Thoughts on my crush?

thoughts on my crush?

shit skin, bud would stick my cock


Get a white girl you faggot race mixer!

She's cute. You should ask her out for coffee.

Why did you photoshop the image bro?

you can do better

sand nigger/10

Yeah, you better crush it.

I'd crush her too.

didn't your parent's already have your wife picked out at age 12 pajeet?

VERY masculine facial features.

>oh shit a sn---

You're a leaf so it hardly matters if you lay with shitskins or degenerates anyway so ehh, go ahead friend, it's all yours

>a literal Aryan

Gee it's a good thing you storm front mutants are all a bunch of socially inept fuckups otherwise I'd genuinely fear for the safety of qts like OP's gf.

Qt, go for it

we are not on Sup Forums u fagg-

She's muslim

Why did you photoshop the image bro??

Why did you photoshop the image bro??

In less than 5 years she'll turn into a hag and balloon out. Pick someone that ages better.

Too much brown.