You have 20 seconds to explain why you aren't in the Purple Quadrant
Heil Hitler.
I'm not autistic.
Anons like you keep pushing me towards authoritarian instead of minding their own fucking business.
master race here
no a faggot
I get low blue when i'm grumpy
I get high to mid purple when i'm happy.
Always to the far right.
Because liberty leads to atomization which leads to societal decay which leads to societal collapse from outside and/or inside threats.
I just want to be left alone.
but i am you stupid faggot
Libertarianism is shit
Because I do not like the private property of means of production
>I don't like it, therefore it's wrong.
Obvious bait but I couldn't resist.
so what should I have said?
"I don't believe in it", that would have been stupid.
"It's wrong", for who? And even for the lower/middle classes, there's no definite proof that it is the case.
I always thought i was pretty centrist, but that test puts me about where you are.
I was spanked as a child and my small penis and small stature compel me to feel powerful by dictating to others how they must live their life.
can someone explain the difference between
left and libertarian
right and authoritarian
Right Libertarian = Free markets and limited government.
Left Libertarian = Let's just make it illegal not to treat people equally because muh feelings.
I'm not a faggot.
You should have said "I'm a massive faggot. Please rape my face Muhammad" and fucked back off to /r/cummunism.
French revolution not kill enough innocent people for you?
never made sense to me
"left"-anything means you employ the government to force others to do something, this is completely contradictory libertarianism
the two simply don't mix
the response I get to this is usually some "anarcho-communism" crap
as if people, without being forced to, will all share and live in some egalitarian utopia
well what if someone decides not to share and to be greedy? if you just let him do that, society is no longer left-wing
do you stop him from being capitalistic? well than you're no longer libertarian
You're shit you leaftard
don't post, it's not your thing
"""(((Productive debateā¢)))"""
Because blue is better
I'm an adult with a basic understanding of economics and social theory.
Enjoy living in your company town while praying to a statue of Dangey Taggart.
If you're not in the blue, you're either brain damaged, degenerate, or a hippie faggot.
Because I'm a part of the blue master race.
I'm not autistic.