>it's a well reasoned science based anti cannabis article
>the stoners flock to it with their justifications and knee jerk angry skepticism
It's a well reasoned science based anti cannabis article
Other urls found in this thread:
I think the pro-weed crowd has surpassed creationists in terms of bullshit, at least on the Internet.
>No, weed cures everything and has zero negative side effects! Just read this from 420wonderdrug.com
>caring whether its bad for you
>people unironically think it should be illegal
>same people bitch at liberals for wanting to ban transfats and large sodas
I make my living from being a legal marijuana grower but I hope it stays illegal forever. I'm the Chronic Jew who's getting rich from the corruption.
>well reasoned science based
>anti cannabis
choose one
Dubs don't lie.
This is the reason why it should be legal. Just tax the shit and let people get stoned off their mind if they want, it's their problem.
Prohibition didn't do any good either.
I think younger people should be wary of using it, or at least earnestly advised against it. I've seen first hand the harm it can cause to young people, and it annoys when I see people being like "actually pot's good for you, smoke up all you want!"
Three major studies followed large numbers of people over several years, and showed that those people who use cannabis have a higher than average risk of developing schizophrenia. If you start smoking it before the age of 15, you are 4 times more likely to develop a psychotic disorder by the time you are 26. They found no evidence of self-medication. It seemed that, the more cannabis someone used, the more likely they were to develop symptoms.
There have been reports of people experiencing these psychotic symptoms after smoking a lot of marijuana or more marijuana than they are used to. This is rare and the symptoms, although frightening at the time, usually go away if use of marijuana is stopped. Marijuana has been shown to make psychotic symptoms worse in those who already have a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia.
Some claim that marijuana can cause schizophrenia. Multiple studies have found that, in particular, using cannabis during adolescence increases the likelihood of experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia in adulthood (Arseneault et al., 2002; Parakh & Basu, 2013). Evidence suggests that marijuana may somehow trigger schizophrenia in those who are already at risk of developing the disorder (Parakh & Basu, 2013; Bloomfield et al., 2013).
Although results are mixed, there is some research to suggest that marijuana use in adolescence, particularly frequent or heavy use, is associated with the development of anxiety disorder in young adulthood (Degenhardt et al., 2013).
Anyway, I'm not arguing about legality. Just giving my two cents.
good informative post
turned me into a lazy degenerate when I was young. being illegal didn't stop me. beer was actually harder to get than weed or even other drugs sometimes. I do still like weed occasionally and I have a stem degree, senpai, and good job but it required my parents intervening when I was young to get me where I am today.
senpai lol. I meant family. fucking autocorrect.
>>it's a well reasoned science based anti cannabis article
Also be very very very wary of "legalization" because it's bullshit.
All legalization is in this country is the government taking over the trade by dictating how the weed businesses can run and taking the majority of the money while forcing anyone who doesn't have the money to pay off politicians out of the market. This ironically means the most hardcore weed criminals from the black market are the only ones who can afford to go legal.
Meanwhile the consumer gets gangfucked because you niggers are forced to have a substandard product with less options while paying exorbitant prices for less.
The whole thing is a scam because legal weed is the only thing that can stimulate otherwise dead economies.
And this shit is all the tip of the ice berg.
Personally, I'd rather keep it in the grey area where government can't fuck with it and I make the most amount of money but the whole thing is a complete clusterfuck where everything the government does to "legalize" it just fucks it up more.
>caring what others do with their body
>It's a non-peer-reviewed (((study))) that you fucks are anti-science for disagreeing with
Yeah, no
Any tips for quitting a smoking habit, I've been smoking 7 years day and night cannabis.
Lately I've got minimal effects of it, it just keeps the withdrawal symptoms away (some sweating and irritability )
I was 7 months clean, but did not notice a much difference. I also did not drink during that time (I was basically bedridden the whole time and sick so cannot really say did the pause have any positive effects) basically I did not feel a difference in mood or anything.
>alcohol destroys your body and puts your health at risk under casual use
>weed has some negative side effects under chronic use (big fucking surprise)
>only one of these should be illegal
This is how retarded you sound. Unless you think alcohol should be illegal too, in which case you're beyond hope.
the positive effects of marijuana can be had without the high but they can't handle that.
I don't need no kinda article to know I like to smoke weed
stay a pussy Muhammad
Derealization disorder and HPPD
>linked to schizophrenia
>lowers testosterone
alcohol is for white men and weed is for niggers. go be a nigger somewhere else.
what is this shit, green text story time and no sauce?
>He still believes in evolution