when turks fucked off progress came
Suck it, uncivilized brutes.
Feels bad man.
We've been irrelevant since the great spanish cuckening. Only just enough outside the western center of influence to get small bread crumbs and not be quite African tier.
Wrong map. Countries between Russia and Germany didn't exist during that glory time.
Thanks for the rail roads. It makes genociding us a little less depressing.
Albania whats the story?
Wealth and geography explains the map.
Though some of these do not make any sense, since many of these countries did not exist back then or were not independent.
The only reason you white niggers achieved so much is because you never had to worry about wars. You built your empire by killing real niggers.
But croatians are also turkroaches how come they built it earlier?
Italians are nice to them, otherwise they still wouldn't have one.
Most Croats were under the Hapsburgs.
Fucking shit threads like these need to be cleaned up.
Either provide a context for a discussion or fuck off.
Mountainous region, only 1/5th of our territory is fit for a railway, plus we didn't really need them.
You don't really believe that, do you?
We got it sooner than Mountain Jew Swiss and snownigger Scandis
Feelsgoodman dot jay peg
I don't say this enough, but sometimes you're a pretty cool dad.
Just because you're the first doesn't mean you're the best.
>You built your empire by killing real niggers.
Well... they've been killing you for 800 years, so you're not wrong.
Bringing civilization to savages always makes a little mess.
When did we not have wars?
I mean the whole history of Europe is one continuous war, you island nig
Aren't Japoons the best? You're nr.2
Parts of our country were under turkroach rule between ~1530 and ~1680. Albania was under turkroach rule from 1450 to 1918.
Without passengers they are the fastest.
My town was pretty much part of the railway revolution there is still a shitload of tracks dotted around that don't get used.
>Poland had its own railway since 1842
>Poland didnt exist in 1842
Guess they counted the Prussia as Poland as Russia got its own much later
>defeats the purpose of a train
Well.. I'm trying to undo comfort and actually live as mankind was intended to function so naturally this shit is completely irrelevant and retarded to me.
Bring back feudalism, fags. It's the only salvation from depression and degeneracy, you were meant to live in symbiosis with nature.
You weren't meant to be a lazy cunt.
Horrible map.
Italy didnt even existed in 1839.
Most of Europe were pretty diferent
You guys build it, first to move coal from Schlesien deeper into Germany. Also fun fact: Poland was the best and most industrialized part of Russia at the time.
How do I know i'm not talking to Ahmed right now?
There's a 15% chance you are.
I meant Japan is fastest without passengers.
The only thing England has every done before Germany.
>tfw Americans had railroads before all of the Euro cucks
Where could you possibly have to go in France?
Name places in France you know that aren't Paris or Nice.
Go home cousin, yer drunk again
The English were invited in by King Diarmit MacMurough of Leinster.
>Nigger means black
>implying "real" niggers can wage war
>Our empires were built by being the top dog
>Greece fell to Macedonia, Macedonia fell to Rome, Rome fell to the Germans, and so on
Montreuil, Versailles, Bordeaux, Marseille, and Lyon.
I can name a bunch of wines and vineyards though.
Away from those places very fast, that's where you can go in France.
Thank you master Austria
We're actually working on something even faster, I forget what it's called though
something like hypertube i think
This was invented by UK, but we use it, you don't. It's much faster
>you white niggers
calm down lad.
I used to think rail was a great transportation option but after becoming a Paramedic I will never ever utilize it.
1. I pull more psych/behavioral cases off that damn Amtrak than anywhere else in town
2. Fuck its nasty, and full of nasty people, stinky nogs and worse
3. Its expensive as hell. Flying is way less expensive AND faster.
Yeah, fuck passenger trains.
Heh heh. Suck it yuropoors.
It was invented by a Frenchmen (Emile Bachelet)
100€ says that the 1842 for Poland is just from former German territories.
Poland didn't exist in 1842
Irish education?
nope, just an English tourist talking shit
Map's wrong.
The Stockton to Darlington Railway opened in 1825.
The Mohawk & Hudson Company opened for public service on August 9, 1831
If you mean Elon Musk's thing its called Hyperloop. I think they are actually about to finish a test track for it in California.