Welcome to parliament of Sup Forums, where autistic children pretend like they are passing laws concerning this shitty and cancerous board.
>1 person=1 MP
>1 MP=1 vote
>MP has name, trip and a party
>Name like this Name [Party] ##tripcode
>only MPs with a secure trip count for votes and quorum
>if no party just put [Independent]
>Once a quorum of 20 MPs is present or after 30 minutes with a quorum of 10 MPs present, parliament elects a president and a speaker (to replace me). Speaker election is first.
>President motions for legislation to be brought to a vote, can decide which legislation to bring before parliament. Speaker actually manages the thread.
>President may delegate another president if he is forced to leave before the session concludes. Speaker may do the same.
>Once every 2 hours, the speaker may call for a vote of no confidence on the president. If this passes, the legislative session is dissolved
>Discussion on voting and the time for voting on legislation is chosen by the speaker
>Speaker records passed legislation, proposed legislation, etc, on the legislative docket
>With a supermajority of 66% you faggots can try to change any of the bylaws I have made for you
Old wiki from previous parliament, use legislative docket and party pages, in the process of being purged: