Can someone explain what the fuck Crimea is, what happened, and why I should care?
Can someone explain what the fuck Crimea is, what happened, and why I should care?
Like 60% russians lived there so Russia walked in and said, "this is ours now." No one cared. End.
yours is not to reason why
>Can someone explain what the fuck Crimea is
>what happened
Nothing interesting for you
>why I should care
You should not
Just stay the fuck away, you ignorant fucks.
you look pretty cucked right now. just sayin
it was russian
ussr (i think) made it ukrainian to expand ukraine to include more russians
ussr broke up, but was still part of ukraine
ukraine went into anarchy a couple years ago and the people held a referendum and decided they're russia now
the US overthrew the democratically elected head of state un Ukraine
the state department/CIA did the cucking
ukraine liked having crimean clay but it was honestly russian anyways
>Sea of Azov
Motherfucking russians
Was a piece of our land until Ruskies decided to take it back. Our soldiers pussied out, didn't fight back and fled.
Wasn't Crimea given to the Ukrainan SSR by Hruschov in the 50s?
Depends. Can you not shart in mart?
In exchange for some other land that belonged to Ukraine.
It belonged to Russia for hundreds of years. It's a Russian port and provides access to the Mediterranean thru the Turkish straits.
which land?
It was.
Eeeew, how come you forgot the "evil neo-nazis" line?
You forgot to mention it belonged to Russia originally and was given to the Ukraine when they were part of the USSR as a sign of friendship.
>Our soldiers pussied out, didn't fight back and fled.
Seriously, why they didn't fight? This was strange.
In 1944 Soviet Russia deported its natives and replaced them with Russians. Some 70 years later ignorant Western shitheads say "It always was Russian"
Yes, you're right.
I'd like to know what happened to those soldiers afterwards. What they did is basically treason.
Tatars weren't the original natives anyway.
Russians live in a region of Ukraine but don't want to go back to Russia, so they started a war and want to make Crimea a piece of Russia instead. Russia is okay with this.
Because they r Russians mostly. Btw, what is "Ukraine" ? Never heard of it
you forgot the reason stalin deported crimean tatars for. they collaborated with the nazis, and were sent off to Siberia to actually work for once, instead of raping and stealing like they usually do.
Not as well as i can poo in loo
Not fighting against your own country is hardly treason
it should be a tartar republic
How's that a treason? They were not attacked and weren't given an order to attack and there was no state of war.
>they collaborated with the nazis
I'm really sick of this excuse.
Why do you think they collaborated? If Russian rule was so good, they wouldn't had. And this also is stupid, there were plenty of Tatars fighting the Germans as guerillas.
>Btw, what is "Ukraine" ? Never heard of it
American education
Wouldn't you say Putin secured Crimea? Kept it out of the civil war, retained the peace.
Wouldn't you say Russia did a favor by keeping Ukrainian civil war out of Crimea?
Do you think we fucking care about reason to be traitors? Traitorous cunts deserved that.
It is russias access to a cold water port
Our vp son ran the company that had the pipelines taking russian gas there.
They jacked rates.
He died of brain cancer.
Russia took crimea. It might have been full of ethnic russians. The rest of ukraine is losing a port and money to fund gibs.
I am pretty sure there is a real NS group there and in russ who are the good guys.
There is also a fake nazi group in ukraine funded by soros who is sniping people on both sides trying to provoke a war.
There would be no civil war in Ukraine without Putin, dumbass.
Why should superstitions be a part of school programm? I know better places to discuss about it, for examle
Thats right. Exactly.
Who were the original inhabitants of Crimea before the Tartars?
Crimean Tatars are useless gib me dats who leeched on Ukraine, even our tatars don't recognize them despite sharing common language. Also read history of the peninsula. It belonged to Greeks, Byzantium, Genoa. Crimean Tatars were just later invaders who lived as slavers and Ottoman vassals.
Yes, there would be. Eastern ukraine has significant russian population.
Also, an interesting fact: our ex-president warned that "EU trying to tear Ukraine away and unite it with west would result in civil war in Ukraine" almost a decade ago.
Greeks and Goths
It was the same as the Texas became an American.
Sure. Most of the deported were were women and children, how were they to blame?
And while were on this subject, could you please give your explanation for the 1941 deportations in Latvia? I really like to know how Russian explain this.
This was done before anyone could collaborate with the Nazis and you occupied us in 1940.
They've been there for more than a millennia, that makes them natives.
Should be a tartar islamic khanate ya kuffar! Subhanallah
It's the host of the Black Sea Fleet, which has been stationed there near continuously for hundreds of years.
The Jews are trying to destroy Europe, and part of that requires baiting Russia and America into a war against each other so only Israel remains as the hemisphere's nuclear-armed power. So they fomented the Ukraine crisis, and Syria. But then their plans got thrown backwards when Putin unexpectedly fought back and took Crimea, keeping the Black Sea Fleet still viable against Israel.
You are now aware if Crimea hadn't been taken over by Russia, Syria and Assad would have fallen to ISIS, which was the intent of the Jews.
Because they knew the second one of those little green men was shot Putin would be bombing Kiev.
Don't be thick. My countries corrupt administration layed the fuel and lite the match.
Preemptive defensive measures against your strong potential ally while we had zero reason to trust or like you?
Was once a part of the Russian empire. Then Russia gave it to Ukraine but many ethnic Russians still lived there. Cut to 21st century, Vlad realises the strategic importance of holding Crimea (so that Russia can have a warm sea port) and uses the fact that many Russians still live there as a casus belli.
Here, this video explains it better:
Rightful Swedish clay desu. We wuz Goths n shiet.
Why the fuck are arguing with Balt? Don't you know their
>muh six gorillions
Yeah, and they would also obtain tanks/IFVs/supplies using ancient Russian magic.
More like giving people reason for revenge and to join the Nazis afterwards.
I will really cherish the moment your Soviet apologist vatnik ass gets nuked in WW3, and your people starve again, just like in Leningrad during WW2, but this time untill death in nuclear radiation.
Just like the Mormons became the natives of the United States when they crossed the Atlantic in their unflippable boats with glow in the dark rocks, and became brown people when god cursed them for engaging in civil war.
>Russians will defend this
Nice propaganda
You don't have to be this autistic.
nice mainstream meme
The Russian diminutive for Vladimir is "Vova". Vlad is its own name.
Hey, it was done by paranoid Stalin. Instead I would wait for you to join Nazis and THEN I'd bury you Balt asses in mass graves and deport to Siberian shitholes. It'd inevitable but justified.
But it's true actually, soviet regime killed about 35 millions people by it's own.
Your soldiers in Crimea joined Russia, the pay was literally 10x better.
Shut up forever plz
they heavily collaborated with nazis so any actions agaist crimean t*t*rs were justifed
that scum got what they deserved
you forgot that crimean "tatars" (Turks actually) did with russian neibours.
Putin thinks it's still the 20th century.
So we need to teach him a lesson.
That's all.
No one said it was always Russian. The argument is that it is not Ukrainian. It's like if the Union dissolved and Mexico tried to claim Texas because once it was sort of Mexican. Sorry, Mexico, Texas is American.
>were sent off to Siberia to actually work for once
No, they were send to an empty piece of Kazakhstan to starve to death.
Work camps were reserved for ethnic Russians.
>they collaborated with the nazis
Everyone Stalin didn't like collaborated with Nazis, including the Poles and Czechs who fought the Nazis.
Doesn't change the fact that most of deportees were women and children, you nihilistic piece of shit
Isn't that what Mexicans/La Raza are successfully doing in California though? It once was Mexican, and it will again be because of demographic replacement.
United States is 1 to 2 generations from going full dystopian and your toothpaste ass says this kind of thing. We are about to void this so called advanced 21st century. War with Russia would exacerbate this.
>Can someone explain what the fuck Crimea is
A peninsula
>what happened
Some people thought that "USSR is certainly eternal, no way this genius system will break up".
Then these people moved Crimea from the "Russian" administrative subdivision of the USSR to the "Ukrainian" subdivision.
If one is totally convinced in the eternal nature of the USSR, then this is a somewhat sensible move because Crimea is much easier to hook up the infrastructure (power lines for example) of Ukraine due to the land connection.
But apparently, the economic idea of "plant potato over the largest area you can" has its hard limits and the USSR system collapsed, leaving Crimea in a limbo between two worlds.
Naturally, solving the issue "reasonably" was out of the question for either side because then nobody would have a diversion for stealing a few % from the GDP of their nations.
>why I should care?
Not many good reasons for that. Perhaps the event setting a precedent.
Imagine if Mexico tried to troll you like that with the Southern states.
>they heavily collaborated with nazis
There weren't even any Nazi's in the area until after they got wiped out.
Stalin FEARED they MIGHT cooperate with the Nazi's.
But they were never even given the chance.
Fucking Russian aggression! NATO pls!!
How come they didnt send out the balts to Siberia to build snow structures in summer and shoot them if Stalin doesnt like the snow structures?
They could have easily have 60% of russians or more in every balt country that would eventually be an Oblast or a federal entity. Russians forgive way too much. I hope this and the next generations are smarter.
>1. Abuse someone
>2. That someone retaliates
>3. Accuse that someone of being a traitor
Well done.
Nobody cares about America.
This is Russia vs Europe.
Stick to your own problems, you've created plenty yourself.
>anons say on Sup Forums how people were sent to SIberia and how this is bad like SIberia is something bad
>tfw you live in Siberia
Fuck you guys
He is talking about Crimean tatars right now
Rightful tatar clay, but the tatars are mostly gone, so it's russian clay now
Really, we abused poor dindu Crimean Tatars? Care to elaborate with sources?
Consider living in Sibera without modern infrastructure.
>this image
I like how you delete two last scenes from this picture.
I cant believe the most white yet the most butthurt individual from such nation would side with muslims that havent yet reached him over some bulshit that made him, his parents and his nation shit their pants even under the protection of NATO
It's all tied together you weird warmongering fuck. This is globalism on action. My countries corrupt administration and its handlers are responsible for this. You don't want advancement, you want white on white war.
Fuck off.
Trans-Siberian railroad was built before gommies. My city was founded in 17th century.
And casually scroll down from there.
Of course, I'm sure that you believe that they deserved each and every paragraph from the divine will - therefore not abuse.
With the same argument Russia used, Texas would be Mexican.
Why is your flag so fucking hideous? Whoever designed it needs to be sent to Siberia as well.
>Doesn't change the fact that most of deportees were women and children, you nihilistic piece of shit
The families of traitors also must Doesn't change the fact that most of deportees were women and children, you nihilistic piece of shit
Families of traitors also must pay the price for crimes. Simple and effective principle.
Actually most of crimean t*t*rs and ch*ch*ns were sent to Central Asia, not Siberia.