/who/ - Doctor Who General

"The Tenth Doctor isn't actually as bad as people say he is but he's still nowhere near the best" edition.


Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?site=&source=hp&q=capaldi poor merchandise sales

reminder that s9 had some funky music


>Reminder that this is the best Doctor ranking.
>inb4 Smith shouldn't be that high, he's fucking shit.

google.com/search?site=&source=hp&q=capaldi poor merchandise sales

I'm starting to think that one signature was literally just the person who made the petition.

So can we pretty much agree that 10 was our 4? Too iconic for his own good and for the show? And now the show's on a downard spiral of repeating history (11 was 5 in his youthful nature while acting like an old man, featured a heavy milestone episode with multiple doctors, and amidst some bad stories it had fantastic classic shit. 12 was 6 in how he was a bit of a dick and not acessible to major audiences, his era was darker, but plagued with bad stories and bad decisions from upstairs, but sprinkled throughout are game-changing GOATs that people will remember forever).

It all leads to Jodie having a shit first season, and then 2 ABSOLUTELY GOAT seasons and the show is cancelled.

I hope the show gets cancelled now. It would amuse me, and I'm not even against the idea of a female Doctor.

well, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy, then, isn't it? they "knew" that capaldi merch wasn't going to sell well, so they didn't make any, which meant that nobody bought capaldi merch, cus there wasn't any to buy

It's not like the BBC are the smartest bunch

Except that season 24 isn't shit, it's as good as the two that follow it.

>but sprinkled throughout are game-changing GOATs that people will remember forever)
This does not apply to 6 in the slightest.

>Too iconic for his own good and for the show

>12 was 6 in how he was a bit of a dick and not acessible to major audiences
For like his first three episodes.

>but plagued with bad stories and bad decisions from upstairs
So, like every era?

true. maybe the capaldi merch really wouldn't have sold well if they had made it, but they hardly gave it a fucking chance

Doctor Who is dead.

>it's as good as the two that follow it.
Time and the Rani is the worst 7 TV story so its presence alone drags 24 beneath the other two.


rumor has it the beeb were furious that moffat had cast an older doctor in the first place

you move eight up that chart right fucking now

>So can we pretty much agree that 10 was our 4?

>Too iconic for his own good and for the show?

Colin Baker's era wasn't thought "darker", just off-puttingly unpleasant and ugly to look at. It wasn't that it wasn't accessible.

Surely if they don't like the casting then they should just stop watching. Making a petition seems like a waste of time.

What does /who/ think? :^)

I've listened to several of his main range audios and he never left much of an impression on me. Maybe that's just my problem with the audio format, I never feel like I absorb the stories as well as with other media.

We're talking about the intelligence level of people who ask "will she have to be called the nurse???"

i wouldn't be surprised, honestly. new!who thrived off of its younger doctors pulling in new demographics, and the re-introduction of an older doctor, if hearsay is to be believed, pushed those new demographics away. i have no doubts that the casting of jodie in the role is aiming to bring those same demographics back. even if it wasn't at the forefront of chibnall's mind, or even if he wasn't thinking of that at all... the bbc definitely was

That's not how it works though, is it?

Switch McGann with Smith and it's 10/10.

I'm still early on in his audios, so most of my experience with eight is through his novels, and I am fucking affronted that you'd place him so low. He's by far one of the best when you give him a proper chance. I know it's a bit awkward at times to fully invest in a character that's usually not seen visually, but he's worth it desu. i would unironically die for him

>asking for 100 signatures when Pewdiepie has 56 million subscribers
Also Jesus, everyone time I remember that it freaks me out. Like that's almost 1% of the entire world subscribed to Pewdiepie.

The intelligence level of most of Doctor Who's adult fanbase, yes.

As they should, because Doctor Who exists in order to sell toys and give the BBC a great mainstream brand to built support for their existence among kids. Remember, American fans, Doctor Who is produced by an organization that is always on probation in a way that American networks never are.

worry not, folks. your grievous oversights have been appropriately mended and you are forgiven for your bad opinions

Congrats Chibnall, you missed out on creating the golden age.

They need to cast Chrispaul McEcclesgan as the next Doctor

hi Billy


of course you could've also found that off my twitter and bandcamp (both of which I've shared here) :^)

What would you say sets him above/apart from other Doctors?

Paul McGann can't act, is the problem. He's one of those guys who got by on looks when he was younger, but never found the right role to give him a regularly payday, and then began losing his looks. Like Peter Capaldi.


>will she have to be called the nurse???
Surely Matron Who would be more appropriate.


That drawing looks more like Hartnell than David "My Face is a Crusty Cob" Bradley.



it's okay, user, you're entitled to your wrong opinion

What the fuck. I just started a rewatch of Heaven Sent, and for the first time I suddenly noticed this weird fucking jump cut in the opening scene.
youtube.com/watch?v=OwNJvhvp0yM It's at 0:02 - 0:03.
Even the sound seems to skip. It looks almost accidental. D-Does this mean the episode is no longer flawless kino?

You know I'm true tho.

This is legit the worst opinion I've ever heard on /who/.

It's actually an early hint, being a time skip from one clone of the Doctor to the next.

i just want it to be perfect

Heaven Sent was already flawed for being attached to Hell Bent.

i know it's true that you're wrong

I'm right, tho.

>tfw the only reason people hate hell bent is because of their hateboners for clara

how does it feel to have such terrible taste

Capaldi Who vs Baker Who?

Which was worse?

No, I'm pretty sure it's the shit-the-bed cop-out aspects, pandering, and meaningless setting on Gallifrey with no real human stakes that did it.


>tfw I love hell bent is because of my boner for clala

Pie Lord starts with one of the worst serials ever so him.

If you have anything other than a real boner for Jenna you should get yourself checked out guys.


*The reason why

>shit-the-bed cop-out aspects
because of clara

because of clara

>no real human stakes that did it
because the doctor wanted to save clara

Twelve pls

I prefer Baker Who because it's what I grew up with. Also because Nicola Bryant's tits >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jenna Coleman's tits.

Matt Smith is a better actor than Capaldi, you'll admit that much.

by the only objective doctor-ranking metric:
whoodie>>>>>>>>eyeburn coat

Sometimes I have a floppy for Jenna 'cause I've just wanked off to her.


Oh yeah, Clara's shit, but it's not a hateboner that makes me say that, it's the evidence.

fuck off

stop falling for this bait, anons.

>everyone replying en masse to the bait

I love 11 but that doesn't mean that Capaldi isn't excellent a-and probably better ;-;

I'm just using it as an excuse to post reaction images desu

It's true, once you get beyond inverted ageism you see it. Capaldi's not better than Smith, just older. We may think in retrospect that he was badly-served by the writing but we're never going to think that there are things we didn't see him do that we'd like to, whereas Smith still had stuff untapped in him.

>tfw no more nardole

>we're never going to think that there are things we didn't see him do that we'd like to
But that's literally the meme complaint about Capaldi that keeps being remade. "He was wasted!"


But Clara's one of the few good things about it.

How does Peri become someone's favorite companion? Are the audio stories featuring her that good?

It's true.

No, I think his era will age badly, and not only because of Moffat's burnout, while Smith's will improve.

>inverted ageism

I think the interesting thing about him is not necessarily that he sits separately, but rather that he occupies such a perfect place within the Doctor's own lifetime - he is very much representative of all that I believe the Doctor should be, whilst keeping things fresh and new all the same. Having experienced stuff from all of the Doctors, none have quite managed to inspire me to appreciate the wonder in the universe that Eight has. And not just the amazing stuff out there in space, but even the little things we take for granted on Earth. All the stuff that seems insignificant. In many ways, he's simultaneously the most human and most alien of all the Doctors - I know that sounds contradictory, but it's the only way I can put it. If you ever get the chance to read his novels, you might come to understand what I mean by that. Aside from that, though, his general personality is just so charming for me. He initially presents himself as this sort of innocent, almost childlike figure - excited and friendly and curious, but he can also be serious and grim and the weight of his years can be crushing. But unlike Eleven, who also presents that sort of childlike nature, it's not a front, for Eight. Eleven acts that way to hide the darkness that lies underneath, but... when it comes to Eight, his core *is* that curious, bright spirit who chases adventure just out of sheer curiousity and excitement. Yes, he's more than that, and yes, there's anger and sadness buried in there too, but he is, at heart, a hopeful romantic, who sees the pure, unfiltered wonder of the universe and wants everyone else to see it too. He loves freely and deeply, and that innocence, that kindness, just makes it so much more poignant that he is the Doctor who ends up suffering the most. He messes up, makes tough decisions - he sees the universe that he so loves descend into hell. He loses everyone he loves. An incarnation built around tragedy. That's what makes him interesting to me, anyway.


You just have to turn the sound off whenever she speaks.

It's not bait.

About what he said, not was

Reminder that Jodie kino is on at next bong.

is this the new doctor

I can only think of two reasons.
It's prolly not it, but they're pretty big reasons tho.

I'm saving all of these, so keep them coming.

>when river calls you sweetie

It is?


hey man, at least you admit that mcgann was and still is super hot

It's true, though. You remember how when they got Timothy Dalton everyone pretended he was Kenneth Branagh-tier and not a raddled old tart who'd present QVC if they paid his mini-cab fare? The same thing happened to a less extreme extent with Capaldi. Capaldi's not bad for an ageing himbo, but he's not Matt Smith.

Reminder that Jodie should wear the floral coat


Oh yeah, he had the looks, but that was his stock-in-trade.

quasimodo get back in your tower
