Is Sup Forums hiding your power level for the normies? Post what zuckerbook determined to be your political affiliation.
>Lifestyle and Culture
Is Sup Forums hiding your power level for the normies? Post what zuckerbook determined to be your political affiliation.
>Lifestyle and Culture
>using kikebook
automatic liberal
Facebook keeps 'recommending' me Sup Forums meme pages
Even though I exclusively use separate browsers for Sup Forums and facebook, and I never post anything on facebook nor search for anything Sup Forums related
Does facebook get data from captchas and assign it to profiles based on IP addresses?
>Women making you sandwiches
These cucks, I swear.
Mine says I'm "very liberal", kek
I heard that facebook uses their like/share button widgets to track you. Yeah, they probably predict based on your ip.
Same happened to me after I liked Dave Rubin's page.
Oh that's a good point, I forgot about the button widgets, they definitely do use those
I wonder if that means my mum gets Sup Forums recommendations as well
>a fucking conservative leaf
>tfw no cuddlehue to cuddle with
>Rand Paul 2016
Good shit user
It's odd. I've been shilling for the Don since his candidacy too... I think Facebook's fucking up.
I got "very liberal," but Im a trump supporter, like 2nd A stuff on FB all the time, and complain about hillary. wtf.
>Nieuw Vlaamse Alliantie (right wing nationalists)
>Vlaams Belang (far-right nationalists)
They're onto me
It has me as a conservative even though I follow a ton of right-wing media and Trump pages. Can only assume they get it from your social network... I'm no liberal.
What kind of "liberal" is it?
Look like the political one. This definition:
"(of a political party or a country) believing in or allowing more personal freedom and development towards a fairer sharing of wealth and power within society"
Which is about the opposite of what your "liberals" think (they are marxists, generally speaking). You "liberals" think this, instead:
"someone who respects many different types of beliefs or behavior",
hence the "I'm a true non-tribinary squirrel" and the "DON'T TRIGGER ME U BIGOT ยงยงยง".
It's from Cambridge.
Implying your are hiding your powerlevel when you are in fact cucked by social stigma.
>having powerlevel above 0
>using facebook
choose one
I barely use it
Groot Nederland kanker
facejew comes up with the strangest things when you feed their algorithms random chunks of data while blocking the majority of their sneaky javascript
Onafhankelijk Vlaanderen!
You have to use noscript and ublock at the very least, never allow facebook, twitter etc ANYWHERE since those little buttons track you.