What are the prevailing theories on this man?

What are the prevailing theories on this man?

Is he really a billionaire?
Does he control the media via Twitter?
Does he control the weather too?
Is he a former government scientist?
What is the lawsuit about?
Will he ever find true love?

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Bumping for interest

what did he do/say to become a meme?


Near as I can tell it's because he follows literally every single twitter account and remarks on any story being posted by major news outlets to keep him posted.

He also tweets a lot about the weather and makes it seem like he's somehow manipulating it until "THE GOVERNMENT GETS OUT OF MY WAY".

He evidently also has a lawsuit pending against some company or something that will make him a billionaire, which may more may not have to do with some car accident that caused him to develop a sore back.

Given these facts, I think it's safe to assume that he was working for a secret U.S. government organization, developing technology to control the weather but was too cavalier about posting information alluding to the product on Twitter.

Because of this, the government attempted to have him assassinated in a seemingly mundane car accident, but he proved too strong and survived.

He stole the weather controlling tech and is hiding out in buttfuck virginia while he sues the government for his injuries and has become too high profile (due to his omnipresence on social media) to take out, applying pressure to the government to resolve his billion dollar case by constantly tweeting about it, while creating mildly unpleasant weather for sections of the country until his demands are met.

Wow. That's kinda neat.

He really really like beautiful news women, and lets them know about it.

>not weird at all


>link to twitter account?


I don't know why but this is one of my favorite memes.

Had me in tears laughing on its inception.

it's a bot retards

ayy I made that

Is that Hugh?

Do 99% of people from Canada have down syndrome or something?

I find this image very funny


i remember when this meme was born

i thought it was just some twitter shitposter

i hope it's not a bot

Has to be a bot. If it weren't, then Brian Lee would be a skinny looking pipsqueek on autism pills. Yet he isn't.

this looks like a man named Paul Drockton (sp?). He has a blog and his "stories" were featured at rense.com a while back.

is it him?

this seems accurate

What's his Twitter handle?

He's not a bot. This is a human being.
