Why hasn't there been a major armed revolt/insurrection in the US yet?
Don't all you right winger types own guns so you can "Scare the Government"? Why haven't you used them yet?
Why hasn't there been a major armed revolt/insurrection in the US yet?
Don't all you right winger types own guns so you can "Scare the Government"? Why haven't you used them yet?
The fire needs a spark.
And so far, neither the Federal government nor the militia movement wants to be the spark that lights the fire of the most apocalyptic war the world has ever seen.
Semi this. It'll be a blood bath and I feel like everyone is trying to avoid it but middle ground on issues is becoming harder to find. If Trump is elected we will all be fighting eachother. If Clinton is elected we will fight them. Whoever is master planning all of this will weaponless the left even further if trump wins.
I would say "Witness me." but I don't have to.
I will. Time....time...
I ask myself this everyday
Why do they need the guns?
The populace has been dumbed down and made ignorant of their history, those who are aware do nothing because they are afraid the federal government will quite literally destroy them. There is a quote I can't seem to remember but it went something along the lines of this:
To destroy a people, to remove them their identity.... all you must do is make them ignorant of their history, and then there is nothing left.
To add to that here is a quote from an Irish statesman.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke
Waiting for catastrophe to spark is short sighted, it is nothing but cowardice and idiocy.
Any even that would qualify as something to "spark" the revolution is going to be set up by those in power, as the best way to divert political opponents is to create the controlled opposition, one of the ways of doing this is setting up psyops.
Government leaders are no longer fearful of the populace, and the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
The founding fathers realized that the populace must be well armed and aware of their government, it's reality, the reality that one day the government will become tyrannical and longer work in the interest of the peoples, they must be scared into doing so.
Those in power must have their heads put on spikes and patriotism in America must be refreshed.
>Inb4 stop shitposting leaf
also Islam is a meme
despite it all, we're still pretty comfy and believe that THIS election we might fix everything. when a decent burger goes for 10bux well then all bets are off
Any event*
It's on the verge of SOMETHING, the rising racial tensions and these elections and all these shootings, it's gonna explode eventually.
They'd panic like xcom rookies
desu the right-left paradigm would probably collapse during a conflict. It would eventually just turn into a war along regional and racial lines.
Also the Russian shills need to stop using Costa Rican proxies.
Or maybe we're actually from fucking Costa Rica you leaf.
Why so defensive? I was just making a general statement at the rising use of Costa Rican proxies by Russian shills.
Hiding something Ivan?
>Why do they need the guns?
Self defence?
No one wants to fire the first shot because they'll be blamed for starting the war even if they win. Just as Britain and France waited until Germany carried out an act of completely unjustifiable aggression before declaring war on them in 1939 despite the fact they had ample reason to declare war as early as 1935 when Germany abrogated the Versailles Treaty.
It is short-sighted and stupid? Yes. But it is understandable at least in the moment.
Too much fluoride and estrogen in the water
There was going to be before Trump started running.
Who do you work for?
Things aren't that bad. Sure, were controlled by jews, but we have infinite food, infinite entertainment, easy sex. American life is good.
However if Clinton wins she only did it by cheating and I will raise fucking Hell until they lock me up.
Trump pretty much put a catharsis on an Alt-Right/Tea Party insurrection in the near future by acting as their voice in government. Provided that he doesn't lose or get assassinated of course.
If he's blatantly cheated out of the election or gets shot by some SJW, the Right Wing Death Squads will become real.
>easy sex
>Wh-why aren't there any virgins for me to marry?
Here's what you don't understand, what is happening in America today is due to Communist ie: Marxist subversion both by creating moral apathy within the populace and making the proletariat class Marxist in their values, removing any semblance of American patriotism.
The US government allows this and even aids in this because it makes an easier to control populace and without getting too far into conspiracy theories (which is a bullshit term in of itself) the people who historically controlled Marxist nations have also controlled America due to controlling of their banks and economy.
It is a cultural ideology shift and in order to bring revolution or change in government you must educate the youth and make them American Patriots once again. This is happening throughout the west because of websites like these. Those who are already Marxist or progressives are completely lost as their ability to rationalize or use logic is already demented.
Yuri Bezmenov speaks of this, the general sentiment among the American people must change and then when the youth is completely decided that the federal government is against them they will work to vilify this evil entity and there is no way the international community will choose the federal government over the American people in who they care about the wellbeing of, regardless of propaganda made to manipulate the truth.
You cannot weaponize the people and carry about violence before you weaponize their mind and captures the hearts of the youth.
picture completely unrelated.
We still have cheap food and TV
sure u will
From whom?
Because in order to have an insurrection you have to be organized.
And you think NEETs and white trash can organize? Bitch please. Same reason why there was never a successful slave revolt in the US.
Because as much as tin-foil wearing gun-nuts try to deny it, our nation isn't a tyranny and is functioning just fine. We're the #1 world's superpower, our standard of living is high, we have free and fair elections, and the populace is, for the most part, safe and happy.
There's literally nothing to be revolting over.
>shit threads
bump to spite you
Do you not care for the ideals your country was founded upon?
Sure I understand you inherited your freedoms, but do you not appreciate what it took to get them, and do you not see how they are being taken away from you by your own government?
Your bread and circus is a diversion, soon even that you will not be so lucky to possess.
>Those who are already Marxist or progressives are completely lost as their ability to rationalize or use logic is already demented.
This is why I say if we're gonna have the Day of the Rope, we might as well as kill all SJWs and Cuckservatives outright. They won't be swayed to our cause and there's no point to keeping them alive.
We also might want to take a page out of the Commies' own playbook and deliberately undermine the US government during a crisis (such as a war) to further damage it's legitimacy.
i.e. Doc Zhivago
Listen here leaf don't you have some gay buttsex to be having right now?!
Also, be the beta cuck you are and tell America you are sorry.
You can't sell something to somebody if they adamantly refuse it. I say people are just indulging in what they want. Sex sells because people like sex. People like sex so much it's breaking down the family unit. Jewish Hollywood are encouraging this, sure, but they didn't invent promiscuous whores. Drugs are the same. People have always liked them, now theyre just being broadcasted on daytime tv. Modern man has too much time on his hands and degeneracy is his favorite hobby.
This is a good thread
Why would they uae Costa Rica proxies, murrican or European proxies make much more sense
>Use the Catalog, Hide and Ignore Shit Threads
Why namefag? It isn't relevant to current discussion. However you have caught my interest, so here's a (You).
What would you classify as a thread that isn't shit, and what would you classify as a shit thread.
>in order to have an insurrection you have to be organized
In what way are my freedoms being challenged? I bet I have more guns than you, leaf.
From whoever might be threatening the life of the individual with the gun?
As long as you and your immediate friends and family are comfortable and have your needs met correct? It does not matter how heinous your federal government acts, nor does it matter how far they have strayed from your founders ideals, as long as you are comfortable yes?
Because the assertions you are trying to oppose are completely false, and since the burden of proof is upon you, I ask you to provide proof for your claims, or admit to your lack of knowledge in what you are trying to argue.
I put the name on during the last shill storm and have yet to take it down. This is a good thread it invites conversation on a significant issue. Bad threads are Sup Forums-style (making fun of a country or posting zingers), blatant CTR threads with no point other than sliding, threads which do nothing but insult Sup Forums. You know, no substance and was wastes of space. Those are shit threads.
This is a good thread.
Why do you foreign idiots always seem to think we WANT a revolution? The government would have to be tyrannical to the point where possibly destroying the nation is legitimately an okay outcome, not tyrannical in the sense that I get the IRS fist up my ass every April paying for a bunch of dindu's obamacare.
We used to have guns too, it's going to be funny when your gun rights are continually chipped away until they are on par with mine, and then you'll change the goalpost and say....
"Oh but at least our economy is still powerful, oh at least we still have more freedoms than you!"
My point is, ignoring identity politics which have ruined Sup Forums, your freedoms are not what they once were, your nation is no longer the moral, industrious powerhouse it once was, I mean your economy is based off of things like banking, it is a joke.
Do you not wish for your country to be returned to it's former glory? Are you happy with your government allowing the influx of hispanics, the demographic genocide of the American population?
Bread and circuses. You can build a police state all you want as long as you keep the burgers flowing.
It has always been like this. Most people didn't care about freedom back in 1773 either; they cared about taxes and tariffs.
I have noticed almost as much pro Russian shilling from Costa Ricans as I have that Asian masculinity posting that gook with that blonde girl.
>committing suicide whenever their enemies try to subdue them
>arrogant, rich assholes with aspiration for world domination
>supports of morally questionable practices and experimentation
I won't feel bad for you, EXALT man.
And more on topic and seriously - because many US citizens who didn't get sweeped by SJW bullshit and shown anough common sense to not follow are also very passive and concentrated on their daily lives. It would be fine but that narrow field of vision makes them also uncertain, unfit and plain ignorant when it comes to situations when they should act.
Plus, common sense is unpopular right now. Moderate views questioning claims of regressive left are now l.abeled hate speech, racism and whatnot - and quite many does not have balls to face it.
>is for good men to do nothing
so what are you doing? Posting on an anime image board from your mom's basement. Yeah.
People listen to the mainstream media.
People still only criticize Fox news as the only bad mainstream media news outlet.
Whites buy into anti-white propaganda, e.g. black lives matter, a racist movement which only concerns itself with dead blacks, obsesses over dead cops, and commits hate crimes in the name of blacks
Feminists, LGBT, and other useful idiots who don't even know what the real issues are
Communist professors flooding colleges
Marxist media shoved force fed to Americans through pop culture and television
>Don't all you right winger types own guns so you can "Scare the Government"? Why haven't you used them yet?
You need public opinion on your side first, otherwise the media will just twist the story then cover it up when the police come in on orders to kill everyone.
e.g. pic related
I completely agree, they are lost and just the same as the enemy. Thanks for the video, it looks interesting and really helped illustrate the point further.
A handful of rednecks holed up in some lousy forest bunker will be wiped out faster than you can say "drone warfare."
Hey leaf, the reason no militia will ever actually pose a threat to the state is that the US military is the most powerful war machine in the history of the planet.
That shit was possible when Daniel Shay raised his musket to Washington. But now the most anyone can do is livetweet from an obscure government facility in Oregon and wait to be starved out.
Did you knew that jews were organized in the camps. Some even had guns. But they waited for the perfect moment to strike while the bodies were pilling up.
Same thing is happening in the US. They all wait for the perfect moment, the spark that ignites the fire. What they don't realize is that what they are waiting for has already passed.
The only chance is that they realize they have nothing else to loose and act like it. But that has to happen en masse, otherwise they will be classified as unstable lone wolfs and the like.
(((Insurrection news)))
Whoever the aggressor is would lose support from the population and the prior who would actually fight dread the realty of a civil war
meant to reply to
haha fucked up a second time.
There are more guns than people in the U.S. Just because your country is beta doesn't mean mine is. Of course I want to restore manufacturing to America and put some limits on immigration. That's why I'm voting Trump. As for the economy, I could quit my job today and find another by the end of the week. An armed revolt is not necessary.
Again, tell me how my freedoms are being challenged.
Anyone tries to muh guns I'll shart all over them.
Just as children are not the masters of their own destiny, just as they are dependent on their parents to learn morality and social norms, so are the masses in needing to be told what is right and what is wrong. That is why a benevolent government must support institutions such as the church, etc.. to propagate what is good and what is civilized for the people are incapable on their own, at least the majority is.
Allow a people to do whatever they wish, allow them to indulge in endless hedonism and there is no civilization left. At one point at least the degenerate amount of sex resulted in children, but with birth control and condoms there is not even that.
>nothing to lose
>clean water
>breathable air
>relatively high standard of living
>moderate safety net
Rightwing militias play at being ruled by a tyrannical government but deep down they know they're just larping.
>There was going to be before Trump started running.
This is actually the most compelling argument for the "Trump is a plant" theory. Trump was given to the nation as a way to appease them, because we were ready to start piking heads.
They give us a leader that says what every one is thinking, but that they're forbidden to say outloud. Everyone rallies behind him. They now have a "cause" to use up all that aggression and energy. They now fight for Him.
Then the Jewish Propaganda Division destroys his message, destroys everyone who supports his message, and tries to shame them all into thinking they're wrong... they're terrible people for not giving their daughters to niggers and letting another thirty million Mexicans into the country.
When Trump loses, that energy is depleted. All the fire that was once raging is now just smoldering embers. Still hot, but do longer dangerous. (And let's not kid ourselves... he will lose. The corruption is so deep and the system so rigged (((they))) would never allow anything else no matter how many apathetic white voters wake up and demand to be heard.)
The fire has been rising and was soon to be uncontrollable. The elites are fighting it with a controlled burn of their own, and a few dozen Jewposters being paid to Correct the Record.™
>Bad threads are Sup Forums-style (making fun of a country or posting zingers),
I completely agree, I understand moot used flags to help destroy Sup Forums after he got buttblasted but maybe chink moot would be open to removing flags from Sup Forums, this has been said many times but it only detracts from actual discussion and learning.
With that said you shouldn't namefag because it also detracts from discussion and discourse of any real value, but I understand why you did it, shill threads are cancerous.
>destroying the nation
It's what they're doing, the USA isn't a nation anymore, not by the true definition anyways.
Look at racial demographics from ages 0-5, largely hispanic and black. You are a country, no longer a nation.
So what is your answer, leaf? Isn't freedom to fuck and fight freedom, too? Do we have too much freedom or not enough? Hedonism is the future but my countrymen chose it, not me. That's democracy.
The feds taking coming to my home and trying to takemy guns is something I'd get violent over, or getting arrested for "hate speech".
it MIGHT collapse, there are so many faggots that think Trump is LITERALLY Hitler reincarnate that they would "protest" violently on hillary and the establishments side.
You completely ignored my argument and changed the goalpost. Anyone who is reasonable will acknowledge that many freedoms have been removed from the American populace, one of these removals of freedoms is the National Firearms Act of 1934, which you should be aware of as you are an American, and I am only a leaf. It is these tiny compromises that will continue as progressives have no end to their political means but endless change.
This is all I am trying to get you to acknowledge and you must realize that regardless of your current state slowly your freedoms will continually be chipped away at, to think they are now set in stone is illogical, the current trend will continue.
>A handful of rednecks holed up in some lousy forest bunker will be wiped out faster than you can say "drone warfare."
>This retard seriously believes the US Military blowing up it's own citizenry indiscriminately won't have serious repercussions such as causing mass defections or retaliatory attacks on air bases where said drones took off from.
>This retard doesn't realize just how many Americans hate each other just about everything and that if Civil War breaks out, every person with a grudge and a gun will be coming out to play.
>This retard seriously thinks the Military Industrial Complex can continue to function when their corporate offices and factories are being bombed or shot up on a daily basis, or the trains carrying the tanks and humvees from the factories are derailed by a couple of saboteurs who simply dislodge, or the soldiers who are trained to use such weapons are killed by snipers while stepping outside for a smoke break.
>This retard seriously thinks Russia and China won't see this as their chance to get rid of the competition and ship arms in via Mexico or the ports
Literally this. This is the problem. Women did not create a degenerate society. The men allowed the Jew to take control.
fael gnikcuf a
Makes me want to reinstall it and play.
>free and fair elections
What I'm trying to tell YOU is that I can say what I want, drive 60 in a 40 zone and buy ten assault rifles today if I was so inclined. I get what you're saying but this isn't bread and circuses I'm talking about, it's my day to day life and my dealings with the state so far have been limited to the DMV.
No it's not, it's an exaggeration and redefinition of freedom, it is akin to when the Jews used the First Amendment as justification of the removal of any anti obscenity laws pertaining to media and television, and pornography.
They screamed "it is against my freedoms to not allow me to film and distribute pornography". In the founding fathers eyes it was never a question that certain things such as these degenerate obscenities would not be covered by the First Amendment, and look at how the Jews used pornography to demoralize the American people and help the growing trend of hedonism.
This video which you have probably seen explains how the Israelis used pornography to keep captive a people and destroy their will to fight.
What you must rememeber is while there is freedom there is also reason.
>The feds taking coming to my home and trying to takemy guns is something I'd get violent over, or getting arrested for "hate speech".
They wouldn't do it like that, they would slowly over multiple generations chip away at your gun rights until you have none left, it isn't something that happens quickly as found in certain dystopian novels.
Can somebody redpill me on FEMA camps, I've seen comments talking about Hillary's America having FEMA camps.
You're acting like a nigger, no thought into the future or ability to look into the past, you keep on speaking in there hear and now.
That's what the government is playing on, people living their lives day to day, ignoring their history, not realizing that slowly their rights are being taken away. Your grandchildren will not have half the freedoms that you possess.
>a few gunfags start a rebellion
>the government brands them terrorists and kills them
>this will somehow cause American gunowners to go full Vietcong and start a war against the government
It won't collapse immediately of course, down the road it will.
A Second American Civil War will not the short four years of the first one. The main show (i.e. the conflict that is truly nationwide in scale and where the killing is the most rampant) will last at least a decade before winding down due to the unsustainable death toll. And they'll be small offshoot wars (border conflicts between the various states, smaller internal civil wars in said states etc.) for the remainder of the century.
in the early 2000s america built internment camps in case of an "emergency"
so once people have all moved to be by the people they like it will become territory wars?
Because the populace is trying one last time to see if the system can be changed by legitimate means. If this last attempt fails, then there will be civil war.
It's true that in a war between the federal government and the American populace the people would win.
That's not what he's saying, he's saying that if there was an outright insurgency, or some kind of revolution the federal government would lose and much of the military would defect as they wouldn't want to kill their own, even with the lack of shared identity between Americans from different parts of the country (They would send Texan military to go "suppress dissidents" in Washington and vice versa as an example).
>white "people"
>biting the hand that feeds them
Your typical prepper/national socialist would sooner slap their own mothers than to fire a single shot in anger against a "tyrannical government".
They stockpile ammo and rations for some twisted post apocalyptic fantasy world where they can kill non-whites with impunity.
>Women did not create a degenerate society.
Yep, men lead, women follow. If men lead women into a degenerate society, then they will happily oblige.
>>this will somehow cause American gunowners to go full Vietcong and start a war against the government
Ever heard of the American Revolution? Less than 3% of the colonial populace originally supported that and those 3% were branded traitors to the crown. The British lost all the same.
Over what? Life is too good for people to bother with a revolution.
The fact is that everything happens incredibly gradually. Only over generations does much ever change and by then people are accustomed to it and it's pretty much just what they grew up with. There is so much shit in the systems that blatantly needs to be rechecked in the US (2 party system, the way voting works) but this stuff needs to change peacefully.
The type of tin-foil, Alex Jones viewing, fucking moron that keeps prepping for the day a tank rolls into their house to 'take muh guns and muh jesus' is a special kind of stupid and it's not a genuine threat. Has anybody heard about those faggy Bundy supporters that held up that forest station in months?
They are 60 years too late.
Even then it wasnt recommendable because the SU existed.
here and now*
For when the russians invade our land and annex a piece of our clay.
Oh wait....
Sounds plausible, I wouldn't put it past the government, they did it to the Japs.
Without the current infrastructure and institutions in place you could not centralize and place authority on these large swathes of land and of course independent entities would take over these smaller territories.
>Oi bloke why you making these treasonous threats against the king? >Biting the hand that feeds you chap?
>We built the colonies you stand in do you really think you will rebel? Haha good one lad.
>an exaggeration of freedom
Wrong! I don't think it's best for my countrymen but they have the option to reject Jewish influences at any time. This is the land of the FREE, not the kind of free. Your message is getting muddled. First you say the government is eroding our freedoms, then you say we have too much.
I use my day to day life as a measurement of my freedoms and we're pretty damn free. This is not a police state. I understand what you're saying but it's not playing out that way. If anything, welfare is the state's key to controlling and growing.
well, they're real. I don't know exactly why they were made though.
How about the war that was actually fought between the rednecks and the federal government? Surely, you remember how it ended.
>people fighting for freedom won
>people fighting for freedom will win
>most burgers are poor
>get shot by niggers
>get shot by police
I could go on, but I'm a lazy gypsy. Depending on your priorities anything can be subjective.
>keeps prepping for the day a tank rolls into their house to 'take muh guns and muh jesus' is a special kind of stupid
I agree that the reason they prep is completely retarded, in fact I think what would be better is a change of lifestyle, becoming completely independent of government infrastructure and reaching self sustainment.
This has nothing to do with a SHTF situation rather removing yourself from the degenerate society of complacency and degeneracy that has emerged, and if there were a movement to gain support that resulted in some kind of violent conflict with the people against the government you would be far away from from the ensuing chaos.
Man I love Britain for creating the concept of the militia, nationwide with each man, woman and child carrying a firearm.
Modern militaries are nothing more than mercenaries at this point, and how can you expect a bunch of mercenaries to fight for your freedom or nation's sovereignty.
Prosperity is a double edged sword.
Yeah kinda. You're also gonna be dealing with populations that have a history of conflict that gets reignited by the war and the various new governments have to keep them from killing each.
i.e. the Confederate States of America is reformed and ruled by the leaders of the comparatively moderate old state governments (a government run by clad-in-white Klansmen isn't going to get international recognition and all the goodies that come with it) and has to keep whites and blacks from waging a perpetual low-level war on each other.
>Less than 3% of the colonial populace originally supported that
But the elites supported it. And they had massive foreign support.
>and quite many does not have balls to face it.
Which is funny because the "caring about what the masses think" meme is what brought us into this situation in the first place.
The democracy meme is pretty funny desu.
Did I claim to be a good man?