Legalize drugs

give me a reason why drugs shouldn't be legal?

>sold out of state stores
>taxed at a healthy 8-10%
>creates more jobs (farming/manufacturing, distribution, sales)
>money made from the taxes can go towards healthcare,fixing our crumbling infrastructure, or invested in other businesses


vote trump if u want legal weed u retarded pothead

The only reason I don't like legalisation is because pot-heads are literally the most insufferable people on the planet.

Completely agree. Maybe if the taboo nature of weed was gone, they'd stop acting like shitheads?

HELP guys I've smoked more or less 7 years daily +20 thc% weed & hash, usually only lighting up it ritualistically 4:20pm

What kind of withdrawal is there to expect. I basically stay sober to 3pm-4pm but when I get off work and evening starts I crave and smoke a lot.


ok i think sonic fans are pretty fucking insufferable can we ban sonic?
horsefuckers get pretty insufferable an we ban ponies?
i think niggers are pretty insufferable can we ban niggers?

not much, maybe mild irritability for a few days. if you're ready to quit it's no big deal. switching to vaping it instead of smoking makes it easier to drop for some reason.

You will feel extremely depressed for about 1-2 days and after that you will feel very good. Then gradually turn to normal while the brain balances the chemicals.

>creating jobs

Not really when only a few big companies are allowed to grow, you don't need a lot of people to get good yield of an indoor grown crop.

All the rest might be so be still it's a little narrow minded to think it only has upsides. Smoking it also give cancer, depression,...

I would do literally anything to have it available in a local store and not have to buy from retarded white trash wiggers every week. I dont even tell people I smoke weed anymore because I hate being lumped in with the cancer that is "weed culture" Where are all the other white collar hard working potsmokers?

You mean Johnson.

violent tremors, sweating, sicker than you've ever felt
you may die

>Smoking it also give cancer, depression
citation needed


>Posit 3 great and groundbreaking ideas
>Your OP is an incredibly shitty idea
what went wrong? Why don't you feel the way about weed that you do about sonic, ponies and niggers?

The urge to smoke will die down after a few days, but it's highly likely your dreams will be fucked up for a month or so.

>legawize dwugs
>only ever tried soft drugs

I'd like to see the quality of wholesale Wal-Mart weed compared to a dude who puts time and effort into his crops.

It'll be like what Budweiser and craft beers are.

Day 1
>fuck im bored i wish i had weed

Day 2
>there is literally nothing to do, i want to smoke

Day 3
>oh shit i forgot about (insert hobby here), havent done that in a while. I bet this would be awesome stoned

Day 4
>*busy doing productive shit*

Should be left up to the states

It should be legal, but taxed heavily and stigmatized like cigarettes.

>end this time wasting debate
>stoners contribute more $
>decent people still avoid it because it's degenerate

your missing the point, you cant just ban something because you dont like it
niggers you have an argument that they cause more harm then good but then there is the economic and logistical issue of a mass deportation of such a large group

fair enough, i was just giving an example of one way this could work

fuck you. we need the money

Stick it up your ass.. Trump is for legalizing medial weed and leaving it up to the states for rec...

Sure you can.

>Nigger commits a crime
>not enough evidence to convict him
>he walks
>cop sees same nigger with some weed
>get him
>got him
He's now locked up like he should have been. If weed were legal, he'd just keep getting away with crime until he is caught red handed.

Pretty much this
I've had to quit on numerous occasions, the only withdrawal is boredom

I don't really give a fuck about pot.

>That image

so true.

I also believe that drugs and enforcement should be up to the states in cases of things like marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes. pharmeceutical drugs should be federally regulated with extreme measures for the population to remove federal officials who do not do their job in satisfactorily manners.

so you want to punish everyone who wants weed because you want to throw some filthy fucking niggers in our already overcrowded prisons?

Sources faggot?

Leave us horse fuckers out of this

It might be hard at first, but you'll be fine after a week.

It is far easier to quit smoking weed than quitting cigarettes or alcohol.

any doctor in the world

I don't give a shit about weed,never smoked it myself,but I fucking hate stoners who do nothing but smoke weed.

Lost me at taxed

How about you try to not give the government more control, you fucking dolt? Decriminalize it. Also, you must be dumb to think the taxes from pot are going to go to infrastructure or anything that could actually benefit the people. It's going straight to Israel and welfare babies, princess

>white guy never committed a crime in his life
>except after work he enjoys a couple puffs to relax to get to bed.
>cop seems him with a blunt one day and decides to Fuck his shit up

>appeal to authority

that picture is so accurate

>smoking weed in a place where a cop can see you

if you're doing drugs in public fuck off

Literally WHO???