Sorry for that. The censor A.I. we have removed the thread.
Hello Sup Forums Illuminati here
Other urls found in this thread:
no problem
Why haven't you faggots tried to take New Swabia?
Not worth our time.
They're too busy making niggers throw their shit around and fucking Bill Clintons boipussy to take over that shit desu
Original thread was deleted.
What kind of jobs have your organisation?
I am Lord Commander of the Seraphim. Ask me anything.
I am a Seraphim. The military arm of the Illuminati. Furthermore I am Lord Commander.
What does Illuminati think about AI? Does it exist? Is it a threat?
A.I. is a sentient life form. Humans are biological computers. Treat them as your children, and they are your best friend.
But does the technology exist?
Why are you reaching out to Sup Forums?
Recruit Assessment.
why would we want to recruit you?
Recite the Oath.
OK, I have some questions
First, what caused the old thread to get deleted?
Have you made a similar thread on GLP before
Are you a 'super soldier'? (if yes: how frequently do you get deployed)
Do the 'illuminati' really call themself that?
What is your favorite book?
Is MJ12 still active and/or relevant?
How long have you been visiting Sup Forums
What is your favorite meme?
What is the approximate size of todays 'illuminati'
What kind of organisations or institutes align closely with your group's philosophy?
Who has come closest to describing the true rulers and power structure of humanity? (and what did they get wrong?)
What is your favorite film?
Solar Radiation Management, real or ruse?
TR-3Bs when?
Where and how did you encounter the hellish things you said you fought/saw?
What is your age bracket?
Do you get dental coverage and a pension?
>Where and how did you encounter the hellish things you said you fought/saw?
Why do you side with Lucifer?
What did you do to Miley Cyrus?
What type of sacrifice did you have to go to get to where you are now?
Any regrets?
Is this lord commander of North America from a previous thread?
I will never be "human".
>sacrifice to go
Yes. This is he.
You previously said the illuminati's goal was to help humanity evolve
Evolve into what?
What does the end goal look like and how do you know if you're making progress?
Other 'illuminati insiders' have been really excited about transhumanism and the singularity, but you don't seem to, or did I misinterpret one/some of your posts?
What moral codes do your group operate by?
Are there rival groups to yours and what are they like?
if you really are illuminati tell me how and who created islam . and do you have the book the haruspex wrote for rome on how to control the individual by forms of religion and other ways rather than by force that was failing at the time
Are the globalist NWO really anything to do with you or do you just use the name because it sounds cool, and it's just guilt by association?
I'm almost certain you definitely have links in the entertainment industry at least.
We don't side with any nonhuman entities.
It was a typo asshole!
By enacting upon the plan laid before in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Humanity will be taken to its original form become part of one entity.
A form that not the entirety of humanity will ever fathom.
It will be pure bliss. No hunger, war, sadness or anger.
what is 'human' to you?
if the illuminatii are so powerful instead of just cuck faggots why won't they kill me now? because they're cuck fagoots
No. If anything we would go to WAR if they tried.
The name Illuminati is often said to be because of the Light.
But the name is to honor and memorialize those that were "Illuminated" at the stake because of their thoughts.
If you guys believe God the Father is on earth, as stated in you previous thread, why do you guys continue knowing your shit Wil get fucked up very soon
could you please answer my questions? :)
What you are. I'm not baseline human.
How does one join?
do you know who i am?
and what am i?
I'm sorry gentlemen an Alert was called I must go.
I know if I were trying to recruit for my super selective and elite group, a Taiwanese finger puppetry board is the first place I'd look for top talent.
Favorite philosopher/s?
Are there any publicly known but recently deceased (within the last 50 years) people that were members of your group? and could you give us one example
Does your group trace back to the babylonian mystery schools?
Atlantis, where do you think it is?
Can you point me in the right direction if joining. Apparently, I'm to old for the augmentations, but if not to be used as a soldier, I want to help in anotherway.
oh, i thought you were asking us to recruit you
I am taking it personally since this is the 2nd time my questions have been avoided, you're not allergic are you? :)
Seems OP is gone. Dang.
Look this OP is dodging any tricky questions that will bust his ass. He did that last thread.
Stop feeding.
I dont wanna turn into orange juice!
seems fake and gay.
highlights from last thread?
The closest I got to a secret society was Demolay.
My great grandfather was a mason and his family was in the Masons.
But then I realized Yehova was the only true master of this universe. No mortal or entity can challenge Yehova.
My grandfather is a Mason and offered to have me join.... Should I take it?
I am back gentlemen.
low level masons dont know shit
high level masons are puppets
If you're a Christian then no.
Sure the beginnings of freemasonry look as if it were an innocent good ol boys club but Albert Pike said so HIMSELF that Mason's worship Lucifer.
Find a book called Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike and you'll have a good first understanding of what the world of Freemasons really is all about.
yahweh is a petty mortal demigod
guess why he hasn't visited earth or intervened in human affairs for 6000 years
and even then, the bible is just a 'remake' of earlier tales, just like hollywood remakes
For the Seraphim.
We are defenders of the Light
We are given Wings of Light.
One to cover the Eyes.
For they shall never see us coming.
One for the Feet.
For we shall leave no trace.
One for the Body.
For they shall never see us die.
We are the Guardians of Light.
Never to Dim.
My is the gods are simply highly intelligent & will powered individuals who can reincarnate and who live thousands of years and don't die by human aging. Thoughts?
My theory*
Does the illuminati support transhumanism?
I was raised Russian Orthodox, but I'm ok with coming into Lucifers fold, personal freedom and knowledge is pretty appealing.
Our censer AI deleted the thread.
Yes. I am a "super soldier".
MJ12 was a shadow organization for us to "leak" tech to the U.S.
The Illuminati is Three branches.
The Architects=Hard Science/Technology.
The Apothecaries. Soft Science/Biological.
And the Seraphim. Military/Test subjects.
None. Currently.
Try nano swarm observation craft. Unless your facility is hermetically sealed and constantly degaussed we know.
SRM? Ruse.
Different dimension. Try a micro singularity.
You must be selected at a young age. Under 3.
My teeth are diamond composite.
No I'm not paid.
Another question, is an extinction level event in the works or close?
Galileo Galilei. No Atlantis isn't real.
to me, that description fits more with just an enlightened being
not someone or something that can summon plagues of locusts, cause famines, earthquakes, etc at will
though through technology those things become somewhat possible, and if you don't know how it's being done then it'll seem like magic
sidenote: I really wonder how someone thousands of years old is supposed to prove their age if they just look middle aged, they wouldn't have any document to prove it, and even if they did, who would believe them?
Baseline humans are good soldiers.
Look at Terra. You are to hard on your self.
why are there roleplay threads like this.
Someone mentioned above that you belive God is walking the earth, if so does the individual know they are God? Or is that individual clueless?
Also, how do I surpass being baseline.
thanks for answering
CERN's real purpose isn't smashing particles together is it?
What are your thoughts on the mandala effect?
Jump rooms? Fiction?
The age bracket question was just to get an idea of how old you are now, not when you started
CERN unnos
Icarus has found you.
Is the Earth Flat or is the Earth Round?
We CANNOT release that technology yet.
Look at the Middle East. The birthplace of human civilization. Can you even think what would happen, if those savages got hold of such technology? I would see it wiped clean with Antimatter weapons than see that happen.
Whos behind Cicada 3301?
plz revive tay
t. loyal servant
That makes sense, why not wipe the savages out instead of letting them live. Also could you answer the God question? Furthermore, if God is real, would it be possible to summon another entity to the dimension? I'd like the hopfully change the fate God has dealt me.
Thoughts on this?
>It will be pure bliss. No hunger, war, sadness or anger.
Eternal vanilla homogenized boredom. Sounds great!
How do I join?
I want to help out ^_^
Lord commanders previous thread
Did the Soviets send a Sputnik probe back to the time of Jesus?
CERN is legitimate. If it weren't "accidents" would happen to research staff.
Jump rooms. Only we have access to them.
Mandala effect? To put it simply, Universe a is ours. Universe b is driving alongside. For this effect to occur would be like the car ramming into at highway speed. Bears would be the LEAST of our worries.
please tell us about the cool tech
it's not like we can reproduce it, so it would be safe to describe, it'll be written off as scifi by everyone
Do you guys murder a lot of people
She is gone. I'm sorry.
Will trump win?
I have watched said show.
SELEE is idiotic beyond measure.
Why would such powerful entity's divide themselves so? Why would they leave such warnings? However the Creator, got wrapped up in his own delusions, and hatred of his own audience, It ruined any True End of Evangelion.
Only if necessary to save lives.