Parliament of Sup Forums: SPEAKER REQUIRED EDITION

Welcome to parliament of Sup Forums, where autistic children pretend like they are passing laws concerning this shitty and cancerous board.

>1 person=1 MP
>1 MP=1 vote
>MP has name, trip and a party
>Name like this Name [Party] ##tripcode
>only MPs with a secure trip count for votes and quorum
>if no party just put [Independent]
>Once a quorum of 20 MPs is present or after 30 minutes with a quorum of 10 MPs present, parliament elects a president and a speaker (to replace me). Speaker election is first.
>President motions for legislation to be brought to a vote, can decide which legislation to bring before parliament. Speaker actually manages the thread.
>President may delegate another president if he is forced to leave before the session concludes. Speaker may do the same.
>Once every 2 hours, the speaker may call for a vote of no confidence on the president. If this passes, the legislative session is dissolved
>Discussion on voting and the time for voting on legislation is chosen by the speaker
>Speaker records passed legislation, proposed legislation, etc, on the legislative docket
>With a supermajority of 66% you faggots can try to change any of the bylaws I have made for you

Old wiki from previous parliament, use legislative docket and party pages, in the process of being purged: Forums_2.0_Wikia

Hereby placing my allegiance with NatSoc... cause I didn't read any political statements from the other parties.

Humanity First!

Claiming the Siberian Buttnigger Nationalist Party ot SBNP, which is an Anarcho-Nationalist-Syndicalist Party.

fb7703 is the color hex code

Fixing Trip


Build wall

One Enclave. One America. Now... and forever.

SSP program:

No refugees.
No Mart Sharting
No assault weapons
Legalization of drugs
Minimum wage

Kek Libertarians signing in



Also OP, can you fix the image so the text is not overlapping.. god damn.

Whats your main standpoints?

Freedom, even if that means homicide of races



>Every American gets a free shartbag from Africa and South America
>Siberian women are sold to Plastic Surgeons with their asses and tits enlarged and sold as sex slaves
>Anyone under 5'1 will be shot, including children
>Legal Weed
>Legal Homos
>No border and immigration restriction

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


>tfw last time we did this no one wanted to join my party

>tfw my wiki page got deleted

I like your party except for the borders thing
Wanna be my best ally?

I cannot do so rn. Not on my PC.

Try again. This time things are different.


It's probably on the new wiki they tried to start, we abandoned that one.

Bump from Cerberus, fight for humanity.

changing my name from UberMerchant to AngelaMerchant

The Enclave will restore peace, order, and prosperity to this great nation. And those who oppose us will be… removed. Forever.

This is an example of sinning in the land that kek roams

Ave! True to Caesar!


running as an independent

Oh, you must be mistaken, I am a friend of liberty.


Note that strength lies in numbers.
Consider joining a party rather than making your own.


oh, lets be brothers in Politics then ;)
sorry for mis-representing you party me friend

Pic related is the flag of my party
I took some inspiration from Japan and Sweden
Is Sup Forums running slow for everyone?

(._. )

I. A new Roman Republic will be established using the borders from the height of the Roman Republic/Empire.

II. Because all nations are inferior in the face of the Golden Eagle, the rest of the known world shall be subjugated beneath Rome's might. All nations outside of Rome must offer a yearly patronage to the republic.

III. Roman law shall be reintroduced and work as the government's judicial arm and a representative Senate shall act as the governing body of the Republic.

IV. Latin will become the official language of Rome. English, Greek, and the romance languages shall be accepted as regional de-jure languages. Exeption: French will be illegal. See number XIII.

V. Nations that have been birthed from Rome's existence shall become the state's vassals. Citizens of said state's shall be known as the "adopted children of Rome"

VI. Society will follow the traditional code of plebeians and patricians.

VII. National tax will be set at a flat rate of 15% for all citizens of the Republic.

VIII. As a fulfillment of their responsibilities, all men of the plebeian are obligated to serve when called upon.

IX. Trade with others will only occur for the benefit of the nation.

X. Immigrants that wish to live and work in our Republic will only do so as non-citizens.

XI. Roman Polytheism will be re-established as the state religion of the Republic and her territories. Heathens are to be tolerated, but they will be 'encouraged' to convert.

XII. Gladiatorial Contests shall be reconstituted and strongly promoted not only in the Republic but across the world.

XIII. Anyone and everyone of French descent (including Quebecois) will be thrown into the Coliseum and pitted against wild animals until the entire French population is dead. No exceptions.

XIV. Men of all ages must wear the Toga whenever possible.
XV. All SPQR members will be conscripted into the Militia.

XVI. Kiddie-diddling is punishable by death.

Bump for the future of humanity.

It's a lot of work to change seats like that


Absolutely savage.


We cannot move forward until humanity can gain a solid foothold in the world.

The mutations outside these walls must be cleansed before we can prosper. Mutation must be eradicated. These degenerate hords must be removed.


Feeling too lazy to restart my party.


Forming the new California republic party



Forming Minutemen

Only 2 Enforcement of Rock officials?

Come on Sup Forums know whats right

The Enclave formally invites any lurking members of the Institute.

Mr. Speaker, the Honourable John Henry Eden is a cunt and the Enclave like to diddle little boys.

That is all.


SSP or Super Slav Partee invite all in favour of progress of humanity to join

Joining Ancap

>2 off quints

In celebration of this historic roll, the Minutemen hereby declare the total annexation of the NCR and the creation of a Department for Extra Governmental Affairs

The proof is in the pudding your honour.

Do you enforce Post-Rock?

czech'd your almost trips.

Czeched your dubs followed by trips.

No surprise that a swede is in the enclave. Cuck the party

Because I might change my allegiance, and can you really say no to those dubs-trips?

>Is captcha foretelling something?

We enforce all rock, metal aswell

On behalf of men everywhere, I urge my fellow MP's to cease their wanton, unproven and possibly false allegations of sexual misconduct. Though kiddydiddling is a serious crime if and when committed, ruining the reputations of the innocent is repugnant, and we are all innocent until proven otherwise.

That said, if there is an actual and literal pudding that contains the proof, pls show

I'm fucking back,

Did you give away my seat in parliament? You savages!!!

We did not.

>unironically being a profligate

forgot trip

Wanna unite parties?


Now it's time to start getting this rag tag band of plebs into line.

What is the next vote on?

Join me

fuck off serb scum youre probably a kiddy diddler too

I would like to inform the honourable members of parlament that the Minutemen [MM] are a faction of uneducated extremists usurping the lawful rule of the Institute. Furthermore these incestuous yokels are prone to anarchy and violence.

Therefore the Minutemen will be viewed by the Enclave as a rebel and unlawful faction.

Is that a command or a really shit sales pitch?

You're supposed to be a merchant, so fucking sell your party. What do you offer, what do you stand for?

What is the big difference between the Neo Libs and the Kek Libs? Wouldn't they be more effective as one party?

check these 1s'

i would like to table a motion amalgamating all opposition parties into a unitary party under the leadership of the Minutemen.

The institute is the only hope for humanity you shitlord

The minutemen*

Well one of my members is head speaker, we should have a member of the Enclave or Slavs join as a junior speaker. You interested in hosting sessions?

There should be at least two members of the Enclave. Plus, can anyone link the archived thread, I wanna know what happened.

Inshallah brother come join us - soon we'll push these enclave scum from the commonwealth once and for all

Better not as I struggle with the timing, my wife demands stuff from me at short notice, like attention and help. Pathetic women.

The Institute is the local authority of the Commonwealth, their authority is devolved from the Enclave.

The Minutemen are however a rebel paramilitary organisation with no legal justification.


W-We play games on sundays and give out stickers

The Institute are a blight upon the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, their reign of terror over the people shall be resisted utterly. Legitimacy comes from the people, it is not forced upon them.

Welcoming all settlements and any party who needs our votes - it can only help our cause.

Oh god not this again

k, well we'll figure it out somehow.

I thought we banned Canadians?

>No assault weapons
even no AKs, brat?

The question has been raised, I know, as to just how I came to be elected to this most illustrious office.

Or, whether or not I had been elected at all!

To that I must answer of course! Of course I was elected, sweet America! Isn't the right to vote the very foundation of a democracy?

Unfortunately, in the interest of national security, I'm not at liberty to discuss the details of the election. You understand.

But rest assured, I am your President because the appropriate people of this great nation decided I should be! I AM your duly elected representative.

Why don't we form a central party to un-Balkanize the parliament.

I believe we should cooperate under the title of "The Wastelandic Initiative"

The Minutemen will only join this movement if the people of the Commonwealth will it to be so, and if we are given a senior leadership position.

Motion to rename it "The Union".

You lead, I follow Boss.

Perhaps a leadership council called the Triumvirate?

We voted about it and it became a tie, we could have a voting about the canadians after the leading party has been voted

Caesar you are a beacon of degeneracy a blight on the American people. You are a dictator and a slaver, I would need to be the greatest of fools to listen to a singel word that falls from your forked tongue.

All original members invited will have equal powers and equal opportunities to suggest ideas. We do not want to detach from the original purpose of this alliance; Reuniting the Wasteland. No lone faction will gain the upper hand in this party.

NatSoc all the way

Ein volk, Ein Reich

Join SSP and we may talk.