Putain on dirait vraiment qu'ils font tout pour que l'EU se délite un peu plus chaque jour, ça devient risible.
Translation : Fuck the EU
Putain on dirait vraiment qu'ils font tout pour que l'EU se délite un peu plus chaque jour, ça devient risible.
Translation : Fuck the EU
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>No fucking way we will accept this.
That's what they all say.
"No way will we be disarmed!"
"No way will give up more than our semi-autos!"
"No way will we agree to give up ammo purchases!"
"No way will we agree to stricter licensing requirements!"
"No way will we agree to only own one gun!"
"No way will we agree to turn even that one in!"
Then 50 years later you're looking at England or Australia tier gun laws and wondering what happened.
Never falter swiss-bro!
Fuck off EU.
well you already sucked EU's dick on your banking doctrine
you'll probably submit concerning the guns too
Probably because Switzerland is a glaring example that firearms don't make a country dangerous or violent.
Sort of ruins their narrative that a disarmed populace is required for safety and security.
Why are they even meddling? As if swiss were exporting their weapons or something.
No, really, what's the rationale behind that shit?
Here's to hope that it will never happen.
...Says the one leaving the sinking ship and calling it a victory, failing to realize that the lifeboat he left in is full of sandniggers and cucks to the brim.
It will simply push Switzerland further away from EU.
They have no power over Switzerland to enforce this so it just sounds like a whole lot of BS and hot air.
Britain will survive, Italy is going to be bled dry.
Or are quotas on how much cheese you're allowed to sell really that close to the core of what it is to be Italian? :^)
>Somaruga in charge
Don't let them do this.
>t.bong that is stuck in a island full of sandniggers and and poo-in-loos and nobody to turn to when shit hits the fan.
Bong your flight is hardly a victory when you haven't bothered to change your policies regarding migration and welfare. Besides all this shit talking and article 50 wasn't triggered yet and could be sabotaged yet.
They just want to disarm everyone the fuckers
>winning the first battle doesn't win the war so it's actually a loss
Christ, calm down m8.
I'm so digusted by the EU and our elites hyprocrisy. They promised us that schengen wouldn't change shit except from free trade, and now this.
Can't wait for the day of the rope (looking at you sommarubitch).
Yeah that's right. It will survive as the first ever western-world Caliphate.
tell em to fuck off
we're with you.
Britain isn't the country currently letting millions of boat people land on their beaches and demand food. :^)
You shouldn't be calm m8. They are literally stalling the triggering of article 50 to have a chance of canceling it altogether.
Remember that several European countries said no to the Lisbon treaty in referendums, only to have the question posed again later and pass it. Nigel was correct in wanting the article 50 be done with as quickly as possible, because every second counts.
You are celebrating prematurely.
To: the EU
Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.
From: Burgerland
What's the fuck the EU is doing? Are they trying to destroy their own union? They already have some many problems... instead of fixing them, they are just making things worst!
I don't give a damn about weapons. But why the EU can decide that? What's are the limits of people in Bruxelles?!
Fuck... I believed we could have done something great with this EU! But its more and more an anti-democratic state rule by unknown technocrats...
>What's are the limits of people in Bruxelles
They are pretty limitless. I'm not sure about the specifics regarding Switzerland since you guys aren't in the EU but within the EU each state has less autonomy than US states do.
I love Swiss guns
I just met that dickhead today in the streets.
Italy isn't the country electing a muslim as the mayor of Its capital.
Italy isn't the country with the shittiest gun legislation in the entire European continent.
Italy isn't the country where "hate speech", against mudshites or other culturally enriching minorities, warrants up to seven years of imprisonment and a fine, or both.
Italy isn't the country where police leaves children to be raped by a gang of mudslimes, because they are too busy raiding british private homes under the suspicion that the owner might posses a bike wheel or a pointy toothbrush.
Do I have to carry on?
We let in rapefuges only to satisfy the requirements of other european countries and their cuck fetish, which requires a steady monthly income of bulls (:wink wink: Germany and Sweden). And despite being the gateway to europe for most migrants, we still have one of the lowest concentration of mudshites (1,5% of the population, which is almost 1/3 of what you have now).
Enjoy that whopping 2 places you top us in the GDP world scale. It will be good to see you invest it in mosques and non-muslim re-education centers.
Same thing in the balkans really.
Everyone and their grandmother has an SKS in the attic, yet little no gun crimes.
As long as you have a homogeneous society, you've got nothing to worry about. Just look at perpetrator/victim statistics in USA.
Pic related.
So now they not only tell members what to do but neutral countries as well? Fuck off.
Concerning the decisions of the EU, here in Switzerland we have the possibility to accept them or to refuse them... which implies being excluded from all treaty and therefore being totally isolated.
So basically, we no options.
I don't understand the direction taken by the EU
>totally isolated
we're here to help senpai
don't you do it
No, you already did that in the millions, you moron.
>minority white
There will be an initiative about this, r-right?
We're not. Unlike the cucks around us, we have options worldwide. We'll just sell the russians and chinese more. Fuck the Germs and their EU masters. We must not accepts foreign rule, ever.
Swiss isn't even in the EU, what the fuck are these retarded simili-gommiekunts going to do about it?
"But user, we can't have initiatives/referendums about treaties. That would be racist/dangerous/choose your own buzzword."
I fucking hate these cucks. To think I used to be a JUSO.
If the treaty is triggered straight away, then the UK gives all of the power to the EU. The EU can just postpone and delay so that the time limit will put pressure onto the UK and force them into accepting a shitty deal. By taking their time, the UK can ensure they get the deal they want with exactly as much time as they need to negotiate.
and court will revoke it.
I saw how they treated Mörgeli, you're heading our way
W-why didn't you inject the ricin needle?
>You will never expat to Switzerland to fight for the glorious Helvetica Revolutionary Front against the European Caliphate
Why even live?
The Eu took those away a long time ago.
JUSO?! Damn user, how did you get redpilled?
I know that feel. T-t-thanks Reagan and Clinton
Easy. Step 1:
Watch this in full lenght
Step 2
Study mech engineering and fail some exams now and then. Your special snowflake ideas will crumble instantly.
Step 3
Go visit your relatives in Slovenia now and then who can explain you in detail why commies and socialists should be put up against the wall.
Bonus: go to paris for a week and stumble into Barbess (whatever that shithole is called).
Rural Canada is the same way, we have bears and other nuisance wildlife all over the place, and most households have a rifle; SKS is very popular here due to it's low cost & easy maintenance.
Very little gun crime, actually Vancouver and Toronto, which have very few firearms per household have way more gun crime.
Like the fucking EU doesn't have enough shit going tits up right now. It's like they have to constantly feed the SJW's more and more all the time to show that they are so progressive no matter the cost.
The EU is like a sun about to go super nova. They are going to burn themselves out in the next few years.
Actually, just watch all of Douglas's stuff. Redpills for everybody. Eat them while they are warm.