>western civilization
>telling women what to wear
I guess it makes sense… When will we start killing infidels and marrying 6 year olds?
>western civilization
>telling women what to wear
I guess it makes sense… When will we start killing infidels and marrying 6 year olds?
Other urls found in this thread:
>marrying 6 year olds
already happening
>western civilization
>telling women to wear western clothes
Seems about right senpai.
Being this insecure... What happened ? Momo took your girlfriend?
>muh western civilization meme
"western civilization" (aka liberalism, atheism etc) is the biggest poison to ever be on the face of the earth.
funny you don't include the full screencap , saying that the police forced a woman to remove her burkini because it's not legal ...
>illegal on beaches
>wear it anyway
>have to take it off
Just noticed the guy on the utmost left
>that gesture
>that nose
What are they planning
>secular country
>enforcing non religious garb
Western civilisation ended in 1968.
What we have now is post-westernism.
Wow France seems to only care about forcing women to act like whores. No wonder western Europeans are not going to be around for much longer.
Don't muslim women have to wear that shit all the time unless they're at home with their owner/husband? Now we're suddenly the evil ones for not putting up with it at a public beach?
No sympathy, out out out.
Anyone older than 18 can understand how ridiculous this situation is.
Wore a summer shirt with leggings and a head scarf.
Not even a burkini.
Not even covering the face like a burka.
Not even kek.
France's radicalisers will use this as ammo for the disenfranchised and poverty stricken youth.
"Western clothes" are "wear whatever the fuck you want unless you're straight up showing your cunt to people".
You godless faggots are getting what you deserve. Try not to get squashed in the road frog.
Laws trying to deal with Muslim reality reminds me of smoking laws.
If it's so bad for us, why aren't they banned outright?
Because in both cases they are useful for Government. One brings in revenue, the other provides ever increasing job opportunities in government.
>be Muslim woman
>husband forces you to wear burka outside
>state forces you not to wear burka outside
Guess they'll stay home and get knocked up by hubby again cause there's literally nothing else to do.
I'm confused. Is it illegal for women to go to the beach in anything besides a tiny bikini in France?
Tolerance only works if it goes both ways. We are just treating barbarians as they deserve. Glad more people are waking up.
How can you defend this? It literally is just forcing women to wear something. Isn't that part of what we hated about islam?
Burkini , Burqa are not allowed in any public areas , if you're against that then you must be a muslim .
Glad you saved us from this degeneracy, now let's celebrate western values.
>ywn be a gendarme forcing qt muslimas to strip in public whilst your fellow garlic eaters watch and heckle lewdly
I'd rather deport all muslims, but baby steps...
It's simply telling the muzzies that they aren't welcome in the civilized world.
The reaction to this just shows how well and truly cucked the western world really is people literally are welcoming a Muslim takeover
How about a deal? no one wears a burka, and no one wears a mankini
So if she went to the beach in a long-sleeved flannel shirt and jeans, with a scarf over hear head to protect from the sun, it would be okay?
Thats fine, that if you are Kurt Cobain on the beach
why even live?
How about not going to the beach at all.
yes , since this isn't religious in any way .
t. Mohammed
The way they are getting culturally enriched by refugees, I would say soon.
The frogs get uppity about women wearing their nazgul outfits yet they import shitskin men and let the rape and kill anyone and take over their cities.
what's the story behind this?
It's a video from "stop a douchebag" movement, where they go after people who disobey trafic code. It has literally nothing to do with her being muslim.
Sorry you can't just come to our homogeneous society and abuse the ideas of liberalism and tolerance, that work perfectly well in homogeneous European nations, to act like you're back in your shithole.
Then they should do that.
Though I don't feel the woman in question's outfit looked all that religious...
>she moved there
>she broke the local laws
why don't you try moving to Iran, OP, I hear they're really tolerant of faggots like you
In typical muslim fashion, that lady is offended that someone had the gall to tell her not to disobey the law.
mfw pol is this cucked
those guys are doing the lord's work.
the woman on the picture was wearing a burkini , it's religious , so not allowed , if she doesn't like it , why doesn't she go to a muslim country ?
she'll be able to wear her burqa and burkini there .
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
- Thomas Jefferson
It's a retarded law, just showing that france doesn't know how to deal with this shit. You can't fight oppressive system by stripping people of their personal freedoms. That's how you become oppressive system.
Because freedom of expression is the foundation of modern western civilization - the thing that you're trying to defend against islam. And you're throwing it away just like that.
so in MY perception of the world , if i find the law telling me not to kill unjust , you mean i can just go on a killing spree because my ideals tells me i am obligated to do so ?
kek nice system .
>muh freedoms
I thought Czechs were pragmatic and anti-islamic.
Frogs were stripped from their freedom long ago. Now it's time for muds give up their freedom too.
Well, yeah, Jefferson supposed he's talking to moral people, not pieces of shit who have no problem stripping people of their personal freedoms for nothing.
Our way is better, and we are going to show you with force that our way is better.
I don't see a problem.
yes , and we have the freedom of banning the burkini and the burqa , that have a strong connection to islam and radical islam , those are symbols of the women enslavement .
what you're trying to tell me might work in theory and on paper , but in reality it doesn't .
but islam is stripping women of their personal freedom of doing what they like , for nothing , so your logic is full of flaws .
Yeah french bro the freedom of a few should not come at the cost of the freedom of many, those who are dead no longer have their freedom, they don't have anything left.
Fuck, this issue just shows how retarded nu/pol/ is.
You don't fucking care about solutions, you just care about hurting "le muslim boogeyman". You're gonna take away your own rights while doing that, and you'll be happy.
Yes, that is the problem. How are you solving it by telling woman what to wear? Doing literally what muslim men do to their wives, what you hate them for?
I know right? People finely get the hint and start taking action, slacktivists get shart blasted.
Yeah, better allow muslims to behave like they did in their shitholes
What could possibly go wrong?
>That white, probably progressive, woman staring in disgust at the scene unfolding before her
so basically you call me retarded because you don't agree with me , or yet worse you don't want to hear MY personal opinion .
we care about solutions , and one of them is not letting islam (or any other religions) impose it's values to a laïc country , don't like it ?
well don't come here , it's not your country after all .
Explain "laïcité" to everyone please.
You're losing your own values by doing that. But go ahead, continue doing that, I'm not gonna live in your oppressive shithole. We'll gonna welcome you and give you asylum, once you realize what you've done to your country.
and in case you won't read , France is a laïc country , people can believe in what they want but if they start to impose their religions to others , we take actions , religious symbols are also not accepted in school .
we have to draw the line somewhere , we can't let people do everything , or it will end like England .
Yeah banning muslim clothings is really gonna ruin our country. How could we ever recover? Kys.
No, white people are the foundation of modern western civilization.
How is she imposing her religion on you by wearing something? Are you that insecure about your religion?
Well, basically it's forbidding religion in public
Muslims used to have a free pass so far but it's ending now
ok : en.wikipedia.org
in short , state and religious are separated (unlike countries like England , America , etc ...) , religious don't have any power , religion is accepted but you're not allowed to impose it , you're not allowed to brainwash any children to believe in a religion , if the child believes in it then he does , but if not you can't force him .
anyway , read the wikipedia page .
Liberal detected.
If you see a roach in your house, you kill it. That doesn't mean you're insecure about bugs.
it's in our values to ban religions , it's in our culture , that's why there was the separation of the state and the church in 1905 , we're a laïc country now .
i'm not religious , she can wear whatever she wants at home , in her garden or private property , but in the public area she's not allowed to , simple as that .
also read :
Not liberal, I just like my freedom, and you anti-islam pieces of shit are going to take it away. The same way liberals are trying to.
but the islam lovers are trying to take our freedom away by forcing us to do things like : not drinking alcohol or wine , not eating pork , not believing in another religion or just don't want us to stop believing in any gods (including theirs) , also they want to force our women to wear that awful burqa ...
Why are you throwing away the ability to regulate your own society? If you don't like something, you can get rid of it. That's how things work. You aren't forced to allow outsider groups to infiltrate and corrupt your culture.
When they actually try to do that, I'm going to fight them. They're not doing it so far. You've stripped your citizens of more freedoms than muslims so far.
> religion is accepted
> forbidding religion in public
You see the problem now? True laïcité is basically not giving a fuck about religion. You are doing it wrong.
You do realize they only attempt that shit once they have a demographic majority, right? If you let it get to that point, you've already lost. You have to stop it early.
True laicité was invented in a time without islam in France
We need a new laicité to avoid the cancer from spreading
can you tell me , what is a the infiltration of a culture ?
it begins slowly but surely , if you don't put an halt on it , it will never stop .
"When they actually try to do that" , but when is that "When" ?
when it will be too late ?
do you think you will have enough time to fight against it when you will finally see what's happening ?
surely not , because at that point , you will be the minority .
religion is accepted , yes it is , you can be a muslim in public , but you can't wear those religious symbols on you , especially ones that mean the enslavement of women .
you're just trying to use our system against us , and when we say stop it always comes back to "racist !" "islamophobic !" .
Try to imagine a mandatory burkini law on every Moroccan beach.
The path you're taking is wrong.
And when (if) they take over, how will they take your rights away? Using the system you set up to take their rights away. If they take over constitutional republic, it will be very long time before they can do shit.
Any muslim country would enforce mandatory islamic clothing law if they had another religion spreading like cancer within their country
Actually I'm pretty sure most would literally commit a genocide
>And when (if) they take over, how will they take your rights away?
They violently enforce sharia law. This isn't some theoretical thing, it's what they do.
but it's perfectly possible to take over a constitutional republic , look at the UK .
look at how much the islamist organisations (funded by Saudia arabia , Quatar , Kuweit and the others) are flourishing in our countries (not just in France , those organisations are also in England , America , etc ...) ; did you know the term "islamophobie" ('islamophobia") didn't exist few years ago ? did you know that this term was pushed by Saudi arabia to be accepted in out country ? if you don't call that an exemple of a successful cultural infiltration (adding a word to the dictionnary of several countries !!!) , then you will most likely never do anything against the radicalization in your country (if that happens to your country , which seems unlikely for the moment) .
>did you know the term "islamophobie" ('islamophobia") didn't exist few years ago ?
Because the very concept is fucking retarded
Islam is an ideology, not a race
Hating on islam is like hating on nazism or communism
and on that note , did you know our Minister of the right for women (named Laurence Rossignol) , has to respond in front of the EU nearly every single months ? because France gets accused of being too severe and not allowing muslims to do what they want (like using sharia law in France) .
we have to counter this bullshit in front of the EU EVERY months user ...
It's exactly what happened during the arabs spring. The cancer religion was Internet.
If this post is true, things are already too fucked up to expect an happy ending.
>yes goy fight against islam for the rights of feminists, jews, homosexuals, atheists, coalburners, nu-males etc.
i honestly couldn't give a shit about islam or """"""western values""""" and don't see why i should. lets be real, we are not going to live under an islamic dictatorship, so why even care? no one even knew what islam was before even 20 years ago. flooding the west with muslims and bombing their countries is the biggest most smart jewish trick that has ever happened. it's brilliant, it ensures that any nationalistic feelings are directed against 1) a traditional society, and thus in favour of degeneracy, 2) people that stand in their way in the middle east.
whenever i hear someone saying western society needs to be defended from islam all i hear is that they are cucks who want to wallow in western degeneracy and dislike islam because it's conservative. islam isn't the main problem plaguing western culture, atheism (and it's offshoots), jews and nigger culture are.
Pends-toi sale nègre
Oh look, this nigger again, we flood them with aid to prevent them living like their cousins in Haïti and they still manage to shit on France.
kys nigger.
but Abdul, atheism and paganism built western civilization
When did I shit on France?
kys snow nigger
You are so stupid just like most of the leftist today.
You have no clue about what we are facing, "human rights" bullshit led us to this actual mess, they are the vulnerability they exploit, it lets the wolf entering in the sheepfold.
If muslims manage to take the majority they will flush you "freedom" and "rights" in the toilets and replace it by some batshit crazy Shariah law or hadith.
Western Civilization and ethnic homogeneity is more important for a stable society than your dogmatic conceptions
We worship people like Montesquieu or Rousseau as gods here but they had no clue that french people would take their teaching as far as letting themselves be invaded by an exogene culture and population that slaughters them and generate chaos and criminality in their country, they lived in another century when europeans were absolutly certain that their hegemony would be unchallenged until the end of humankind, they never faced and never thought that european civilization would face an existential threat.
Treating causes and consequences.
Stop. Memes are for autistic teenagers