@keithjahans on Twitter
@keithjahans on Twitter
How did your son because a hitman, hunting on the lives of Alt-righters?
What does this thread have to do with politics?
>What does this thread have to do with politics?
Alexander Gordon Jahan made it about politics.
Here's his mum
>be Keith Jahans
>be asking Gordon about job prospects
>be beaten to pulp by NEET son
>get beaten up by Alexander Jahans
Fucking how? He's a pudgy little twerp who never went through puberty and lays around in bed all day. Am I missing something? Is he like seven feet tall and he just looks small in the videos?
His mum is actually Helen Jahans.
you guys are taking this too far
he's going to shut all his stuff down soon
clearly he's been getting more and more upset about it
Well, Keith is in his mid 70s and Gordon is a 6 foot 4 beast.
>"A happy family, almost destroyed"
What did Keith "I have no son" Jahans mean by this?
who's Ruth then
Keith's new piece of arse?
We're only helping him, mate. Once he abandons the Internet lulz then he can realistically become an employed, functioning member of society.
As it stands at the moment, an employer googles his name, sees pic related, and throws his CV into the fire.
Ruth is Helen's younger sister - and aunty of Gordon and this fine piece of ass.
>Ruth is Helen's younger sister
That doesn't make any sense, she has to be Keith's sister or else how would she get the Jahans name
Given the abundance of unskilled labor in the U.K. is it even possible for him to get a job at this point? It's not like here where he could just waddle down to McDonalds and they'd hire him on the spot without checking on his background.
Ruth married a member of the Jahans family after her sister. Her maiden name is Price. The two sisters married into the Jahans family.
Look, this family is incredibly fucked up. Trying to make sense of it is like understanding the Metal Gear Solid timeline.
is there a too far?
are tehy jews?
Actually, inbreeding goes a long way to explaining the existence of a creature such as Alexander Jahans.
Gordon lives 20 minutes from the centre of London. I live not far from Gordon in an equally affluent part of England. The jobs in the south east (where we both live) are incredibly abundant and plentiful.
Nobody need be unemployed if they don't want to be.
The north of england is another story and is an unemployed ghetto shithole.
But in the south east? You have to really try hard to be an unemployed NEET. Gordon's got it down well though.
so BOTH Helen Price and Ruth Price each married a different Jahans? what the FUCK is going on?
so Gordon has another uncle Jahans somewhere.
is this going to end where we discover they're cadre branches of the same family and Gordon is like Charles II, sperg royalty
Okay. what did an autist with 1.5k subs on youtube do. Fill me in on these maymays.
This isn't inbreeding, this isn't anything like inbreeding. This is totally normal.
I believe they actually are. Both Helen and Ruth look incredibly Jewish with the oily black hair and big noses.
>totally normal
Yeah but the end result is this.
He will lead us into the new dawn.
Wish I knew how to use twitter or understand what was happening.
the ass was fat!
seriously, how do you get a fat ass like that? I'm fat, but I haven't got a huge ass or boobs
wtf is going on?
snorting coke? degenerate
This is getting out of hand.
This is shit. There's a much better video where Jahans talks about how we should get rid of the fucking niggers. ITSNOTWORTHIT
Link to that one? I want to tweet it to his pop.
He has Kaplann(?) syndrome, which meant his body doesn't produce any testosterone and he never went through puberty. Pol bullied him into getting test injections from a GP which is why his voice has cracked and he has facial hair now.
He still has a micropenis though.
But anyway his body is a result of zero test and xenoestrogens.
Keep it up lads.
I want Gordon to make a video talking about Based Keith.
well that sounds pretty shit
at least he's getting some T now, is he getting more aggressive?
someting wierd is going on
is he a kike?
I found Keith Jahan's youtube channel. I think this is a video of him but he's going under a weird literary pseudonym
why is Sup Forums not showing my posts
This is Keith Jahans:
The fire rises!
The meme man has no past no future only blindly yells in the darkness!
He was already pretty unstable, the test is probably making him more violent. Not sure if he beat up his dad before or after the test but I do remember the video, its called "I broke my own moral code" and he watches 2 girls 1 cup at the end as penance.
>and he watches 2 girls 1 cup at the end as penance
I don't belive he's for real
Fucking hell.
Well he's obviously parodying Gordon.
What a fucking madman!
He plays up the Sup Forums stuff for attention quite a lot, because he went from 50 views a video to a couple of thousand. He thinks we don't know this, but everyone does.
Hes just fascinating to watch, because his life is so bizarre and terrible.
For instance - in his earlier videos, his window has a bedsheet tacked over it to block out the light.
Remember, you can send Alex Jahans fanmail! His fathers company is registered to his home address.
wow, is this legit stats from the trustworthy gov?
Can i send him pizza?
Sort of but not really. A lot of people work shitty zero hour contract jobs that you can't live off, but that counts as not being unemployed any longer.
Then again people blame the government as if its the conservatives fault we've had 300,000 unskilled workers a year since ~2005.
The blame squarely rests on labours shoulders - they absolutely FUCKED their own electorate, the working class stiff, because they wanted to pollute UK voting demographics with hordes of foreigners. Foreigners who will vote for more welfare state and easy immigration rules, i.e. a labour government.
Needless to say its backfired for labour horrendously.
Please do.
I wanna see his rage.
"Get eid of rhe fucking pizzars! its not werth it!"
I reckon Alex would greatly appreciate that!
Fuck you i'll do what i want
>as if its the conservatives fault we've had 300,000 unskilled workers a year since ~2005
it fucking is though, basically. don't try and claim they're not equally as responsible.
>The blame squarely rests on labours shoulders - they absolutely FUCKED their own electorate
kinf of 95% true, yet the tories continued the importation and didn't get rid of the fuckers either
but they both get their shekels from the same hand
I want pizza
>Tfw you never be a aspie kid who is a internet bullying target and recibe 11 pineapple pizza boxes .
How will you send him pizza from Canada?
Which is shittier, Milano or Domino's
trips of true true
What did he mean by this?
Why is Jahans only just exploding? Is it because of TDS?
He's been a brit/pol/ meme for years.
It concerns me though because this kind of exposure will cause him to disappear again.
Just call the pizza companies in Woking and get them to deliver to Jahans
You are unaccountable because you live thousands of miles away in fucking canada.
Seems to be a classic sociopath
He enjoys the attention.
he's revealing his all consuming passion for the Aryan female form
How do I obtain Jahans mode?
you mean because of TRS?
I think it's a fucking forced meme from them. I think they have become self aware, that they have been somewhat driving right wing memes, and now they think they can just willy nilly make right wing memes up.