Daily reminder:

Daily reminder:

Obama added 10,000,000,000 to the national debt.
To do so he had to raise the debt ceiling three times.
All of his "job creation", is shitty part time hourly jobs to skirt Obamacare: The Disaster.
Every single exchange is failing and adding billions to our economy.
He pulled troops out of the middle east way to early, and against the council of all his generals, directly leading to the formation of ISIS..

TLDR: The democratic jesus of hope and change, didnt do shit.

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and now libs want socialism

after we owe 20T in debt..........

sorry bernie we spent all our money and then some already

The hangover from the Bush mistake has been rough.

Obama morons still blaming bush 8 years later... many kek







Don't forget how he's nailing the coffin of the middle class shut with the TPP

Sorry I actually fucked it up and forgot an entire set of 000's.. its actually


sorry guys, my mind doesnt think in trillions often

Thanks for the daily Obama leaf containment thread, OP.

Defending Bush 7 years later - many keks.

>Two unpaid for wars
>Deregulation of Wall Street and junk bond bundling
>destruction of the US housing industry
>Many thousand dead for unnecessary war

Fuck you Bush apologists and fuck the do nothing Congress.

No one is defending bush in this thread, just saying how fail obama was, You are blaming that on bush. I'm saying you're a fucking moron.

Its kind of lame but this will help visualize....

pagetutor dotcom trillion/index.html

really makes you think....

And what I want to know is just what the hell did he spend all that money on? At least the New Deal gave our country a massive amount of infrastructure and facilities, much of those still in use today. But the, is there even a special name for Obama's spending spree? Anyway, Obama has jack shit to show for all this. Except for Obamaleaf's trust fund. That's doing alright. But for the average American? Things are as neglected and falling apart as ever.

only an idiot defends either bush OR obama, they are possibly the two worst presidents in US history.


Obama only continued Bush's nonsense.

ends in 2010, he did it again. get new data

Obama took a shitty situation, poured gas and obamacare all over it, and lit the whole shit on flames...

His foreign policy was worse,
His race baiting bullshit was worse
The economy is worse....

what else should we judge him on?

Are we trying to summon the Canadian Obama cocksucker?

Nah not at all, but if hes gonna post his filth every day, we can post some truth....

Some truth like this:

And Obamacare, despite three dozen illegal changes in the law, is falling apart.

>unpaid for war
Please do explain what a "paid for" war means. Are you just mixing and matching buzzwords?

congress decides how to spend money not the president
congress also raises the debt ceiling

good job eating that shit that cnn feeds you

Didn't bush add like 11 trillion?

many people don't know, but US debt was a lot higher after WW2 and in early 50's


If he gets to blame bush raises on bush, see Then we get to blame his on him.

> one has to be a success and the other a failure.

They were both pretty bad libman famalam.

People in this thread probably believe this video too...

you should watch the big short to understand a little bit more about why the housing industry was destroyed they did it to themselves, banks set themselves up for a huge failure mid 70's and then 30 years later it came to bite them in the asshole and no one knew what to do about it.

Good movie.

So good in fact I looked up how much of it was real and how much was bullshit, you can take all of the personal story and throw it out the window but the ENTIRE part about the banks fucking us over knowingly then getting a bailout was all pretty much to a T.

This chart is pretty much useless. It only covers 16 months.

>Deregulation of Wall Street
Hi Bernie, kill yourself.

Does this suit you better? It falls off a cliff faster than Leslie jones in the future...

Do you know how debt works? Bush's last year in office was the biggest deficit in united states history. Since then, President Obama has brought the deficit down every single year. But because of how high it was under Bush it's still adding a massive amount to our debt residually.

Just no... stop. We've beaten this to a dead horse already.

There is nothing forcing Obama to keep a slightly altered version of Bush's final budget. He and the Democrats chose to do that. Also, Bush's last year in office saw a massive deficit relative to his other years in office. Obama's deficit has been consistently massive throughout all his years in office.

But, but, even though its over a trillion PER FUCKING YEAR he reduced it by a hundred thousand, gosh you guys are so dense! -left wing retards...

It's literally Bush's fault

Deficit isn't the same as debt. Printing more money doesn't make you any less in debt.

>durr bush's fault
off yourself pls

Its literally not. OBAMA signed the extension and cuts, which added almost a trillion ALONE in both 2011 and 2012, please read something other than tumblr fatshit.

Or are you suggesting bush snuck into oval office and made him do it?

yeah I kind of got all of that, real life banking disasters even when happening aren't that entertaining/people in banking don't have that much personality usually.

I posted a graph. Learn to read graphs.

That spike was Bush's last year in office.

Please off yourself quickly and panfully.

>Obama became President in 2008!


>Graphs are plot points with lines connecting them and I dont understand that...