They are specifically targeting Sup Forums, although other boards are involved
Their goals: curb anti-semitism and consensus-crack racist ideologies
Also shill for left wing shit
They use our lingo and our memes, albeit poorly
They are specifically targeting Sup Forums, although other boards are involved
Their goals: curb anti-semitism and consensus-crack racist ideologies
Also shill for left wing shit
They use our lingo and our memes, albeit poorly
Holy shit.
source: your mom's vagina
Really hot news in 2007 user.
that's ben garrisons meme dictionary though
How do I sign up lol >_
Moot sue them pls.
>Fucking Leaf
>Posts image known to be fake
>Ben Garrison book.
I am very right wing and I am pro Israeli.
When you say Jewish organizations are you talking about leftist jewish organizations in the USA?
>they are writing books about Sup Forums
when Sup Forums first was established I don't think anyone could have predicted this
They're only making us stronger. Think about what "Life" really is. We only appear to be "Living" because of a constant resource war that our bodies are winning.
These kikes are literally training the antibodies.
>American Bear
Jammit, they've managed to snaggle our lingo.
Maybe we should rassle the kapiton, keep them jesting.
Are you that same South Afrikan cuck who posts on literally every NatSci thread?
Intelligence agencies and government security interests are infiltratiting Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums, this we all know is true and its on record, thats not the question here,
What I really wonder is why the fuck do they spend millions on doing this?
Telling a bunch of basement-dwelling fappers what political agenda is correct?
Since when did fucking Sup Forums affect world politics up to the highest security level literally?
Why the fuck does it matter to them??? It must be well fucking important.
Keeping these documents up to date must be a nightmare.
"Sir, we have a new update. The latest info is in this dossier."
These are all pictures of Chloe Grace Moretz. I don't understand.
"Yes sir. They are all variably photo shopped to make her body proportions appear subtly unusual."
"We don't know. But there are hundreds of them."
We all know shills are here in great amount, but why the fuck would they care about a random website frog-fappers?????????
We have the memes
He who controls the memes controls the universe.
Huh, so that's what ZOG stands for.
oy vey delete this we dont want another shoa
>curb antisemitism
Ahahahaha. Sure why not. Tens of thousand jews are fleeing europe, while head kikes are doing all they can to flood it with most far right, jew hating ideology that ever existed, while feminists in Israel are doing their best to curbstomp the birthrates.
Kikes, you are a self-correcting problem, and Sup Forums is least of your problems.
>The American Bear
We know,/nsg/ is under constant fire.
Help out, if you like. Together, we can defeat the shills.
That's right
We will meme for our glorious leader kek and nothing will stop us.
We will crash this world with no survivors and behead those who insult kek.
All the qt3.14 and All the chads will convert or die during the beta uprising.
Surrender Jews,because we will win this memetic warfare.
Another CTR slide?
>american bear
sorry but the proper name for it is stereotypical badger
>JIDF pissing into a sea of piss
I've been here since 2007. We're resilient because we're awful. People who try to change us end up becoming us.
There are quite a few South Africans on here Leafy.
Shhhh this image is newfag bait
>these conspiracy theories again
There are no Jews on Sup Forums, user. Let it go.
Calm down Jamal, we know your country is crumbling.
I'm surprised the South Afrikan bandwidth lines are still operational.
>reddit aids infested "rage" reaction images
arent jews supposed to be smart?
There is a shitload of HONORABUMEMBAS on this board.
We good down here.
His country is crumbling, but your country hires their firebeaters to deal with your burning cities, leafy.
what the fuck, i fear the jew now
>sad frog represents depression. His motto is feels bad man
Feels bad man. I'm really missing harambe right now and I'm sad that he's not on this book
Are all of you kikes?
The most abominable kike is from down there.
The walking justification for the holocaust.
We like the fact that Israel helped us out when our allies ditched us. We hate what Jews are doing to the world right now, including SA. Most of the shitty Jews come from America
You can thank Ben Garrison for helping them by making a textbook with out memes, that fucking traitor faggot
A few that I've seen.
prove that it's fake
Aren't those Jews the ones that brought about nigger communism and caused the collapse in the first place? Aren't they the ones that continually push for diversity and racemixing down there?
We may have incompetent leadership, but at least our Leafs work hard and have built one of the most successful countries in the world.
Almost 2 trillion a year with a population of 35 million, you just can't compete.
There's a tiny minority of Jews in this country that sold out to the ANC. Funny enough there was a news article of a famous anti apartheid Jew winning a defamation court case again one his former ANC military buddies. Those Jews have already turned against ANC
I don't know how these nigs think they can win a court dispute against a Jew
>Since when did fucking Sup Forums affect world politics up to the highest security level literally?
Since 2016 apparently.
Listen up you Jew fucks, i will continually hate you shady motherfuckers, so go ahead and try with your covert ops.
Everyone will find out that you were the ones who started gassing themselves while being held in safe non-lethal work camps
Well, to be fair the Jews that people on here bash, the ones that first tried to negotiate with the Apartheid regime weren't all communists really. They pretty much tried get the government to go the same route as Rhodesia, the same policies as them, as it was a much better solution to the problem. That failed eventually.
Is Sup Forums the most popular board on Sup Forums?
And to answer your 2nd question, where in the west have Jews not tried to push the racemixing, multiculturalism tripe? We're just easy pickings because we're a minority without recognition
>that feel when you hope your memes and past postings are included in this publication
I honestly wish this country went the Rhodesian route with things, either that or cut off like 1/5 of the land or given a province for all the Blacks. And kept the rest white.
Second only to Sup Forums
Sup Forums was bigger than Sup Forums before it got split into Sup Forums, /vg/, /vp/, and /vr/
>a challenger has appeared
Sounds like fun, CTR monkeys and reddit-fags tend to get btfo during the first rounds of debate.... it'll be interesting to have a go with some of these real professionals.
Bring it on.
After Sup Forums, yes.
All you need to do is listen and judge what they are actually saying. This is not even a community or a political movement/group anyway, its an exercise in bullshit detection, news sharing and shit posting.
We know all the tricks. But they don't even apply here.
Sections of the Jewish and Black clique are simply on the wrong side of history. If they push a "racial solidarity" induced consensus on those groups involving corrupt or immoral practices then...fuck those groups. Simple. Thats what race-realism means.
Everything fine
Not shills in Sup Forums
No worry
>Fap - To masturbate. A "fappening" occurs when groups of trolls get together and ogle pornography.
>Neck Beard - Slovenly trolls who don't shave their necks. They are virgins. They might also wear fedoras.
>LOL/Lulz - Laughing out loud devolved into lulz by trolls. Usually indicates their sides have split.
Haha, some of these definitions are golden.
I would really like to see more pages of this book if it exists.
The Bureau of Memetic Warfare thanks you for your service
How things have changed in only a year, we now have undeniable influence over global politics and our influence only continues to grow
Memes are anti-fragile; the more they engage with us, the more we spread
>short for cuckhold
Nothing destroys trolls like this better than idiotic errors.
>sage is a japanese term "sah-jay"
baka senpai set a good example f0r your spook cucks on this board cia-chan
The easiest way to kill a culture is to clump them all up by creating a fake identity
>I honestly wish this country went the Rhodesian route with things
wait a while
i will never change my mind on anything
>There are no Jews on Sup Forums, user.
Oh, no. I'm talking Rhodesian route, not Zimbabwean kek.
See pic related.
Let's not become too Rhodesian here hey. We want to follow Rhodesian principles, not their fate
oy vey, they are on to us
They have unlimited money and more free times that basement dwelling neets.
Remember that shit about pentagon missing trillion? All of it going to the memewars.
Two trillion a year of what? Debt increase?
You faggots literally just found out shills work on Sup Forums? really?
>JIDF hasn't always been here
Fucking summer jesus christ
Thanks Bobby (((Fischer)))
Do you want shekels? You deserve them.
>kills a thread
They don't even know what it fucking does.
delete this
Oh yeah, and here I am, thinking that I knew English.
rhodesia became zimbabwe doe
what you want and what you get are two different things
>Hitler digits and a landed coin flip confirm humanity will win this war
>jews come to poll to shill
>the end up becoming self-hating jews
just another day
kek, Sup Forums isn't even the primary destination of proselytization anymore. Most people are being converted on twitter and elsewhere now with the rise of Dailystormer, TRS, #frogtwitter, and the official institutions of Radix, VDARE, and Amren.
kek, the descriptions of red pill/blue pill are dead on though.
you guys are such faggots
pic related
Was talking specifically about their policies in the past and how many of the locals support Ian Smith. A lot of the Rebellion came form outside forces, other countries - backed by Soviet Union etc. I still think Whites should have just sacrificed a province and kicked out all the blacks to there and kept the rest for themselves. Could have shut the world and minorities up for a long time.
Seems pointless to think about it now.
Welcome to 2010/11...I think.
How can you tell a shill apart from a genuine shitposter?
Or somebody with mental problems
So that's who I've been working for all this time ?
I get bitcoin deposited but I never knew where the info I was sending to went or what it was going to be used for
Anyone else here worked for "Mauritius" ?
My watch has just begun. I am the guarder of the swamp, slave of Shrek, and servant of Kek and his true will. I have prepared myself with Magnesium supplements to upgrade my 'mart sharts' CTR has created and turn them into "MART CANNONBALLS" to fire at lefty libs until their pee pee and fee fees carries them into the land of cucks/ Leaftown. Much respect to oldfags and gaiafags, but until this Poo Poo Pee Pee Fee Fee War ends I will not lay down my arms.
Probably. This south African kike is in every jew related thread shilling for Isreal.
its a college text book