Do younever run into girls who act like there "communications" degree is as valid as a STEM degree as a proof of their intelligence/worth?
Do younever run into girls who act like there "communications" degree is as valid as a STEM degree as a proof of their...
Well don't you learn about the history of radio, tv, the internet and stuff like that. I had a class like that once. Journalism and some other applied (Working on electronic equipment , tv, camera guy, ahit like that, right?). arts stuff falls under communication. I think it's a good degree but idk if it's STEM.
Its a joke for people who
A. - Think they are going to becomebtv hosts/personalities
Or B.- think that hundreds of people are going to line up to listen to their public speaking skills, even thi they have nothing interesting to say.
Pretty sure to become a camera guy/tech specialist you would spend a few grand on a few technical college courses, not blast ur mommy and daddies 200k on a comms degree from some shit overpriced college
Communications is a designated nigger degree.
No my only connection with people is thru Sup Forums there are no women here.
How about every fucking time you have a thought you don't post it on Sup Forums? Undergrads will ALWAYS be annoying
I thought the same thing until I met my girlfriend's brother-in-law. He has a degree in "corporate communications" and is a vice-president of sales at a large medical equipment manufacturer.
Not communications, but my sister got her degree in anthropology. She now works for some engineering firm where she scouts areas for planned telephone cable installations. She takes pictures from work and uses the hashtag #womeninengineering. I can only shake my head. You done it sis.
Isn't communications basically a marketing/sales degree? Last time I checked, people in marketing and sales usually have it pretty together.
But don't let me get in the way of your STEM circlejerk.
Anthro is useful for this.
The team manager at an IB for mining equities would go and sus out all the different mining companies using his geology degree.
Also, your sister is a bitch taking away from women that really do get engineering degrees. As someone with EE, it makes me feel like my degree has been reduced to nothing if women that code the most basic shit call themselves "tech professionals" or "coders" or "engineers"
I have never run into that one yet. I thought it was commonly accepted that communications is the easiest major there is? Or it was when I was in school, but that was before all this womyn's studies and hyphenated-american studies degrees went mainstream.
And i guaruntee you there are 1000 times more people in this world WHO CAN DO WHAT HE DOES than there are people in this world who can do what STEM majors do.
Words and speech are elementary school trivialities. Everyone can speak and make cocksucking fone calls and run board meetings.
Yet he makes as much or more with a bullshit bachelor's degree...
STEM graduates will always be the tools another man uses to craft his masterpiece.
scintillating data faggot!
You're right, STEM majors probably do better.
Yeah, and thats going to change when the next crisis hits,
Watch what happens when engineers form a global union. Just watch...
They help asperger STEM communicate with the real world while you can hide doing your stuff.
So yes they deserve recognition.
>it makes me feel like my degree has been reduced to nothing
You shouldn't, nobody takes women engineers seriously. They have to work twice as hard to actually prove their competence cause of those retards that can do some algebra and tweet about their mad math skillz.
Problem is that anything above an entry level position is pure "people skills." Your efficiency at any type of managerial or supervisory position us much more dependent on how well you can motivate others to work, not how good you are at their job. For thus reason, STEM majors will always be shit-tier.
The main reason why everyone is pushing STEM now is so that managers can flood the labor market and lower wages. Its no coincidence they are pushes for more VISAs niw as well.
Wait for it, Wait for it, Wait..
>anyone forming a union
lel I wish. If anything the corporate jews will just outsource their engineering jobs to second-rate brownskins who just barely earned their degree. Their products/services will suffer, but then they'll just claim that THERE IS A HIGH DEMAND OF ENGINEERS, THERE JUST ISN'T ENOUGH SUPPLY IN THE US. Meanwhile actual engineering students will be competing amongst themselves to get some unpaid internship where they're literally doing full-time work for "learning experience" and the chance to fill in a "competitive" position that actually has a workload for an entire team for minimum wage of ~$7 - $8.
Also, why the fuck are 9/10 of the HR people from companies I'm applying to women?
Fucking """""""talent acquisition""""""" specialists when will companies learn that all you need is for a manager to just post a position anywhere online and they'll get more than enough qualified individuals and just sit & talk with them for ~30 minutes to hire the best person for the job.
everything communication does marketing does better, and marketing people laugh at comms people for not learning something valuable to the business/society, the only successful people in comms are people who A learnt marketing later, or B were gifted with a right place right time moment. see oprah, see brad pitt.
I run into girls but they usually fall to the floor because of I'm 6'4 200 lbs muscleman
STEM being good majors is overblown. The major doesn't make the person, stop pretending like your choice in major makes you better than everyone else.
Comm major.
Can confirm.
Exactly. You never see doctors or lawyers bragging like this.
>probably because they are well-adjusted and not as insecure