Tell me 1 (ONE) problem about my boy Gary Johnson

Tell me 1 (ONE) problem about my boy Gary Johnson.

inb4 anti-gun/pro-openborders

Other urls found in this thread:

>anti-gun cuckservstive vp
>open borders

>Tell me why you don't like him you stupid drumpfkins
>Hardmode: you can't use these glaring reasons
Eat a bag of rotten dicks, fuck that cunt. He's only there to help Hillary.

>Give me a reason he is shit
>but you can't use the biggest reasons he is shit

>tell me about my shit canidate omitting the shittiest parts of his candidacy

Pro TPP, anti-gun, pro immigration. Adapt to the two party system forced upon us or die.

oh shit its dat boi

He's "sceptical" to TPP.

I saw him on tv yesterday blaming black criminality on "the drug war".

pic related, $30000 memie.

He was literally the worst candidate available.

Guess the libertarians wanted to fit in with the other parties.

>Interview at the young turds
Another thing to the list

Okay, let me explain this real quick. He isn't anti-gun/pro-open borders, he just doesn't give a shit what states do. This means he isn't in support or against either, the states decide in the end. This is what it means to be in a minimalist government, which right now is what the US needs right now.

Think fluidity. Certain states can have their LGBT fagfests while others can keep their cuckservative ways. Certain states can have certain guns laws and kick immigrants the fuck out.

If you can see past your shitty parroted memes, maybe you would understand these simple concepts. Remember, the US need to think smart about this election. Next president has potentially 3 Supreme Court judges they can select. Probably would be best to have somebody neutral in.

Fucking fool,

Macafee is a mad-man with a body count and a history of nailing ladyboys, as entertaining as that is its unelectable. He also would have pulled from Trump more than Clinton.

Petsersen is qualified to be president of a high school debate club. He has literally zero political experience. You can get away with that if you're like Trump and have a massive brand, and fact stacks of cash. Petersen had neither.

Johnson was literally the only logical option. He's got the highest voter ceiling, pulls more from Clinton than Trump, and let's be honest Clinton is the bigger threat. Plus, actual political experience and connections.

This election isn't about liberterian ideals, it's about making the biggiest splash possible and legitimizing the Liberterian party.

Johnson was absolutely the right choice.

>This election isn't about liberterian ideals
>legitimizing the Liberterian party.

This is why the libertarian party will always be a joke.

He supports BLM and has endorsed their actions on multiple occasions


The deepest circle of he'll is reserved for traitors and for those who remain neutral in a time of crisis. Go fuck yourself.

>He went on TYT

Double checkmate.

Supports BLM
Supports Carbon tax

Cant Parry The Gary

>highest voter ceiling
10% is not an impressive number, user

>tell me ONE problem about this guy
>don't tell me about either of these 2 major problems with the guy.

Controlled Opposition.

>Tell me one problem with Gary JOHNSON
>Except for his problems

>ok, tell me what 2+2 equals, and don't say 4, give me a real answer

>Supports carbon taxes
>Supports BLM
>Went on TYT


what part of


do you find so confusing?

>He's only there to help Hillary.
He takes more votes away from Hillary than Trump

>only third party with ballot access in all fifty states

You need the normies to join the party if you want to get anywhere. The LP has been running "pure" liberterians since the 80s, and has gotten nowhere.

It's actually making inroads this election.

slide thread sage

did you know that he's at 10% with about 30% of voters knowing who he is?

10% isn't his ceiling. Do the math.

Hes a turd financed by the Clintons to draw votes from trump. Just like when they financed Ross Perot...

>23% national sales tax

See for yourselves it's on his website.

fuck off. hillary will win

right wing retards

show me a single dime that Clinton has donated to the Johnson campaign.

And why would she plant someone who hurts her more than her opponent?

>And why would she plant someone who hurts her more than her opponent?

Thanks for Correcting My Record! I see the flaws in my thinking and now I think you're right. Hillary would never do something like that!


You have to deal with all elements of all authoritarianism with him, just lower taxes, open borders and DUDE SELL 5 YEAR OLDS HEROIN LMAO

kind of like now, where north carolina and indiana try to adopt a law that says men cant use the washroom with little girls, then cali, newyork, etc and every major coproration pull out and boycott it?

real good system

His vp is a NWO shill who wrote a paper for the CFR on how to create a North American Union, is a war hawk neoliberal, supports heavy gun control including the AWB, and is tied to the Walker/Bush New England mafia by blood

The Lolbertarians have been completely cooped by the globalist elite and serve no purpose except as a spoiler to try and keep out Trump. Granted, they take more votes from Hillary and will probably get 2% max of the popular vote, but that's still the intent behind the media establishment, which has always shat on or ignored the lolbertarians, now suddenly pretending to care about them and to see them as legitimate/viable

To be fair, I'm OK with that as long as he can also accomplish the removal of income/CG tax.

But knowing our government, the latter would get permanently delayed whilst the former got immediately implemented.

Anti gun and pro open borders

>there's a huge contradiction in my argument

so you're seriously going to try to convince me that in order to take down Donald Trump she planted someone who takes more voters from herself than Donald Trump?

That's the logic you're operating on here? That's your argument?

It's more likely that Trump is the plant.

I think it's actually the Koch brothers who bankroll him so he can be a spoiler to Trump.

He's right you know

>It's actually making inroads this election.

By becoming Democrats lite

Why vote for a moderate globalist liberal who cant win when I could just vote for a moderate globalist liberal who can win?

The "libertarians" want a higher tax-rate than Trump


He got 0.99% in 2012, he'll be lucky to double that

>inb4 the actual problems

That's a great theory but there's also no evidence of Koch donations

>someone who takes more voters from herself than Donald Trump?


It wouldn't really surprise me, because Gary is pretty much the second Democrat candidate, but some proofs for your claims would be nice.

Gary is a fucking lunatic

He wants to get on the debate stage and call a 70 year old man a pussy.

Peterson was the best choice and Gary threw his gift away. What a prick, fuck him. I'm a classical liberal too, but if i'm going to abandon pragmatism and go full idealism, i'm going all the way. Fuck Gary Johnson.

>He isn't pro-open borders

Really? Because it sure sounds like he is to me, you filthy fucking halfbreed.

>My vision of the border with Mexico is that a truck from the United States going into Mexico and a truck coming from Mexico into the United States will pass each other at the border going 60 miles an hour. Yes, we should have open borders.

I love Hillary Johnson now.

A libertard is going to steal more voters from trump. that is a fact. you are 100% a paid shill if you can't admit that.

>but there's also no evidence of Koch donations

Yet. There's no evidence of it yet. It will surface if he becomes big enough of a threat.

Do you know how easy it is for the clintons to secretly fund something like that? There are a million ways to go about it.

Look at the polling data. He sucks more democrats than republicans

Open Border anti Gun Libertarian

aka not a libertarian

Milton Friedman would shoot Johnson himself



This all day. Faggot ass Johnson can't even into free association. Free market libertarian my ass.


What? this is the first ive heard this?

somebody have some sources???

Hillary is a Trump plant, faggot. This election is a 19-dimensional crapshoot.

>Look at the polling data

Well, post some nigger. What I've found tells me you're full of shit.

WTF I hate Gary Clinton now...

>Waste money on memes
>Smokes weed
>Supports BLM

Gay takes votes away from Trump, Jill takes votes away from Hill

Ay, I said "inb4" as a predictions sake.

Good job skipping to conclusions though.

A part of this crisis comes from our shitty govt. Remember, Johnson has the more experience in the executive branch than Trump, and arguably more that Hillary.

Not an argument against Gary, as explained. And really, the people could always remind this to the states tempted into antigun.

The shit are you on about? If it's happening now, it will happen whether Trump/Hillary is in office too. At least with Johnson, states can opt about, which is less to say for Clump.

I thought only the Blaze talks about him. I've only heard about him online. Granted, I don't listen to radio or watch TV much so I could be wrong.

>nazi wedding cake

You'll hang first.

Oh you mean the rigged polls?

Go to rcp and look at the methodology

The same shit we deride because it's deliberately skewed.

Will you broadcast me on TV when it happens?

>ITT Trumptards getting btfo

he said he'd sign tpp

>Libertarian candidate
>Not even a libertarian besides DUDE WEED

Lmao everyone is sitting on gay Johnson

>pander to communists
>expect people to take you seriously

Gary is NOT "states rights" on immigration.

He is literally THE most open borders candidate, his worldview is that no authority has any right to stop any human being from crossing any border.

He's pro basic income. How the fuck is that libertarian?

his memes aren't organic

He's a 63 year old drug addict.

>Tell me 1 (ONE) problem about my boy Gary Johnson.
nobody knows who he is.. that's gonna be a problem

He's going to pick the same supreme court justices that Hillary Clinton will choose, he's also just another Ross Perot. Same shitty candidate with a different face.

>Still supporting Clump

He spent $30,000 on failed, forced memes instead of repairing our roads.

Oh shit here comes that $30,000 meme

>This is what $30,000 in internet web meme text overlay meme memes gets you

He's kooky for the sake of being kooky, which is not a great trait for a president. I will still vote for him over Trump any day.