Literally how?! Makes no sense

>no "controversial statements"
>staying on topic
>amazing 2 weeks so far
>Hillary has worst 2 weeks
>Hillary's only public appearance recently was her going on Kimmel and laughing off corruption and opening a jar of pickles to prove she is "healthy"
>media has no choice but to cover Clibton scandals
>scandals in the bunches for 2 straight weeks


Seriously, he just had 'more then 30k watching his rally yesterday in Texas!

I hate to say it but I really think the polls are rigged as fuck. If not rigged then the media is so disgustingly bias that people are actually stupid enough to believe their lies.


Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe people became more aware that trump is not only retarded, but also a corrupt liar:

> has over 3,500 lawsuits in his past, more than any previous presidential candidate

> one of them is a woman who sued him over a sexual assault, and he made a deal with her to drop the case.

> Many of the lawsuits are due to him not paying in time to his workers

> Scammed people for tens of thousands of dollars in trump university

> Said he was a democrat

> Said Hillary clinton is terrific and a great secretary of state only 3 years ago

> Flip flopped positions on isis

> Said he will keep nukes in the table even when talking with europe

>Said he might nuke isis

>Said he wants the US to be involved in Libya back when decision were needed to be made

> He still thinks vaccines cause autism even though every single study proves otherwise

>Wants to revert the court decision in regards to gay marriage

Btw in case you are too lazy to google sources:


Also maybe people became more aware that 90% of the "Clinton Scandals" are not even real, but a false presentation of facts or downright lies to make her look bad.

It amazes me that Sup Forums still doesn't realize the Clinton Foundation is a good thing

nice pasta yid

Listen you dirty kike.

Hillary has TWICE the amount of scandals too. she is x3 more corrupt and has the media on her pocket defending her.

I can post just as many bias articles attacking Hillary as you, so it doesn't make sense that she has been exposed AGAIN for shady shit and NO ONE. Believes. Where are the supporters? Not on camera that's for sure.

There is goddamn movies and documentaries on the amount of corruption she has.


Fucking Jews man I swear

Bullshit there is a whole documentary showing how much bullshit your spewing you kike

Thanks for correcting the record.

Polls are random data

Literally the only real scandals about Hillary is:

> She is a liar and flip-flopper
> The Email scandal

Anything else is not even a real scandal. please remember she NEVER lost a case in court while trump lost several times.

Also, about movies and documentaries - are you talking about Clinton Cash? are you even aware that NONE of the allegations in the movie were ever proven? ZERO. NOTHING. its merely a movie done by people with political interests to harm her favorability in the eyes of the public

Whatever the public thinks about the outcome of a case in court is completely irrelevant. justice is served by the court and by people who participated in the trial, not the public who doesn't even understand the case properly to judge it.

Even though she has been caught lying multiple times. Even though the emails show that over half of not all the shady shit they made in the Clinton Cash movie has been fact checked as true.

I know your trolling to piss me off but goddamn you likes are suppose to be our greatest ally.

The Maknstream media can't even hide how fucked up how corrupt the whole Clinton Scandal is that they are now reporting on it.

>please remember she NEVER lost a case in court while trump lost several times.
That's why she more crooked, a normal person in high authority probably commits something and lose court sometimes, not just "pure" like that, she probably behind a big conspiracy.
It just goes up so their polls will be more believable and then just go down.

Fuck you, Kike. You're more full of shit than a sausage. And no one in this place is falling for your Jew bullshit.

1. I already said her being a liar is correct. but so is trump,and i think he is the bigger liar among the two.

2. NOTHING in her emails prove the clinton cash movie, not even the recent "huma abedin emails" that you guys treated as if they are the smoking gun. literally all the emails showed is that people who are in good relations with Hillary and the US also contributed to her foundation, which is something that you should 100% expect if you have a bit of common sense.

Also people know she is getting a free pass at this point. Everyone with half a brain knows that of any other person dos even a fraction of what she did that they would be in prison.


You mean, anyone who genuinely believes every conspiracy republicans orchestrate against her .

Do you honestly believe every single things that is being said against her in this board is real? do you really not understand there are people with huge political interests to harm her public image?

>Maybe people became more aware that trump is not only retarded, but also a corrupt liar:

>> has over 3,500 lawsuits in his past,
>more than any previous presidential candidate

>> one of them is a woman who sued him over a sexual assault, and he made a deal with her to drop the case.

>> Many of the lawsuits are due to him not paying in time to his workers

>> Scammed people for tens of thousands of dollars in trump university

>> Said he was a democrat

>> Said Hillary clinton is terrific and a great secretary of state only 3 years ago

>> Flip flopped positions on isis

>> Said he will keep nukes in the table even when talking with europe

>>Said he might nuke isis

>>Said he wants the US to be involved in Libya back when decision were needed to be made

>> He still thinks vaccines cause autism even though every single study proves otherwise

>>Wants to revert the court decision in regards to gay marriage

...therefore we should vote for a warmongering, treasonous witch?

No thanks,

>has over 3,500 lawsuits
Is this even a lot when you consider how many businesses he has and how much revenue has been produced from a countless amount of clients? Small businesses get lawsuits all the time, and their revenue is 1/1000th the size of this guy's.

>they're not even bothering to throw on a proxy anymore

>implying republicans could ever lie as much as democrats.

lets just completely ignore all the bullshit lies she started at Trump and his campaign right? Fuck off Kike.

Go collect your shekels from CTR management.

Ran out of proxies?

For every 1 or 2 based Israeli posters I see there is twice as many kikes shilling and shitposting all over this board.

>this kike tearing everyone a new one

The ass mad is satisfying.

the best thing was when Comey said that they shouldn't do anything about her numerous fuck ups, since she didn't INTEND to break the law, everyone should try that one the next time they get a ticket for speeding or something like that and see what happens and then he said that they would do something about it, if it had been anyone else but her. Was I the only one that felt, that this was a huge slap in the face of every law-abiding citizen.

She never committed treason

It is alot even for a businessman.

user, Repbulicans lie significantly more than democrats. as i said, 90% of the "scandals" about her are not even true.

This should shake you up a bit and make you realize trump is a fucking liar:

>It is alot even for a businessman.

>50+ years
>likely hundreds of billions in revenue over that time
Doesn't sound like a lot if you actually have experience with running a business.

Almost like the kike media shills against him even if he doesn't do anything wrong. You PRfags astound me
>Hurr but why doesn't the media that I know is tilted against him give him good boy points

They're both shit candidates but Clinton has more political experience. It really shouldn't be any surprise to people.


In the very source i gave you they compared him to a bunch of other businessmen, and even in comparison to them the amount of lawsuits he has is very unusually high

When will you get it through your head that rallies don't mean shit. They only serve as events for the most hardcore fans. They're not attracting new supporters.

Polls have this thing called a margin of error. Basically this poll has a moe of 5 points. What that means is the actual number is anywhere from around +5 trump to +5 hillary. It could be anywhere in there and they have no idea where. That's why polls are a waste of time.

Until Trump publicly opens a jar of pickles, I can't believe he is a serious candidate.

>1,900 of them, he's the plaintiff
So literally 1,600, which is nothing.

First Post Best Post

That's why you do a Meta-Analysis of polls.

This is a meta-analysis of a very large amount of polls from many different sources.

the light red/light blue areas are the margin of error. you can clearly see that margin of error doesn't change the huge lead clinton has over trump



Occam's razor. Are thousands of people on the internet conspiring against Hillary, or does she just look sick and corrupt?

nice shop fagit

have you seen hilary ads? They are scaring ppl. They paint trump in a really bad light and they are fucking everywhere tv and youtube. Trump adds dont even come close in terms of volume. Infact that most ads ive seen 'for trump' are from local guys in my state siding with trump and disparaging hillary. Ads are trump's weak spot right now. He just needs to bite the bullet and spend more on advertising.


The lack of any solid evidence for any of those claims, and the fact there are people with massive political interests to conspire against her, should alone tell you that most of the "scandals" against her are not genuine

this, if you want him to win, you need to support his ground game.

Dude, the rallies do not matter. He had those people ready to vote for him for awhile now. His problem is the rest of the party and moderates do not like him, and the rest of the Republicans continue to waver on him. I've been red pilling my Republican dad on Trump since the primaries now, he is going to vote Johnson anyway. People like him will just not support Trump period.

She clearly has committed treason, even the FBI admitted she was careless and that no judge would take the case.

Emails are coming out weekly at this point and he credibility continues to drop.

Meanwhile, Trump is staying on message and giving details more and more on his policies.

She barely ever talks about her shitty policies except and uses more insults and diversion in her speech to brush off tough questions.

Bullshit Republcans lie more.

The DNC email leaks alone show how that party is all in the pockets of Hillary and her husband.

Keep acting like the Clinton Foundation is "just a movie"

It has already been fact checked by MULTIPLE mainstream media outlets to being true.

Why do you think she is finally getting attacked by the media (even if it's still significantly weaker then the attacks on Trump)? Because the shit has hit the fan, even the media knows they can't ignore her scandals anymore you backstabbing kike

Do you people honestly believe it's enough to simply keep your mouth shut for a few days and *poof* everyone forgets everything moronic you have ever said and done?

Trump need to do much more than just keep his mouth shut. Hillary has stepped up her game and unless Trump starts playing at a whole new level it's over already. I highly doubt he'll manage to do it though. His temperament got the better of him several times already and it will happen again

A pathetic attempt to smear her campaign?

Yes they are rigged duhhhhhh

its all about turnout

hillary wont have it

>not genuine
Bullshit there is plenty of material to show she is incompetent and has no desire to serve American interests past Wallstreet and the current fucked up policies in place.
First time Israel has let me down, fuck you.

Lewinsky scandal was once a "conspiracy" too. Numbers don't lie.

Controlled media.

1. The FBI did not say she committed treason. her using her private email was a mistake by her, sure, but not a treasonous one. she worked for the US for fucking 24 years, you would expect some mistakes to happen.

2. Literally every email that comes out only showed that people who have good relations with the US also donated to one of the biggest charity foundations in the US. don't you think it's a bit hypocritical to paint such an expected relation as a "scandal" ?

Keep acting like everything negative that is posted on Sup Forums against her must be real.

3. Trump tries to deliver his message, but as polls prove, he is either not very effective at it, or that most Americans ideologically disagree with it.

>Do you people honestly believe it's enough to simply keep your mouth shut for a few days and *poof* everyone forgets everything moronic you have ever said and done?

in america yes. our collective attention spans are extremely low.

It's not just about the rallies faggot.

He knows his rallies are broadcasted live now so he uses them for his big speeches. It's not just about going to the state and hyping up your base. Every morning the media play clips from his rally and people end up looking it up.

Also you ignore the other shit he does:
>phone interviews
>schedule interviews
>constantly going from state to state
>active on Twitter AND Facebook

He isn't doing nothing he is showing he is focusing on the people not the establishment shills like Hillary is doing

Its EXTREMELY hypocritical of you to say that when she actively did things to serve the interests of your country while trump was just selfishly making billions for himself.

read pic related.

She will have the new "online internet" (rigged via bots) vote.

Someone who exploits their position within the government to make hundreds of millions from a "charity" isn't very selfless.

>in america yes. our collective attention spans are extremely low.
Yes, I know people won't specifically remember everything but it doesn't matter. Trump has established himself as a massive asshole in the minds of people and that's not going to go away just because he's silent for a few days.

Thank you for "Correcting the Record"!

.02 shekels have been deposited into your account.

But Israel, in the UK's 2015 General Election, EVERY poll and polling company showed a hung parliament or a Labour majority, but the Conservatives ended up winning their first majority government in 20 years.

Then 12 months later, given AMPLE time to revise polling methodology and sampling techniques, EVERY major polling company was predicting the UK to REMAIN in the EU, but instead we voted to LEAVE.

My point ISN'T that polls are rigged, my point is that internet is completely transforming how information is disseminated and digested, and is able to cause changes in voting behaviour across groups. This is happening across social, ethnic and economic classes and polling companies DON'T KNOW how to account for it in their polling.

My prediction: The same anti-establishment sentiments that beguiled British polling companies over the last two years have appeared in US politics in even greater intensity and saturation.

The polls aren't rigged, they're just wrong. And no-one knows how to poll accurately anymore.

Basically this explains it

TLDW: Their polls a bias and they poll more democrats than republicans.

the liberals are pumping our BS polls.they have been doing it for years. they think it will change the result of the election because every one will go to the winning side

its best just to wait for the actual election at this point. when they find out trump never lost any support and hillary never had any support im sure more than 1 celebrity will commit a crime through threats and any one can press charges. open and shut case if you got a vid clip

The polls are being manipulated so when the puppetmasters place Hillary in the oval office, the outrage will be minimal. Trump is unpopular among certain subgroups, but Clinton is universally hated by most everyone. The republic is dead, folks.


1.) That was solely to avoid FOIA requests and you're proving our point. 24 years and you should fucking know what classified means.

Not even going to talk about the other ones. Gas yourself kike.

Honestly I'd stop giving a shit what Trump says after all his supporters do is make up shitty conspiracy theories. Everyday its something new.

I tuned out a long time ago/

So that's why private charity inspectors show 88% of the expenses go to charity programs?

Also, Clinton has a very long history of participating in charity, even before her political career she used to work in helping incarnated teens and their families and helping disabled children

Everyone look at the image again. The colors are switched. The text isn't. Trump is up.

Trump is also loved by tons of people who see him as an underdog constantly getting attacked by the media.

You post ths same shit over and over again.

How the fuck is a lifelong government employee worth $100m??

She was more than just a government employee, she was the first lady of the US before.

>Is this even a lot

Since he announced his candidacy, he's been named in at least 70 suits

For context, Uber was sued 70 times in the US in 2015 and their valuation is at 68 billion, almost 7 times as much as Trump's purported holdings.

That doesn't justify a $100m net worth. They're crooks.

Look again, the numbers aren't even correct. It's just focusing on one poll that showed a Trump lead and dismissed it as an outlier.

Why are you feeding him you retard

They already know that know judge would take the case. No the FBI did not say she commited treason but they know she is a lawyer who will get out of anything and will just plead incompetence. She has so many fucking people in her pockets that it isn't funny. It's just so convent that the DOJ just so happened to deny the FBI to go through with a case on the Clintons huh?

It's not even just Sup Forums you stupid kike. Multiple outlets are admitting that she is fucking up and having a horrible week. All this shit does is convince people that she is not trustworthy WHICH SHE IS NOT and shows her incompetence. Again, you ignore the fact that the scandals, what they are, keep being shown to be a bigger and bigger rabbit hole thus why even CNN and MSNBC can no longer ignore it and admit it looks horrible.

Maybe the fucking media twists everything he says. Multiple sites have proven how the media is in favor of Hillary, it's been shown constantly.

Not to mention the media just make up scandals like the immigration flip flop. He said since the beginning that he wants to deport illegals but wants to follow the law. He isn't flip flopping it's the media trying to make a big deal out of nothing. Not to mention it doesn't help that establishment republicans sell their party out so they can bank on the popularity of "SEE IM A GOOD PERSON WHO WONT VOTE TRUMP"

Get fucked you Heeb.

The meta analysis of polls is never right. For example the average in polls showed romney several points above where he finished. Also with brexit remain polled around 5-6 points higher than it finished. There are many such examples. To give the most extreme one ever, Bernie sanders was polling 20 points under hillary on average in Michigan and he won the state. These polling companies are just throwing out trash for easy clicks/views. They have no idea how a nation of 350 million very different people will vote 3 months from now after several debates we haven't even seen yet.

Here we go Trump is beginning his move on Hilary, poor Bill is now just a cuck.

Literally rigged polls

>She made alot of money
>I don't know how she got it


10/10 conclusion making capabilities user, you sure provided conclusive proofs and evidence.

>t-they don't deserve t-that money
>c-cleary a b-b-billionaire who runs unaccredited "universities" does, though!
mental gymnastics

>implying britians the same as usa

>rigged polls
You guys never learn

Is intentionally planning to remove the classified heading on an email legal or illegal ?

>she unironically supports regime change

I hope Clinton landslides so hard that Dems will take the senate and state legislatures and then follow the precedent set in Texas 2003 redistricting to redraw the maps to permanently kick GOP out of the house.

>billions for himself
So a businessman is bad because he made money? He wasn't in a political office when he was doing this, this isn't an argument.
>inb4 trump supporter
I'm not just pointing out that isn't an argument. Especially since Hillary has taken millions from Wallstreet and she is a politician.
>serve our interests
Lol like what? Destabilizing the middle east further? Absolutely fucking up in Lybia? Putting government information at risk by not following correct procedures?
Why would I want a lady who has a shady as fuck past in politics, aims to continue the shit policies currently in place and possibly make even more bad policies?
I'm not gungho for a lady who sees Russia as a threat, wants to police Syria when we have no right to, fund and supply rebels who half the time supply groups like ISIS, and wants to put our security at risk by accepting thousands of refugees at one time.
Half of the things in your picture aren't interests for the country and she has flip flopped on a number of them. Hell she didn't support gay right for years and then suddenly she did. She is n different from a career politician and isn't getting a vote from me ever.

I already admitted that the email scandal is real.
It's one of the few real things posted against her here, but trust me, most of the things Sup Forums says about her is complete bullshit

Your point being what? Both candidates have plenty of loyal supporters. The question is who has more and unless something changes dramatically, Hillary is going to shitstomp Trump like a child.

Well yeah. He earned that money. He didn't just whore his country out and sell our uranium to some russian.

They were broke when they left the White House and they've spent the last 15 years selling access to the government. Its not a surprise how they made their money.

Bill has quite the University scandal himself. He was paid $17m by a for-profit university who ended up getting $90m grant from Hillary's State Dept.

Sorry. I'll stop. I just can't stand this fucking kike.

Dems will not retake congress for decades because of gerrymandering. They'll keep winning the presidency while repubs win the congress and we will get nothing done for 30 years.

Polls aren't rigged... your stupid ass right-wing media "sources" are. They are literally the definition of propaganda.

Besides, giant rallies aren't always a good thing. It shows cult like devotion to a cult-of-personality.

It's "biased" seriously what is it about that word that people don't understand? It's like 4th grade level grammar and yet people fuck it up daily.

>participating in charity
Okay so the nazis had the winter relief drives and gave food out to the people doesn't mean they were honest.

My point is that's just something CNN constantly repeats but it's going to be a landslide Trump victory.

Screencap this senpai


Hillary does not have any loyal supporters