Proxima Centauri is only four light years away, Should we colonize it and with whom?
Earth size planet found in habitable zone of the nearest star
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Jumping the gun a bit there aren't you Hans?
This is not an inhabitable planet.
>HABITABLE ZONE simply means if water is present it could be in a liquid form.
>The intense stellar winds from the star (2% as far from the star as earth is from the sun) make it nearly impossible for the planet to have an atmosphere
>Atmosphere is required to have water on the surface
>A VEEERRRRY strong magnetic field is required to prevent an atmosphere from being stripped away by the intense stellar winds
>A liquid core, rotating core is required for this type of magnetic field.
>The planet is almost certainly tidally locked with the star, which rules out a rotating core, which rules out an atmosphere, which rules out liquid water.
>(pic related) the habitable zone (chance of liquid water) of the Centauri stars. Proxima (the star in question) is on the right.
There is zero chance we could colonize this planet even if we could get there. There is zero reason to go there in search of life as it is almost certainly sterile.
>ITT german education system
With achievable technology that can be produced within your lifespan? A ship/probe could make it to Proxima within a few decades of flight time.
Not that we're likely to go that route... unfortunately.
Hanz, the planet will literally be Ryloth from Star Wars. Tidally locked with only the twilight zone MAYBE being habitable.
For that sliver of land to be survivable by life as we know it, the planet will need one hell of a magnetic field.
Flying to/from the planet would be like flying into Jupiter's radiation belts. A bitch and a half worth of shielding would be needed just to not fry a probe, let alone a person.
Maybe future tech will make this more viable...or maybe some super extreme form of life lives there.
It isn't Earth 2.0 for sure, unfortunately.
we should send a nuke there right now so that it gets hit by it thousands of years later when life starts to develop
The planet is almost certainly devoid of life.
Humans can already reach 1/10th the speed of light with 70s off the self tech.
If it is possible for life to evolve on that planet it will be immune to any radiation we could throw at it.
and we better make sure it stays that way
You cannot just repeat things people made up and expect them to be true.
>nearest star
>4 light years away
Ok, I'm with you.
I'm just going by the Los Alamos study.
Requirements for colonization:
>whites only
>no religion
>no Jews
>no manlets
What else?
>Alpha Centauri (α Cen) is the closest star system to the Solar System at a distance of 4.37 light-years
>only four light years away
>you will never live to see white only designer planets
>no religion
time to delete everything in both Americas then
Which los alamos study? I'm actually curious. Particle accelerators are not a form of propulsion, if thats what you mean.
Project Orion. Nuclear pusher plates.
>Strong magnetic field
Not on this planet bro. Too many jews already.
He's talking Project Orion.
Technically manlets would be better for colonization, they'd consume less resources on the way over.
I wish we already had a fleet of automated mining machines on the way there to strip that entire system of material.
>you'll never live inside a Dyson sphere
Watching a TED talk on it. Nuclear explosion thrusters are interesting but seem pretty impractical, but I'm no scientist.
Considering whites will be extinct before space colonization takes off, no one will.
And in glad. Fuck white people, they are a meme. Weak and overrated
cool so we could send a probe there and hope nothing happens to it on the FORTY YEAR journy
How long before merkel starts sending them aid?
Impractical mainly because it would take the world's current nuclear arsenal just for one ship on a one way journey.
Try explain to other nations why youre restarting your nuke program and making a huge stockpile.
Fuck probes just send a maned mission. Our ancestors never sent out probes when they went exploring the ocean blue.
manlet pls
We can't even colonize inner Australia or northern Canada. How the fuck are we supposed to colonize another fucking planet?
Stop being a buzzkill
>every star has the same temperature
Some stars burn so hot that you need to be at least that far away to not end up like Mercury
can a person even survive on a spacecraft for 40 years?
What's going to happen to it in DEEP SPACE, you ignoramus?
We should go take a look-see nonetheless. Not really doing anything else productive up there. It's a nice close test run for being able to get to other stars and then return. Also, you might find some shit along the way.
We haven't even been to other planets yet, let's not go acting like getting to another star wouldn't be a milestone.
The acceleration profile is pretty damn violent for human passengers. This would be negateable with smaller charges perhaps.
The Rad. dose for passengers is pretty damn high as well. Perhaps lightweight shielding can be developed, but with current tech it would make the craft prohibitively heavy.
>Should we colonize it and with whom?
No, we should use it to deport all the poorfags and sandpeople. Just like Australia, a bunch of years ago.
Let me go first please, this world is fucked up
It would be awesome. My main point is this isn't a planet we could go and set up shop easily upon. It's not even a 'fixer-upper.' The planet is most likely more hostile than any planet in our own system.
They would have a better chance surviving on Mercury.
Lol good luck with 2LY
Yeah, basically. That the whole point of probes. In the meantime you keep advancing tech and sending more probes.
Iirc the "shock absorbers" are there to even out and distribute the acceleration forces
>4 light years
So close yet so far away. If only we had technology capable of going at least half light speed.
And then explode halfway there because a micrometeorite obliterates you
I'm fine with that too.
When do we start with the great deportations? ...or should we give it a nicer sounding name?
Cultural enhancements
reminder that we developed then abandoned spaceflight technology far more advanced than what we have now
If Hitler won, would we be assembling these crafts in orbit right now?
I like it.
I really think we need a crew of people who are ok with the idea they never come home and we just shoot them out into space at various places we think are habitable. Like in interstellar.
Shit would be SO cash
>Planetary Enrichment Protocol
P.E.P. for short.
Yes! Now this is great!
Unfortunately, most people wouldn't care about trying to simply do an A-to-B-to-A run. They don't want to see necessary steps taken for advancement; they want to see the bar from Star Wars discovered and flights soon to become available to get wasted while galacticly abroad.
>Being that close to two stars
Nigga it's a hellhole
That's a good Juan coming from a bean picker take your fence hopping ass back over to that shithole you crawled out of
Only reason you've got anything that you have right now is because whites had the gumption to go out and explore, otherwise you'd still be running around naked in the jungle chucking spears and sacrificing people because you think the sun wouldn't rise the next day
>Won't ever have a Twilek dancer/sex slave
Why live?
thanks obama
President Trump will send us to Mars and let us name Proxima Centuari b.
your country has so much money stored in it, why don't you finance the first half, and we kick start the rest ok?
Kek beaners BTFO
>Let me go first please, this world is fucked up
Lol this planet was made for us and wet were made for it. It's perfect. It's the only planet we could even survive on.
Read this book nigger.
"Who built the Moon?"
By Christopher Knight
>Should we colonize it
The answer is always no when it comes to planets. It's an enormous pain in the ass to get off of the fucking thing once you're there, there's never any resources you can't get from asteroids/comets, and it's no more habitable than empty space. Orbital colonies are the only things we should be living in once we move off the Earth.
Last time I checked Switzerland didn't have a space programm (although some research is being done in Bern, I think).
Anyways, I gotta ask the supervisor first, senpai.
The icy moons in our own system are much more likely to have life than this planet.
we'd probably be on our way to multiple star systems at this point if the nazis won. they were all about large scale, hard-technology engineering. strong infrastructure, etc.
our civilization in comparison is built on small scale, "soft" technology. we have astoundingly advanced communications systems but weak physical infrastructure with none of the large scale thinking the nazis were so enamored by.
How to get funding/telescope time
>Wow we found a rock floating around a star
>We don't actually know what its like but its VERY, VERY, *****EARTH LIKE****
>Its even the same temperature as Earth!! I mean how improbable is that!!!!!
>Muh aliums eh?? ;)) better let us use your telescope with a backlog of scientists that's years long so we can look at this EARTH like planet
Science needs to be taken out of "journalism".
>the bar from Star Wars
You mean lightsabers?
Can a person survive in a basement for 40 years?
let's just outsource it, i bet Russia would do it, sad thing that most of them must also leave this planet
We should send the niggers to colonize it like in Stellaris. Earth should send it's best, obviously
This was probably a rhetorical question, but anyways: ye, absolutely.
What about the Mexican, or Indian space programs?
Give earth to the blacks and Muslims, whites can start a new life elsewhere
>landing a rocket which just went to space, on a barge
>"nah man the nazis woulda done it bigger no I don't know about operation paperclip I'm a retard from reddit"
No. Just no. Orion looks great on paper but is unworkable in detailed engineering, never mind the politics and devastation to our current orbital infrastructure.
The best solutions to crossing the interstellar gulf to Prox. Cent using current technology would be beamed microwave or laser propulsion pushing very small chipsat solar sails. The best maybe-might-could-work solution is the Q Drive or possible warp drive from Eagleworks.
Sounds like bs unless a supernova is bound to happen.
Screen capping this so I can repost it in 300 years when we can 2nd earth is up and running
You people are so pessimistic.
While the odds are that Proxima b is a barren wasteland there's always a chance it's a second Earth!
The average beaner IQ is 85. You wouldn't even have civilization without whites. Good luck with your mud huts and starvation shitskin. We are currently making something that will release actual demons on Earth to kill all unenlightened like yourself.
>there is something impressive in still using tubes filled with explosives to travel to space
>The answer is always no when it comes to planets.
This user gets it. Once we are in solar orbit, why go down any steep gravity well except for bringing resources back up to space? Why build a colony on some barren rock with the wrong gravity when we can build custom tailored, perfect and controlled environments in space for billions more people?
>no religion
Indians had civilization before the Spanish conquered them.
does it have a magnetosphere
because otherwise it's pretty pointless
>four light years away
I'm not sure if you understand how far that is and how many generations of inbreeding on a spaceship it would take to reach there.
Be careful when exploring proxima centauri. In an alternative timeline it is already inhabited by by romulans before humans get there.
Send all the niggers we dont need em
we want them to arrive safe don't we?, we're humanists after all
Space may be the final frontier but it is made in a hollywood basement
I think we should focus on Mars first 2bh. And large-scale asteroid mining and orbital industry.
Just think about it: Earth can be restored to an almost pristine state, while all needed materials are brought in from the asteroid belt. Large parts of the human population would be living in orbital habitats, and we'd have an ideal launching point for excursions into deep space.
Why do people think you'd launch this thing from earth or earth orbit.
Obviously you would tow it to L2 and launch it there.
the one thing we can be absolutely certain of is that the planet is Nothing like earth
Not /too/ much time with nuclear pulse propulsion
Anthony plz.