaker actually manages the thread.
>President may delegate another president if he is forced to leave before the session concludes. Speaker may do the same.
>Once every 2 hours, the speaker may call for a vote of no confidence on the president. If this passes, the legislative session is dissolved
>Discussion on voting and the time for voting on legislation is chosen by the speaker
>Speaker records passed legislation, proposed legislation, etc, on the legislative docket
>With a supermajority of 66% you faggots can try to change any of the bylaws I have made for you

Old wiki from previous parliament, use legislative docket and party pages, in the process of being purged:
parliament-of-pol.wikia.com/wiki/Parliament_of_Sup Forums_2.0_Wikia

Other urls found in this thread:


first for /ROME/

What hex colour do you choose for SPQR?


Founding Cerberus

Hex code is c0c0c0



>Welcome to parliament of Sup Forums, where autistic children pretend like they are passing laws concerning this shitty and cancerous board.

I think this intro was a mistake. Marketing is important senpai.

I motion to have myself installed as president

Not seconded desu

Pure autism

This whole board is

Definitely NatSoc


I then motion that non-members be referred to a the plebeians or plebs for short

Trip up and the party is all yours, pick a name and trip too.


ded, try it again later?

Perhaps we should try again at European Evening/ Amerifat afternoon/ Aussie morning

That sounds like a great and very original idea

Super Slav Partee

Sign me up

I like this guy, he seems based.

Make sure to have a name and trip


perfect m8

Changing trip

2many flags



change your preferences to last flag mode if it annoys you

He vote to abolish this shitty thread

All Slavs out there join great Super Slav Partee in glory of My Uncle.


Cerberus loyalist czeching in


Welcome kamerad, also checked.

Can I join comfy Cerberus?

Fixing the wiki for you OP, will be ready soon.

Use a party tag with your trip.
Name (party) ## trip

Suffering from a lack of glory and gallantry in your current lifestyle? Perhaps you should consider JOINING SPQR.

SPQR is the only party that offers you the chance to take up in glorious arms with your fellow citizens against the filthy barbarians and reap the rewards of victory!




I would be interested in working with you, Slavs are bro tier.

I call for Vodka and Rakia subsides.

Daily reminder that SPQR is long gone. Cerberus is the future!
Join Cerberus Today!


What are SPAR's and Cerberus policy positions?

no u

SPQR are Roman Nazis and Cerberus are space Nazis

Is there ever going to be a discord server?

1 vote NatSoc
I am Der Fuhrer

no frig off

nah senpai

*SPQR damn autocorrect

Here. Read the wiki. Trying to explain it without reading it is a little bit hard.

this desu

Let's see if this trip works.

good job

Apparently I can't use tripcodes. Fucking great.

For anyone who still knows me, I'm GermanicUltranationalist.

This name works better

we know

no but you can add me on Discord fampai ;)

what's ur tag senpai?

why can't you trip

you and germanic should decide who the fuhrer is desu

Enter me as Independant Senpai.

Illusive Man of course

k lol

Here for the return of the Party of the Enforcement of Rock! Glad to be back.

>why can't you trip

I don't know man :'(

You can be the Führer. Sieg Heil my brother.

>it's an SPQR fails to get any members episode

You can't search by name on discord boi.

1 vote for the new part: "Kek Libertarians"

Reporting for /anarcho-pagan-traditionalist-constitutional-monarchical-commune-weed/

would it be the number by my name then?

Let's win big, folks. I'm getting high for this.


Tripcode mess up.



How to join the discord?

Changing my party stance to Neo-Libertarian

parliament doesn't have a discord.

That's pretty gay m8

Ahh ok, maybe create one for debates?


Discord's still better than skype. It's faster, more intuitive, also there's a lot of discord chats devoted to all kinds of stuff, like Political Discussion, the Syrian War, or Donald Trump.

What's the difference between a standard libertarian and a neo-libertarian?

possibly but right now we like to do everything in thread.

praise be

> maybe create one for debates
That's what the thread is for

...but no skype chat raids. fuck dolphin chat.


TFW no Enclave Party....


you can still raid chats on discord.

Hey kids remember me

Forgot Kek Libertarians (KL)

Get a tripcode you dumb somalian


Completely forgot what my secure trip was

(fuck, dont rember how to, SHIT, THEY ARE ON TO ME)