Interesting.. Actually makes a lot of sense..
Interesting.. Actually makes a lot of sense
Wow who do i belive
Reality has a liberal bias
That rightist looks an awful lot like a muslim.
Really took a long pausing-and-pondering after that one.
Please someone make the
Racists / cuck one.
Marxist here, I've probably read more books than you stromweenies will ever read
Yeah just look at the women and niggers destroying countries
both look jewish
Yeah dude, kind of racist to think muslims are angry white men.
Op is reported for racism.
That picture speaks the truth
Marxists don't read books. They read a book.
Thank you for correcting the record
Funny how the right wing guy looks like a muslim. Are they saying that muslims are stupid and can only say one word?
All those books and not one read of the bell curve or wealth of nations
hahah alt right cucks getting triggered by a photo.
wtf i hate trump now
Funny isn't it.
except they do, these college communists don't represent us
wtf i hate the right now
>Cuck vs Muslim
We know how that ends
Looks like reading books turn you into a passive suicidal looking faggot.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure they do
>people reading into propaganda will turn to the left
>people who do not turn to the right
So this means a clear, pure mind works better than one filled with lies.
Who knew?
>implying they don't agree on many issues
You're human garbage and your views are anti-science and anti-truth. And worst of all, you're boring.
So why does the muslim looking guy only think about cuckoldry?
>Weak looking jew vs Mudslime
Aryan edit when?
I haven't gone a day without spending significant time reading books since I was about six. Hell, I'm a writer and editor. I literally do it for a living. This nonsense that the left reads and the right spews mindless hate is revoltingly popular for some reason.
How many books do you think the average Black Lives Matter protester has read? I'm not talking about in the past few months--I'm talking about EVER. Do single mothers, the sacred cow of the left, spend much time reading? Do the illegal immigrants they want to save do so?
This image is actually racist, economically prejudiced, sexist, and xenophobic when you think about it.
if i could burn all the books in the world we'd all be happy
well not happy, but at least angry and happy about it
chill out Quagmire.
Right is wikipedia articles and Left is feminist books and facebook posts.
Why are the shills doubling down now?
really made me think
You do know that half the people who consider themselves "educated" have liberal arts degrees?
You can have a college degree and still be a total flake, who can't do simple math, know basic history, or be capable of critical thinking...
i am the paint god
>implying reading books makes you smart
We've all seen /lit/ there are plenty more engaging activities than reading. Hell, playing strategy games is 25x more intellectually stimulating.
This actually makes sense. You are what you read.
Best one yet
not bad
good job user i c wat u did der
True. I just read history and personal accounts and don't bother much outside of that. No point to me doing otherwise.
thats retarded.
nothing develops the brain like reading (the right books) does. look up any studies on it.
of course it depends on what you read.
Strategy (all) games do improve brainpower, but in a very limited way, it develops pattern recognition and reaction times more than anything else.
>the one on the right has the hooked beak
The one on the left doesn't have ideas of his own, just books written by other people telling him what to think.
The one on the right seems like an alt-right clown.
None of them is a representative of any Sup Forums user (I hope).
Marxism justifes rape
This one is a good
Left and right are paradigms of the same leftist bullshit. Someone who calls themselves "Rightwing" yet believes in the non-aggression principle is NOT rightwing.
Being (((educated))) and not thinking for yourself and reaching conclusions on your own, is not perfect either.
These fucking leftists probably only read Sylvia Plath and the scrawl that appears on their tumblr pages. It's the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger effect, these kids think they're more politically involved than 99% of the population because they reblog shit on tumblr, and therefore they are incredibly intelligent and nobody else's arguments matter.
Well done
Most lefties know as little, or less than the average "righties".
However, most of the single individuals I know who are very well-informed and free thinking tend to be right-wing gun-nuts who know the philosophical and legal foundations and history of the US than most people in general. I haven't met any lefties with this property.
This is just my anecdote.
>the right books
Yeah, exposed. Just how playing against a superhuman AI would be extremely stimulating. The "right books" hardly even exist. All you're doing is perceiving information that's it. Pattern recognition is one of the core elements of intelligence which has the highest correlation with high intelligence. You essentially just said that playing videogames could substantially raise your IQ (or at least make it seem as such) books cannot do that.
>This image is actually racist, economically prejudiced, sexist, and xenophobic when you think about it.
yet surprisingly accurate
this kek
so the lib wants a library and the rep is calling him a cuck for not reading enough in existing library
>Conservatives are retarded
Took a while for Sup Forums to figure that out.
Yup. Now add a laughing jew.
Good goy, correct that record
Don't forget your Ben Garrison™
it will most likely increase your IQ, but unfortunately IQ doesnt mean anything
just go ask /sci/
(ill respond to the rest later after ive calmed down)
This thread should have ended with this response
Im so meta, even this acronym
Yeah, go talk to /sci/ about iq kek
this is the most accurate
we don't discuss things outside of our own echo chambers anymore
IQ is the greatest predictor of success especially coupled with being a master tactician and overall thinker denoting people who play strategy games. I don't need scientific studies to tell me what is what. Science is full of corruption and has been politicized. My inductive reasoning skills are good enough. It has a higher chance of predicting reality than listening to the experts.
I wouldn't expect that on IFC, let alone western television.
LOL what is this from?
>rightists are jews
>leftists are xenomorphs with no brain matter
What did you mean by this?
Correct, id like to see it this way: Left is aggressive, Right is Defensive. Both have it's ups and downs but Leftists tend to intrude more. shoot more.. and want more.
>it's a "Scandinavians are gay" episode
oh wait that's every episode
SA post best post
We love that discussion over there.
>A Brazilian tries to communicate to the last bastion of Scandinavia
Well, lets look at Union of European Socialist Republics - one big mess leftist did there at the same time calling right wing racist.
Let me slightly improve upon your take on it, if we really are to be fair and objective regarding extremism.
I fixed it for you all
Turn eighteen
Gain height
Lose weight
Seek sunlight
Hit the gym
Take a shower
Have sex
Get a clue
More accurate
You're now entering the Twilight Zone.
Yes, I was just bored. Image is going too far.
those books are what they read in their common core curriculum set forth by Obama
FPBP every time!
Totally stimulates the mind
I read atleast 100 books a year. I started about 5 years ago when I had major surgery and had to be in bed for 6 months.
Interesting.. Actually makes a lot of sense..