>The Rising Epidemic of Anxiety in Children and Teens
>Anxiety: the epidemic sweeping through Generation Y
What's behind the epidemic of Social Anxiety?
>The Rising Epidemic of Anxiety in Children and Teens
>Anxiety: the epidemic sweeping through Generation Y
What's behind the epidemic of Social Anxiety?
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The pharmaceutical industry already got kids covered with ADHD drugs, now they are going for the rest of the people with anxiety meds.
Do you believe in the theory of evolution? Do you believe humans are animals? What sort of environment did humans evolve to survive and thrive in? How does that environment compare to the environment in which we currently live?
Even if that is true, it doesn't explain the rise of S.A. and why there's an epidemic of people who are having anxiety when dealing with simple social situations.
Parents having kids at 30+ years old
Parents micromanaging every event of their children's lives.
It's hard to talk to people face to face when your entire existence, and especially interpersonal communication, is entirely through fonts and a digital screen.
this, you need to overcome social anxiety by socializing (and realizing nothing bad will happen to you if you do it)
but modern life doesnt really empathize this part
Sheltered fatherless cunts who can't grow a spine.
War on recess and unstructured unsupervised play. Kids don't learn to navigate social situations and don't gain confidence that comes with overcoming those difficulties. Not to mention the constant attack on (((toxic masculinity)))
Everyone is living their lives through digital screens these days, but not all of them have social anxiety.
Also, it seems to affect women more than men.
>not everyone has the same symptoms to a t for this thing that heavily influences such behavior, you're wrong!!!
And not every daily drinker is an alcoholic.
You're a retard.
>Also, it seems to affect women more than men.
I don't believe that for a minute. Where are all these cumdumpster NEETs then?
Because the media enforces ideas and ideals to the public that are unnatural to most human beeings.
That leads to many teenagers either not being able to fit in the "modern teen" mold they are forcing upon them or in psychological damaging when they try to force themselves into that mold.
Social media, it fucks you up
/thread. This is why I post vague info in some of the jew media I have
They aren't all NEETs. The girl from the first video I posted said that despite from chickening out of job interviews, she managed to land a job at a pet shop and working with the animals helps her anxiety.
S.A. doesn't affect everyone the same. Some people can still have friends while others don't. Some people have no problem eating in public, while others do. etc.
>hurr durrr im so socially anxious!
>makes a video of herself and uploads it for hundreds and thousands of people to see, judge, and possibly insult her.
Women are cancer I wish they would all die.
>get BTFO
>has no counter argument
Stop posting any time lad.
Im not anxious (as in scared or nervous) per se, but I am very hyper vigilant, aggressive and wound up 24/7, which are also all symptoms of anxiety.
I basically am on a daily cocktail of 5-HTP, Kava Kava, Nicotine and super high amounts of caffeine to function normally and just relax a little bit. Thats if I dont have access to opiates, to which my tolerance is so unebelievably naturally high, an Oxycontin pill just makes me feel slightly calm, relaxed and productive- basically like a nornal human. But I get piss tested at my job, so I cant really do something like that too often, nor do I have easy access to opiates, but they are perfect for me.
I think these videos you post are just attention whores.
Maybe as degenerate genes carelessly fucking spread you will see more of this over time.
>There are fucking idiots who believe that will enable any true self-defense.
There's guys who post videos about their struggles with SA as well.
All of these "mental disorders" coincided with the rise of older parents, helicopter parenting, and medicating children.
Its entirely the parents fault for not raising them properly.
This right here. I've met a lot of women who claim to have some degree of anxiety or another, yet function perfectly well in social situations. I think it's just a really attention-whoring way of saying "I'm slightly awkward occasionally".
Parental micromanagement is the main cause.
Parents think they are providing structure with scheduled play dates, team sports, and activities. In reality, they aren't learning to build social bonds naturally. In the past, all the kids in the neighborhood would be told to go outside by their parents. The these kids roaming the neighborhood would naturally build social bonds through unstructured, unscheduled playing.
Today's parents also try to solve too many of their kids problems. Kids don't learn how to deal with problems on their own.
Then, when parents stop managing their children's social lives and problems, usually by high school, the kids are completely unprepared to handle things on their own.
Lol are these webm's from an infomercial or something?
Kill yourself
its the effects of white genocide
I'll tell you right now what it is, and if you have the experience you will know, if you don't you will wish you had listened maybe 20 years down the track when you remember this.
*Weed (yes, like all drugs, if it has an effect you get addicted, you just think you don't because you listen to the TV and it tells you you don't)
*Medication for "mental problems" and Amphetamines (including anti-depressants almost all of which are amphetamines)
*Food that has been specifically processed with the homogenization method
*Realising you are not stupid (not being able to regurgitate information like the rest of the idiots in class, you actually have a male brain and you have to do practical examples to learn, which unconsciously makes you realize you are very different from EVERYONE and begins a mental process called "dis-association)
*not having real hobbies that allow you to produce something tangible that you can improve the process of like woodwork, or even candlemaking.
Literally, everything feminine and feminizing.
Just as you were told 20 or so years ago, the globalists are trying to feminize the whole world to obey them.
Hedonism has NEVER led to anything good when assessing the society as a whole
Can't prove me wrong
>this faggot is having the time of his life
>everything paid for by parents, not a care in the world from cradle to grave
>will vote for Hillary because he's never been truly behooved to think critically before
Is it too late to pump my stomach so I barf up that red pill?
The dating world has changed significantly because of this, maybe it has something to do with why millenials are having less sex, every relationship I've had or girl I pursued started out through texting, how many people are using tinder or some dating site and not actually interacting with people
Some studies have suggested that social anxiety is genetic. Even if "older parents" was a cause, if it's genetic then it wouldn't matter how old the parents are.
The thing that actually immunizes you against this is a nice big public failure, after which you realize that you're still here and you are not the failed attempt. Millenials are never truly in public and they hide from failure at all costs.
Boarding school was what did me in.
I was developing nornally as an outgoing Chicago city kid all the way up to the end of freshmen year of high school, even had a qt girl who liked me, where if given some extra time would have probably lost my virginity and developed into a relationship. Then my parents pulled me out just before the start of sophmore year and stuck me in boarding school in the middle of fucking nowhere Vermont, where I then remained until graduation. I would get "grounded" at dorm during the weekends for stupid shit like not making my bed and never got to experience parties, girls, and other detrimental teenage shit (not that there was much of any of that in this shithole part of Vermont), while my Chicago friends were all living it up.
Despite being 6'2", athletic build, full head of dark hair, blue eyes, and numerous flirty attempts from women, I remained a virgin until 25. Im 26 now.
Boarding school ruined my life.
My autism was misdiagnosed as social anxiety when I was a teenager. I said I couldn't relate to people and I would get upset in large crowds. That could be the case here. So if autists aren't being understood, they aren't being helped.
What these kids are exposed to in schools is the opposite of socializing.
Maybe the fact that everyone is a hostile cocksucker that needs a slug buried in their face?
Edgy... and uneducated.
You do realize opiates arent at all bad for you right, outside of addiction? Much safer than Benzo's which are commonly prescribed for anxiety, and which withdrawals can actually kill you and cause seizures.
Maybe the increase of S.A. is when people aren't "red pilled" but deep down they know society is fucked.
Hostility is a sign of anxiety. Anxiety doesnt always mean "scared" or "reclusive".
You are acting like a girl.
Only girls care if they are "virgins", because girls age like shit, the longer they are on earth the more worthless they are.
Men age like fine wine and become MORE useful with age.
Do you think your kids will give a shit when you first lost your virginity?
Do you think ANYONE will apart from "bros"?
How about you give a shit about making your own knife, or building a shed, or doing something worthwhile.
>Some well dressed girl makes a video on social anxiety.
>On youtube
>For all to see
(((social anxiety)))
It's a bunch of tumblrites whining for attention. It's cool to be depressed and shit these days, so whoever can be the biggest victim is the coolest and bravest.
>38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
>39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
Dude, I have a successful career as a Maritime Officer. Im not some loser, NEET shut-in.
Still, missing out on most of the so-called "best years" of my life is something that will haunt me forever. Its not just the virginity, or girls, but all the memories and fun times that could have been. My teenage years, my most developmental years, from sophmore and to senior year, age 15-18 were practically non-existant.
On a brighter note, I have a month long trip to Thailand coming up this Sunday. Pic related. Should be pretty dank.
It doesn't affect everyone the same way. Some people can make YouTube videos. Hell, some can even get on a stage and play guitar and sing. Meanwhile, others can even go into a store and buy a candy bar without it being an unpleasant experience.
I'll give you the answer as a child who was shy and still occasionally suffers from social anxiety to this day (mid 20s now)
The Stranger Danger scare in the 90s meant my mum would not let me go out alone e.g. to the park or the field.
Instead I spent my days inside playing Super Nintendo and it just snowballed from there.
>had "social anxiety" all my life after the age of 13
>as in actual locked away in your room not speaking for months social anxiety
>youtube is full of these people who claim they have it while also having all these friends and lovers
This is what makes it hard to get help for shit.
So when your son is growing up you want to be able to tell him stories about you being drunk and stupid?
A man should work with his feet planted firmly in the ground.
"career soldier" hasn't been a profession since Rome, and I doubt you are a genetic roman nor a legionare.
Until you build something and create something, which is the childbirth of man, you will never be happy no matter how many seas you get your ass pounded on.
SAILOR is a profession but there isn't much skill nor adventure left in it.
>What's behind the epidemic of Social Anxiety?
Wel when you teach children to be SCARED OF FUCKING EVERYTHING you are bound to cause some problems. Basically they are manifesting the fears of their pussy parents.
Constantly getting told to never talk to strangers growing up
I would argue that our world is just becoming a more nerve-wracking place to live as time goes on.
There's no rise it's just being reported and misdiagnosed more often because of the Internet
Hello, Dr. Goldberg.
This sphere of Social anxiety that you autistic faggots speak of is all just you being afraid about not having any accomplishments and can be fixed easily:
Ether you realise that people are looking at you for your achiements and not your potential because they have no insight whatsoever and aren't worth making friends of nor having the respect of,
or b) you start making things.
You will never feel outclassed when ten people in the room are talking about how many whores they have put their worthless dicks into and almost gotten stds for 5 maybe six minutes of unproductive sex (not to mention they clearly weren't the first that woman had) and when they come to you and ask you what you did over the holidays you mention you build your grandmother a new bookcase out of wood you cut down yourself.
ironically, women go CRAZY for that.
If you really actually want women, go make something.
If you really want to not be socially akward, learn to make things, then you can feel proud, and if you are proud and you have an ACTUAL REASON to be proud, you will not be awkward.
Or you know just keep smoking weed you dribbling faggots
I have social anxiety, and this might be the cause of it. However, I didn't get my first computer until 3rd grade, using dialup internet, and was socially anxious before that. I tend to be on computers all day avoiding social contact, but this could be that I don't like talking to people, therefore am attracted to activities that don't involve face to face contact, rather than little face to face contact CAUSING the social anxiety.
Social anxiety ruined my life and caused me to miss out on the most perfect girl ever. I still think about her almost a year and a half later. I think I'm going to kill myself eventually.
Did the Jews do this? Put something in chemicals? Put something in medication? I was given a false diagnosis of ADHD and forced to take pills for a while (Dr. was literally Jewish btw his name was Marokwitz). Did that fuck me up?
Or is it all my fault?
I think social anxiety is caused by self-policing. When people are taught through the media, through their teachers, and through their bosses that they are always watched and evaluated, they will begin to watch themselves for "errors". They are afraid to do or say a "wrong" thing and the result is that security for a person comes from being vague, from not taking any genuine positions, and from abstaining from situations where they might be at risk of doing something "wrong".
It doesn't help that many people are connected constantly to others through the internet and cell phones - they are literally always in contact, always under evaluation. There is no chance to rest.
Stay away from the psychotropic drugs imo. I remember being on prozac for like 5 months senior year of high school, and after coming off those things cold turkey, went basically insane for maybe a month. At this point, I'm convinced that SSRI's totally cause school shooters and mass murderers and are far more dangerous that any alleged "mental illness".
I use fentanyl nasal spray that I make myself. I order a couple grams and mix with saline to get 100ug a spray.
I met my wife on Tinder. Nothing wrong with meeting people online.
I was mute for years because of these drugs, my heart was always palpitating, i was always frozen in fear
For fucking years
But its a lot more than that. Social stratification is just getting worse in general.
Its because of feminism and the general decline in western society which are happening as a result of it, which has caused things like ADHD drugs to be developed and abused by single mother whores and kike doctors
ADHD drugs are actually a great substitute for a strong father figure
No one to discipline you or give you motivation?
Lol you just have a disease and need amphetamine
That wasnt my issue though, i just didnt give a fuck because the school work was piss easy and i was younger than all the other kids in my class and wanted to be held back but they told me i was sick because my grades were low and i needed to take my "medicine" every morning and it would get better, even though it just got way fucking worse
its really all the doctors fault though, he made it sound like it actually was a fucking medicine, he literally said to my parents "if he was diabetic would you not give him insulin"?
A lot of my friends who seem reasonably social are actually "crippled" by anxiety in their mid-late 20s. I'm so fucking sick of hearing about it.
I was an awkward teenage once who wasn't great at talking to people. I developed that skill and pushed myself through whatever social anxiety I had.
This is a bizarre new level of Munchausen syndrome where people are almost proud of having disorders which are easily fixed with a bit of effort. A few drinks in to any party I go to, I get to hear about everyone's minuscule ailments and allergies that they believe make them unique.
People have no real character so they fill that void with a collection of chosen disorders to make themselves feel special.
Why on God's green earth would you use fentanyl?
I have social anxiety. My best guess is that it was caused by the schooling system.
If an intelligent child tries to take lead, as nature would dictate, the teachers would punish that child for following their social instincts. Years and years of this breaks a person, and feels like being trapped in room 101. Add in the fact that intelligent children are often stuck in classrooms of people who are far less intelligent than they are, meaning they have nobody to socialize with on a level for years of their life.
That's what I think, anyway.
>you start making things.
A people with S.A. usually have low self-esteem. When you start "making things" the first things that you make usually look like shit in comparison to things created by professionals, which will in turn just leave you feeling more discouraged/inadequate/useless. e.g. You decide to learn to paint and your first paintings look like ass in comparison to Van Gough's. So you give up and realize it's just one more thing you suck at.
I have social anxiety really badly.
Cheap and easy to acquire. Can put in nasal spray so I can use it in front of family friends and even police officers and no suspects a thing it just looks like am using spray. Fast acting so I get effects right away. Short acting so I only have effects when needed. There are no negatives really.
LMAO this.
The problem is not anxiety, but lack of coping skills.
So start with something even easier than painting or woodworking or w/e. Maybe start with going for a walk once a week, or by cleaning your desk. The idea is to start moving, in any direction. Anxiety is being too afraid/nervous to "move", to do things. Build confidence by setting small goals, and build compassion for yourself by understanding that it's ok to make mistakes and that it's ok to learn.
Until the chemist gives you a lityle extra weight and you overdose immediately
>boys are force-fed medications and estrogens to "calm them down" for the benefit of girls
>get penalized for being boys, in any manner
>don't develop interpersonal skills at a young age
>grow addicted to technology as a way to fill in the human craving for social interaction
>miss out on necessary formitive experiences in youth
>never learn how to deal with people in real life
>avoid them as a consequence
Gee, I McFuckity wonder where it all came from.
No it wouldn't be the ADHD meds, I was on a pretty strong dose as a kid and a high dose as a teen. I stopped taking them and I'm still completely normal, although I don't really feel anything other than neutrality most days.
My only experience is in the hospital, but I felt absolutely nothing on fentanyl. Dilaudid on the other hand brought me back from the depths of suicidal depression, if only for 10-20 minutes.
>A people with S.A. usually have low self-esteem. When you start "making things" the first things that you make usually look like shit in comparison to things created by professionals
This was basically my problem.
i delivered pizza for 3 months and fucked a girls brains out for 2 years, then spent years unemployed due to fucking up because of anxiety and not being able to get past interviews
then i got lucky with the job i have, or i might just be dead
then again ive lost so much weight and feel so shitty in so many ways, i wont live long
but all my life, every morning i wake up all the anxiety comes back, no matter what i did the day before
and it takes so much to get rid of it, it isnt even fucking worth it, and i dont even become relaxed, i just stop feeling like anything is real, and i stop feeling any sense of anxiety for anything at all, even real danger, it all just feels like a dream, like im just staring at a moviescreen, watching someone else live my life
and once it all feels that fake, the whole fucking point of doing any of it is fucking gone, because none if it feels like its happening to me, none of it impacts me emotionally, none of it is entertaining
so choke on a dick
Why are things done for the benefit of girls?
People can sense that western civilization is drawing to a close. Degeneracy is rampant. Men are women now, and women are men. We are making criminal scumbags into martyrs. We are blaming all the world's problems on society's best and most productive members.
Every trend is pointing downward and everyone is pretending they can't see it. They may fool their mammalian brains into believing everything with be alright but more primitive instincts can tell otherwise.
The growing rift in society is becoming more and more apparent with BLM, Trannies in bathrooms, abortion, gun rights, etc. Communications have been shattered by social media platforms that use your own communication style to push customized targeted propaganda.
What will soon be the world's largest religion has a strong core of believers dedicated to conquest and our leaders pretend we aren't at war with the enemy at the gates.
>literally being paid hundreds in orbiter betabux just to put on make up and pretend to have social anxiety
A couple grams? That's expensive. Are you getting Fu or another analogue?
is a very interesting board where you get to read first-hand reports of people with this kind of problem.
>grow addicted to technology as a way to fill in the human craving for social interaction
nah, kids don't give a fuck about "social interaction". An iPad beats doing stuff with your friends 99% of the time. That's true of perfectly normal boys and girls.
$300 a gram from China.
I've seen that but from what I've read it's EMS which requires a signature with horrible stealth. I'd rather pay the $600 or so and be safe. How long does a gram last you?
I think I've gotten over my introversion, I talk to strangers all the time. I can easily introduce myself and talk in front of large groups.
But I can't talk to girls. I need help, Sup Forums. There's this girl in my next class (48 minutes from now), and I want to make a move and a good first impression. What do I do? From what I observed she's overly into anime (whatever) and might be a bit introverted/nerdy.
The breakdown of traditional roles, the obsolescence of rites of passage, the general leveling of all status as racist, sexist, classist, etc., the removal of etiquette and decay of manners. People are anxious because they feel (too) free. People are anxious because they have no idea how to behave in society, having no reliable criterion for understanding the speech and behavior of others, and no reliable way of addressing others (every gesture being possibly offensive).
Please respond, I'm sick and this would be helpful.
Like my god-damn brother in law, claims he has Social Anxiety like me, i can hardly go out to eat at a restaurant without a anxiety attack....He was in a band, and played on stage, bastard doesn't even know what social anxiety is.
I used EMS. They packed it in a flat envelope with 2 pieces of paper and a air sealed tinfoil bag between. It had tracking and no need to sign. I use AlphaBay on Tor and the vendor is RCQueen. Have fun.
Agorism is a hell of a drug, m8. Fuckin' proud of you.
Maybe they're confusing it with general anxiety? I'm fine in social situations but completely shut down weeks at a time.
Thanks senpai, going to check out the forums for vendor feedback. I've always got from in state sources but prices are killing me. I've always had to sign for EMS when ordering from Japan, maybe the sender can opt out. That was probably mylar or some anti-xray shit, not tinfoil. Who knows with China though.
this is the only correct answer in the thread
I had social anxiety from my teens into early 20's. It stemmed from
>weird family that I hated going out in public with
>horrible self-esteem
The difference between me and those whiny cunts is that instead of making it my personality, I did everything in my power to undo it (men don't get any pity for having anxiety anyway). I forced myself to socialize, tried my best to feign a positive attitude and just put myself out there.
Not only am I over the anxiety, I'm over being so caught up with the opinions of other people (because half don't even know what the fuck their talking about and act like they do). This not giving a fuck attitude made me more persuasive and more attractive in the eyes of women.
I almost don't want to say that I used to have anxiety because it lumps me in with those conceited assholes.
I disagree. There are multiple causes with some carrying more weight than others.
Just like you can't have a house fire with just a flame. You need a house to burn for one, an accident that catches an easily ignitable material, oxygen, not paying attention to act in time, etc. You couldn't pin the sole reason for having a house fire for having non fire retardant carpet.
Probably. It is just a silver looking pouch. Just ask for no signature and they will just not check the box. Make sure to get tracking though.