How are whites the masterrace if Asians are the most intelligent?
How are whites the masterrace if Asians are the most intelligent?
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Intelligence =/= Order
They are just more submissive to school system and stuff.
Name one Non-Caucasian Scientist who made a huge breakthrough in human history
Caucasian master race, m8
The guy who invented gun powder.
>invented gun powder
Bunch of guys found it in cave, didn't invent shit
Most intelligent does not equal most superior.
Most athletic doesnt equal most superior either.
The most superior would be that which has the best balance of all attributes.
Those would be the most adaptable to change.
Butthurt OP can't handle the Chinese also making huge breakthroughs in human history.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
going for a 1
>born as amerindian
Jews are the actual master race
White supremacists are retarded, by their own standards jews are better
Whites are more likely to be stupid or smart
So we have more toilet cleaners and more geniuses, while chinks are all just mindless mediocre software programmers
also creativity might be different
asians are intelligent but they lack of creativity
whites have both
That's because they count Slavs as part of the White race lowering our IQ overall.
For me The only people who count as white are.
West Latins/Italics
Slavs are too poor and dumb to be white so they lower our average overall. Every notable slav in history was really a Latin or Germanic person that the Slavs stole
Damn Sup Forums im ashamed, this fact is pretty well documented, shoulda been post number 1
>he counts koreans as white
No slavic nation is as advanced as South-Korea and alot of Sup Forums counts slavs as white.
LOL white people discovered gun powder. Look into it more. European explorers went to Asia, found that shit, and showed the chinks how to use it.
Because whites have compassion, just look at the fucked up shit asians do to each other and to animals.
>they lower our average, we must remove them do we look better
this is just pathetic 2bqh famalampai
They aren't. They are really brilliant but they creativity is kind of lame. Even after this I do not consider them below us, they are by our side.
Nowadays their societies and values are infinite times better than the ones in ""white"" societies.
on average
>whites master race
>not lizardmen
good one OP
>not Jews
fucking goyim
Pls let me be op jew.
lol you need to be more specific than that
Richard Lynn, reviewing earlier IQ studies on Jews, in 2011 described the measured average IQs of the different groups:[1]
Ashkenazi Jews: 110
Sephardi Jews: 98
Mizrahi Jews: 91
Ethiopian Jews: 68
less creative, less athletic, small dicks etc.
overall whites have the best balance of traits. nigs and asians are too far to the ends of the spectrum.
I hope you do realize that the gun powder (AKA black powder) that the Chinese invented are completely different to the ones we use in modern day firearms?
Before calling people butthurt how about try keeping your shit to your toilet instead of your marts?
Hehe, ok
>"Actual" Scientist
You're an absolute idiot, any kid with maginying glass is a scientist
Nice digits, but you're a fucking retard
you cant be a master race with a small dick
Whites have all stats well-balanced, reason why you often see them in RPG as the default race option called "humans"
With that said, I have nothing against asians, having int maxed and being hard-working is much more respectable and useful than having running from work maxed so you can get gold medals in olympics but your Int is at lowest possible, so your country still shit, (but at least "they WUZ KANGZ N SHEIT", I guess)