This guy is going to declare war to Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay anytime soon
Big happening soon familia PRAISE KEK
This guy is going to declare war to Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay anytime soon
Where do I sign up?
Good thing SA shit will be easy to contain.
We will taste a bit of their delicious oil and fuck their women.
Volunteer army, when?
Death to Maduro, fuck this cuck.
Paraguay has internet?
THIS so much
fuck this guy
>country on the verge of becoming a failed state
>"lol let's declare war on the most powerful guys on the continent"
But why?
Could you please translate, kind hue
He said that the new President of Brazil had fear to go the closing ceremony of Rio 2016 telling he is a putschist and the right has taken over Brazil
He had waaay more stupid decisions before, this one will be, hopefully, the last one as president
>oil price high
>Venezuela does great
>Venezuela wastes all new money on welfare and don't give a fuck about industries
>Venezuela claims socialism works
>Brazil also elect socialists
>South America now full of socialists
>oil price go down
>South America growth was all wasted on welfare
>Venezuela's economy collapse, people eating pigeons on the streets, zoo animals being eaten, Maduro goes full Stalin
>Since oil price went down Brazil gibs money to Venezuela because muh socialism
>Brazil gets rid of socialism because it isn't working
>Venezuela can't do the same
>Brazil stop to gibs money to Venezuela, Maduro goes crazy.
>now Maduro wants war becuase were not giving money to him.
that's not a joke, that's what is really happening now.
>>Venezuela's economy collapse, people eating pigeons on the streets, zoo animals being eaten, Maduro goes full Stalin
when i heard about the zoo animals being eaten i was so fucking mad and realized that this war needs to happen
can't wait
Welfare AND corruption. Don't forget how the socialist politicians and their families all became millionaires or even billionaires.
And Chavismo is all talk. Much like how they used to start shit with Colombia to distract the population of their larger problems, now they want to start shit with Brazil, but nothing will come out of it.
Ecuador left-wing govermnent is allright
Or at least the treatment with other govermnents from south america. On other side Venezuela and Bolivia are crying for everything and blaming everyone but themselves
and Colombia
Bootleg internet
Fun fact: We actually use Argentinian internet from cheap companies near the border
So if a war does break out, what happens to the hues living outside of Brazil? Would they get somehow dragged into this?
No need, our military is huge, probably no need for draft.
And we have just two days worth of ammo.
t.João da Silva, residing in London
America world police would lend us weapons in exchange for oil when we win
If this is true the markets would go into a tail spin. Short $SPY
You realize Ammo manufacturing goes on overdrive in case of war right?
That's really shit, we need to start putting some real money on the army.
Bring it on, we had been figthing our commies 40 years in guerrilla warfare, we are ready
We're all monkeys, we just throw poop at them, like we are supposed to.
our army would destroy them in a week
>The triple alliance of South American Torturers is chasing us now
>Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil
>Triple Alliance
Am I missing something here?
Besides, the Brazilian army is about 10 times bigger than Venezuela's one.
They eat zoo animals man
You got the London part right.
we are in the good side this time
teach me how to genocide senpai
SA threads are comfy af
He can't even feed his soldiers
Is he asking for suicide?
Will the CIA suicide him?
He really can't invade anyone as I bet most soldiers will desert as soon as they step into another country.
Venezuela is so broke they are eating dogs and cats they find in the street, how are they going to invade Brazil and Argentina? Throw rocks at them from over the border? This sounds like he is pulling a Kim Jong Un with loud talk to distract from his administrations own scandals and general shittiness.
because they buy russians Sukhoi Su-30MK2 instead of food so they want to try it at least i guess
The difference is, NK is an isolationist shithole that no one cares about.
Venezuela is in our economic bloc trying to dictate what we should and shouldn't do.
>Maduro is going to declare war to Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay anytime soon
Are you fucking high?!
Also, stop stealing our cars.
is not that I want all of you guys killed but we really need to pump that oil price up, good luck to all of you
But they still can't realistically invade anyone. Invading Brazil is like invading reverse Siberia, they are going to swallowed up by the Amazon and die of starvation and zika before they even reach a large city or the Argentine border. Even a rich European country would have a big problem invading Brazil, let alone a dump like Venezuela.
>Also, stop stealing our cars.
We steal more from Chile 2bh
>Zwarte Hoop revival
It could happen again.
based Chile help when
Venezuela is about to fall and the only way he can still stay in power in creating a war, everyone here know that and we give him a great excuse:
Venezuela was the next to get in power in the Mercosur but we didn't like that so Paraguay instead say Argentina should be the next one in power and not Maduro, of course that trigger him and now he declare war.
Good times with the lads
Thoses Western guys don't know about South American banter, it was all for the lulz
Argentina (and Brazil to some degree) is the same except with soy beans in stead of oil
Luckily we did not reach Venezuela levels
>Implying we need help
>70% of your male population died for bantz
Damn, that's some Germany-tier destruction. America needs a culling like that, where can I sign up?
Why? We haven't done anything bad to them.
the absolute madman
I'm not talking about the war
Also, stop with this Chile meme... I can see why Eurofags or Americans believe in it but we actually know Chile..
Colombia is of more help in a war than fucking Chile.
>nothing will happen
>venezuela will go down with a whimper
>commies will still say it wasn't real socialism
I hate this
Why can't we have a good, old fashioned all out war these days?
I, of course, would be dodging the draft and shitposting on Sup Forums, if it ever came to that.
>I cutoff the headers of the table
Those are armies sizes.
That doesn't mean shit , m8, it's just tantrum because 'I'm le chairman of Mercosur XDD'.
They can keep the fucking chair, it's rotative.
And the 'Mercosur' never actually worked properly.
It has something to do with Mercosur. The "triple alianza" doesn't want Venezuela to be the precident of the organization
No he won't
He's a puppet and is deathly afraid of getting murdered by Diosdado Cabello, the real ruler of venezuela
You're a retard
>Diosdado Cabello
Who is this guy and what is the source of his power?
Is this a reference to Chile hosting RAF during the Falklands War? Don't be salty, you were trying to jew them but they ended up jewing you harder. Now you can both jew Venezuela together.
How is the situation right now? how is this Diosdado Cabello?
>You're a retard
Literally who?
Chile is far away...
what's that guys RACE? what's he mixed with?
There won't be any war
He used to be the president of the parliament (i'm not entirely sure what's the translation for his position, but that's the closest)
He has known links to every single prominent drugdealer, has been caught countless times doing it, he's being prosecuted by the DEA because he's just that incompetent, but since the entire country is just a front for drugs, we aren't going to give him up, obviously.
While he was the President of the Parliament, he proposed anti-constitutional laws (since a couple of years ago we DIDN'T vote to ellect our MPs and el Chavismo took most seats) that pretty much ruined the entire country.
Maduro is just a puppet put in place by Chavez because everyone knows how corrupt Diosdado is and no one would've elected him
I'm sorry, i'm sick and tired of reading bullshit news about my country that are purposely written to mislead people.
The situation is fucking horrible. My family is well off (not rich, we would've moved out a while ago, but we don't need to do any lines) and even then we don't get the products we need, like rice or flour.
I have unironically not eaten a bowl of cereal in almost a year now.
I know.
The Brazilian and Paraguayan governments don't want Maduro there because he'll fuck up the negotiatios with the EU.
Don't worry, the Bolivian navy will back Venezuela in case of war
Venezuela doesn't have the money nor the stability to hold a war with those three countries.
Not to mention they threatened us with war, just after they invaded the falklands they told the chilean government "you are next".
What the fuck did they expect.
>Diosdado Cabello
Kek that's his real fucking name? Goddice Hair?
I think with "dado" they mean given, so God-given Hair.
>Diosdado Cabello
This can be translated to "god given hair" in portuguese
I shit you not, the stupidest name ever conceived.
it works both ways
>Venezuela doesn't have the money nor the stability to hold a war with those three countries.
that's the other thing, our militia is LAUGHABLY understaffed, no training whatsoever, and I would be surprised to have enough bullets to last more than a single skirmish.
Back when we were rioting, the government was forced to bring back veterans (literal 60 year olds) back into the army to have enough people to contain the situation.
Also, we're stuck in the 50s here, most people believe we are going to go storm the beaches like in Normandy and go footsore vs foot soldier.
Just drone the shit out of our bases and we will give up the country in minutes
srsly.. have not seen a paraguay flag in months
in spanish too
Makes much more sense than the retarded shit I just wrote.
> what is the source of his power?
His hair obviously.
Same with Bolivia. It's just that at this point they post with an argentine flag. Both countries must have lost half of their inhabitants by now.
>Brazil decides to distract from Zika/corruption scandals
>Argentina decides to flex their ultra white military and help out
>Paraguay joins in for the lulz
>Venezuela gets rekt with almost very little American support
>Chile takes opportunity to occupy Bolivia while no one is looking
How do you react?
>Venezuela is being governed by Sanson
spare the castizas, pls
>supporting Venezuela
> Argentina decides to flex their ultra white military and help out
What military? If war broke out I'd get my slingshot and my bike confiscated
A civil war in Venezuela would be terrible, and its entirely possible due to the current scarcity.
He's an average spic
>military is on the government's side
>criminals are on the government's side
>common Venezuelans have no guns
Who would fight this civil war?
The only realistic scenario would be middle and low ranks raising against the higher ranks and going against the government, but that is a Coup not a Civil War.
He gets crazier every day, ffs.
in all revolutions, a rival sector of the dominant class supports the oppressed one.
Maybe the USA like the good old times.
where do i sign up to kill argenigs
I wonder if all mexicans are this butthurt with us or it's only one that posts in every single thread mentioning us.
Precisely. The US only wants a good prize on their oil to maintain their macro economical indices and pretend everything is fine. The bonus point is to make even richer to those goods traders and bankers.
Index we trust.
Only him
But the dominant class are chavista politicians and military that would almost certainly get separated from their positions in case the opposition took over the country. They have no reason to change loyalties, especially when so many have stolen so much.
But that is not a civil war.