well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Dont have children early, dont smoke, dont drink, dont buy expensive crap that you dont need, and you can climb without earning $15 per hour.
Women could always marry a guy with more money though. That's the decent way
Do these fuck not know that doing that will have GIANT consequences for the entire world
It answered itself
>having any job at all after the minimum wage is raised to 15/hr
You have enough money to turn your hair into a fucking rug.
Your subjective view about the value of your work does not determine the actual value of your work.
Who let her out of the house in the 1st place?
She looks retarded. Double digit iq for sure
Goddamn shes one ugly motherfucker
>$15 for everyone
>Inflation habbens
>I need $20 an hour, I'm not getting paid the right amount for the work I do
>Repeat lines again, just add $5 more on
As a grunt who works for a shitty $8.50, she can go fuck herself. Save money and stop going out to drink and other shit. Least 5 more years of this and I can take the next step in my career. Fucking lazy fuckers wanting to fuck me over for a year of extra money, if that..
>"Once you get the customers' orders right, maybe we'll give you a raise."
Dogs play fetch for free, why do you think you deserve $15.00 ?
Last week she won three gold medals in Rio.
What happened?
Oh, can I have fries with that?
She looks like a toad. I thought all reptalians are rich as fuck. But this cunt seem to be a nigger even among toads
Exactly, people are dumb enough to think just raising the minimum wage is a solution to letting bankers run your country.
frankly, I'm impressed they can train these monkeys to work at a McDonalds. I wouldn't want to eat at one staffed entirely by them, though,
Or you could take a job that pays better and offers benefits, but actually requires hard work.
But no, you want to continue working an entry-level position at a fast food place, because you aspire to be so much more in life.
you also have to factor in these retards have kids
I remember when I worked at wendys in highschool, there was this white trash girl that always had some sob story about "muh son"
Caught her stealing milk from the freezer and told the boss and she got fired lol
Can't wait until I can order and pay for a big mac without any personal interaction.
Right wing retards on suicide watch
$15 is ridiculous. In Finland that's considered way above the normal "Macdonal's wage" and it's expensive as fuck to live here. Why do Americans enjoy luxurious lifestyle so much?
Lol why she look like that
>fire a few white people and lose increasingly valuable productivity
>fire some niggers and gain customers
Niggers btfo by $15/hour
>his store doesn't have a kiosk
You only have to walk up and wordlessly get your cup for your drink, then sit at your table and wait for them to bring you your food.
Yeah, now go ahead and compare the purchasing power of those two, their tax levels, price of living and all the fancy things they've conveniently ignored for "muh European socialist paradise".
I don't even make $15/hr after working at Walmart for nearly a decade and it's a job with less effort than a fast food job.
So in other words you want to be unemployed and have McDonalds customers enter their order on a touchscreen.
here in the philippines, we hire people to kill labor union leaders.
dumb commies never saw it comming.
Seen any sharters lately?
Unions give me political boners
Labor rights for the sake of labor rights are absolute cancer for democracy
Nope, and not actively seeking them.
Fucking nice lol. I work as a dishwasher. Set hours, 2 days off a week, 40hr weeks, overtime depending on season. It's been a good job for 5 years now and 5 more will allow me to pay for schooling as a massage therapist and have cash left over to lighten my hours. Hell, I could quit now and not work for a year, all bills and food covered. I also get to break young blood who treat the job like it's nothing. Fuck that you work, you work. Catch em on the phone, I get them fired. Facebook is not an emergency for fucks sake.
>Gets $15 minimum wage
>Gets fired because McDonald's isn't made of money and you suddenly disputed the amount of money you agreed to work for because liberals told you to
>Blames the system
I was making $8 an hour at a shitty job bagging groceries and I hated it. So I found a better job. Then I found an even better job. Then another. Now I make $25 an hour and have full insurance. I didn't sit around saying "Why isn't the world just GIVING me more money because I want it!?"
They are telling us that it's time for
I wonder how well she did in school.
>Because the work I do does not equal the pay you receive.
No, the pay you receive reflects how much they need your work.
Wages are determined by marginal product of labor, which is the amount of product that is obtained by adding one additional unit of labor.
Minimum wage fags don't understand this because they only think of themselves. If the company were paying them any more or any less than the marginal product of labor, then the company isn't maximizing profit.
Fix inflation and wham, 8 bucks is a fucking lot per hour. Still is to me, but I've always lived poor
How do you propose"fixing" inflation? What is there to fix?
I live just outside Milwaukee and fast food places with all black staff are fucking hilarious disasters.
Denmark's population is also less than 2% of the U.S.'s
Why not just pay them $75 an hour? Or maybe $1000 an hour? Why not ?
The truth of the matter is that you can't teach someone to be responsible with money over night.
The nigger in OP's picture for instance, claims she can't afford food and can't "climb out of poverty." Yet she has a head covered in weave (that's fake hair that niggers buy at salons), and I'm willing to bet that she has some ridiculously gaudy fake nails and some mildly expensive shoes.
If you give a nigger $15 an hour, or any arbitrary dollar amount, they will just find things to spend it on instead of saving it or spending it on what matters.
An engineer in Denmark makes roughly 40% more than a fast food worker in Denmark. Can you imagine an Engineer in the USA making $30k a year? No, because thats stupid as fuck.
>my mom brought me to mcdonald's once and the black people were scary
stay in school kiddo
Denmark also has the highest net private household debt as a % of disposable income in the entire first world, with a rate nearly 3 times higher than the US.
>he fell for the marginalism meme.
Wew lad, how does it feel to be cucked by porky?
People have the wrong idea about the American dream, the American dream doesn't mean you're gonna get everything you want and become famous in exactly the specific things that you want. The only thing you're gonna be given is the freedom of choice. The American dream means you have the oppurtunity to become successful in SOMETHING, not everything. But since the term was made famous it's now changed to something much smaller.
The Amercan dream these days is about making more money, or more choices for education or the most recently from CTR fags and whatnot vote without needing to be a fucking citizen which is disgusting tbqh.
>still no crusade
How many fucking times do we have to tell you this is false information?
>He fell for the Labor Theory of Value meme
Are you a creationist too? Almost every modern economist believes in marginalism
First, get ourselves off credit. Honestly, we NEED a great depression again. We have to wipe our slate clean. Just a extremist point of view, since I can not offer a plan to fix it alone, nor do I have possession of every name linked to banks, wall street and politicians, hence why I'm offer the extreme crash and burn method. Sometimes, you need to burn it down to grow aknew.
Dont maccy D workers in nyour country actually earn a decent wage though??? or is that hamsterdam?
Oh no Denmark's economy might tank if America's economy tanks.
Nice purse you have there...how much did that cost?
That's retarded. Manipulating the market is what got us into this mess in the first place. We shouldn't try and burn it down anymore than we should try to prop it up
>poo in loo threads stay in catalogue
>shart in mart threads deleted immediately
>it's the current year and people still think pension plans are a good idea
>5 years
Bro come on
Post YFW:
>All fastfood restaurants replace niggers with machines
>Niggers begin to riot, rob and murder for "muh needs"
>Police can justifiably kill all niggers for their actions.
Is this the modern iteration of The Day of the Rope?
>Does not equal the pay I receive
[Citation needed]
Something tells me she's never looked at the raw financial numbers showing she does get paid exactly what she's worth she's just uncomfortable with how much she is worth
Methods to untangle it then? Corps are people now, so it's kind of hard to do shit with them
>raise minimum wage to 15 dollars
>can't use blacks to work for cheap anymore
>hire all whites
>Blacks have even higher unemployment
>Nice purse
I hope you are joking that looks like the $10 purses you get in chinese flea markets
Explain the issues with a pension plan, please?
Listen to My father gave me a good pie e of advice that has stuck with me for decades. When I first started working, he told me "always be looking for your next job"
No, although they do earn more if they work overtime and/or on holidays
>I know about the world dispite not having any interaction with it except through autists on a computer
Sheltered faggot.
Chose it. Once I got in good, I can take like, any day off. Raise in a month to 9.50, medical, etc. It's comfy as fuck, and I'm almost at retirement credits, so when I start a real job, I'm just adding cushion
We don't have any $15 an hour jobs....
Illegal aliens work for half that
stfu nigger jamal
How come retards don't understand there always will be poverty. It is literally impossible for a country to not have poor. If everyone was given a million dollars, a million dollars would be considered worthless. Why are they too retarded to understand this? Our poor is the equivalent of Germanys middle class. I literally see poor people with 600 dollar smartphones. Fucking eh
There needs to be more of these pics
Is your dad a fucking millennial?
You find something you enjoy, and you find a company that offers you good benefits and retirement. Then you stay with them and rack up major retirement, while doing side work for your play money.
If an employer sees on your resume that you job hop every 6 months, they are not going to want to hire you because you are a risk to them.
Ok legit question for Sup Forums because no one has convinced me about this yet.
I assume that most of Sup Forums is pro-free market, anti-minimum wage, etc.
Now, this is the main problem for poor people:
>Free market allows you to look for the cheapest labour possible. If not in the country where you're doing business you can look for it in a 3rd world country.
>Without strong borders and population control, companies get to manipulate how much they pay you, eventually importing 3rd world living conditions to the 1st world working class since that's what they have to compete with.
>If a company is free to offer a job and pay whatever it's willing to pay and the worker is free to accept it or not, they only need to have people desperate enough so people accept those jobs.
>They also get to demand whatever they want and give it their desired value, leading workers to find job offers for senior positions that pay $8/hour, because as long as one person goes to the interview they get what they want (and they get hundreds if not thousands).
So, without regulations, how do you get people to get paid what they're worth? You trust in companies to have a good heart when deciding their workers' worth? You close borders and control the population to balance the offer/demand?
How can a person with a masters degree, 10 years of experience, expert in several areas of his field, with a high responsability job as dept. manager get paird 8€/hour? Because that's what 80% of the companies offer and he has to eat.
The fact that a lot of people in their 30s and even 40s, with a good career, have to live in shared appartments because their job doesn't allow them to be financially independent is sad no matter how you look at it.
I have been and have at least 7 things lined up I can do. Before dishwashing, I did alot of other jobs. Cleaning up after fires, factory work, etc. I'm not hurting for a job, or even a good one. Just building a money pile to do it. Longer, but safer imo
>Corps are people now
Corporate personhood has been around since the 18th century. It's a good thing, since it makes it easier to collect taxes from a corporation. It also allows a corporation to be sued as a whole, rather than being forced to sue each individual shareholder.
It's nothing new.
Also, you're not answering the first question. What is there to fix? How are we supposed to know how to fix something if we don't even know what we're fixing?
If you've been in the workforce for five fucking years, you should already have a "real job" and getting paid above minimum wage.
This disgusting redefinition of the American Dream as consumer socialism is hatred for Constitutional values.
Point being it's a wholly unnecessary purchase.
You can't complain about not getting paid enough when you're spending it on shit you objectively do not need.
Good work ethic, but 10 years to become a massage therapist? There's gotta be a better way.
This guy is not wrong.
Fast food restaurants run by all black staff always suffer from long lines, slow and incompetent service, and a massive lack of organization. And that's just what's readily apparent to a customer; lord knows what goes on in the kitchen.
This image is shit because"Scandinavian Socialism" was failing before the shitskin invasion