Why do people get so anal annihilated so easily by animal abuse? Are the known forces behind it?
Why do people get so anal annihilated so easily by animal abuse? Are the known forces behind it?
Because pretty much only sociopaths hurt animals
remember what Tony Soprano did to Ralphie when he found out that he killed his horse? even sociopaths like animals.
Urbanization make us soft and weak.
You know, most people dont kill their own food.
dunno but whenever I mention that I like to torture cats, people get extremely buttblasted
because animals are pure and defenceless and only scum would purposefully hurt them for amusement.
Because they like some animals, and cant/dont make the difference between them and humans.
Hence hurting an animal = hurting their animals = hurting humans they like.
Not that animal abuse is anything that should be encouraged, but any crying over it is simply people not having their priority set.
>hunting for food
>brazilian intellectuals
Because it's pathetic to physically abuse the weak.
I want to know how everybody would respond to this
There are no wrong answers.
Lack of real problems lowered our resistance to suffering.
same. animals may have pain receptors, but they can't comprehend anything
You can do whatever you want to cattle as far as I'm concerned, but fuck you if you hurt dogs.
crush is my fetish... I'd crush this thing for free.
Yes, I'd step on it and go get drunk on my new most expensive yacht in the world
I believe it's something called "compassion."
>18 billion dollars
>squash the fuck out of that pupper
>use half of the money for my self
>other half to destroy peta and fund good kennels and save puppers around the world.
I would break out the tims for this
Id step on the little guy for $100
Im pretty sure they can comprehemd the fact that someone is trying to kill them, dumbass
I would step
There's a different between killing for food and abuse.
Yes, i already do this with pingeons and rats, why would a puppy be any different, and for 18 billions?sign me ip
or do they
it's just a direct reaction + potential write to memory
protip: your dog/cat/whatever feels hurt if you even look at it the wrong way or ignore it.
"can't comprehend anything" is projecting m8.
YOU are the one who can't comprehend or into empathy.
it's ok, as a child i used to burn bugs with a magnifying glass and delight in the putrid odors. now i feel tears welling up if i even begin to discuss the horror humans put other animals through on a massive scale. when you make an effort to develop as a person and cultivate empathy, you see the world differently. you are just stuck in phase one: can't comprehend a thing
The abuse of creatures so completely trusting, an dependent on us shows a mind that is best with a bullet through it.
I was about to say this as well.
I enjoy going to the countryside, slit some fucking swine neck and feel its warm blood spring all over my hands, but I'd never do that to an innocent dog.
>Caring about your fellow hairless apes
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that France is blue pilled as fuck.
>accept the bet
>raise my foot
>give a slight harmless poke on his head
>still counts as step
You're probably joking, but if you're not, and you said that in my presence, I'd torture you.
can it feel in the first place
Go fight for toaster rights too.
27th post best post
Anyone wondering if Slavs are subhuman need only check these sorts of threads.
Yea, a reaction to pain, just like you when you touch something that burms you. Were animals too, you know?
Of course. I'd do like this guy said, use 9B or so on rescueing thousands of other puppies/kittens.
You're simply a faggot. Only humans matter.
Humans like cute things and don't like it when cute things are damaged.
Is this a Harambe thread in disguise?
Why do humans matter?
>Were animals too, you know?
My fedora is tipping on its own, onii-chan!
Nigger I hunt my own food all the time, I've gut plenty of fish, shot plenty of moose, and gutted plenty of rabbits, but actual animal abuse makes my blood boil.
Because only the humanoid locust Chinese and mentally imbalanced beta males want to hurt things for no reason, because their lives are pathetic. If want to kill something to eat it then fair enough but make it as quick and painless as you can. If you have to kill an animal to defend yourself then fair enough.
I doubt it, I'd break you in half like a tiny stick
Never. Doing evil for shekels is the very definition of being a jew.
We have by design been so dehumanized and made to value human life so little, but this social conditioning has not been done with animal suffering, only human suffering. 50 years ago people would react the same to human abuse.
If were not animals, what are we?
>you get 18 billion Zimbabwen dollars
>this counts as 18 billion dollars
if you don't like animals you're not white
Depends whether you allowed the animal to suffer. Pigs are about intelligent as dogs.
>We aren't animals
>We wuz fungus
Seriously doubt that, but if I did feel you were a threat, I'd use a weapon or some friends to help. Either way, you'd get seriously hurt, much worse than what you do to those cats you faggot
>Hans doesn't know leafs are armed.
>I would break you in half like a tiny stick
why does animal torture breads get the usual aspie /autist faggots in it posting bullshit ?
I mean subhumans torture animals it's fine to kill them for meat and food but atleast make it fucking humane it's the least you could do for them to give them one piece of kindness in their pent up lives
also if you torture animals for your enjoyment you are a subhuman and should be gassed
a fucking jellyfish produces a reaction
Or are you supposed to prevent jellyfish abuse too?
no, we just put ourselves over the animals
>you are a subhuman and should be gassed
tortured in SAW style games is better on live tv.
in 10 years can see this happening for realz
Furries, user. They're called Furries.
I honestly think murder paedophilia and torturing animals should devalue a person and they should be put into arenas and kill each other I mean romans did it right?
No, I stick to my values.
I know it sounds gay, but I care about what I think of myself. It's like when Co workers ask how much $ it would take to sleep with the horrifyingly ugly fat old women that work in the office. I say there is no money worth it, since I have a weird ordeal with self dignity/respect.
Those who hate/speak out against animal abuse are mostly white people meaning even if they aren't christian, they were raised in a christian society, with christian morals.
Calls us cucks or not, but Christians try to life a peaceful life, and god trusted upon us to watch over the animals in his place, meaning that we see many animals (especially our pets as something like our children).
“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
-Genesis 1:26-28
>inb4 Fedoras will prob. throw a hissy-fit how this whole theological stick is just hocus pocus for the weak-minded
also this:
Because wtf can a cat even do to you? Scratch? Bite? Hiss? It's not even fair the possibilities of torture you could put on a poor kitty. Yes I'm ass blasted. The poor animal just wants to live it's life and shitstains like you insist on wrapping them in duct tape or sticking things in their butts. Kys faggot
>I mean subhumans torture animals it's fine to kill them for meat and food
>it's fine to kill them
Oh, so its fine for animals to have painful deaths for the reason of survival of their predators but its not good when we do it for sports like fishing or tradition like bow hunting right?
this coment is retarded.
It's really cute to see a German try to act tough. With the migrant crisis going on, German threats are laughable.
I mean they should be given a quick and painless death and im talking about farm animals
hunting and fishing for leisure is inhumane and yes I know your kind gets hunted as well no need to be upset
Can see ANT an DECs doing a killathon show ..
That's not true, sociopaths love certain* kind of animals.
Respect WOW a Guy on /Pol with a fully functioning Moral Compass ..weeeew Well Done ..
>urr durr i'm being questioned for having pity on a being that might straigh up kill me if i wasn't on a civilized enviroment better call the guy who is in the middle of the jungle a sub-human for not seeing the way i see.
kys lib
My shrink diagnosed me as funtioning sociopath,with a emotional personality disorder ..
I loves animals an nature more than anything ok
Only psychopathic niggers and chinks take pleasure in torturing our best friends, they are our loyal companions,
Anyone who does so cannot contribute to society in a positive way and should be euthanised
hm, that pretty smart
After all, life feeds on life and nature is an endless cycle of suffering, so it makes sense a sociopath would love that.
> Brazialianz with any kind of morals ?
funniest thing i've thought of all day lmfao
call (Sup Forums doesn't allow numbers because it thinks its spam) to airdrop in a machete for richard
call (Sup Forums doesn't allow numbers because it thinks its spam) to release the hounds
>not being able to detect banter
I was just joking lad a pig or a chicken wouldn't kill you in the wild and going out of your way into an animals home just to kill it is inhumane and stupid we're enroaching on them not them on us
Literally thinking like a monkey, this is why you live in a 3rd world shithole
I bet that you love Harambe too, don't you?
Dogs posses a danger to people. They attack about 5 million people in usa annually for example. They're not friends.
Torturing is ineffective though.
its a form of sjw mentality
Need bricking an beating too death in a back alley
> tries to justify his cruelty an Guilty ridden life to me
Hope your loved ones get Cancer an they Die slowly ..an you survive til 100 in huge mental pain !
He was in the Ghostbusters so his death was a kike media spin ok
When I worked on a farm the first thing I saw on the first day was someone dragging a dead cow past me. The lad helping me turned and said "lesson one: stuff dies."
If you live in the countryside you realise this is indeed true. I had to go around a few weeks ago killing rabbits with a shovel because they had mixie. If I hadn't killed them they would have died slowly and painfully.
You have to accept that death is inevitable, painful death likely, but minimising suffering and emphasising with creatures, especially higher-order ones, is what sets us aside from the beasts.
Animal abuse is so cruel and cowardly because it often relies on the trust of the animal, if not simply the massively disproportionate power of the person abusing them.
Dogs are bad depending on the owner or the breed dogs aren't born bad mate i mean when niggers train you to kill other dogs who can blame you for lashing out when you get free?
>going out of your way into an animals home just to kill it is inhumane and stupid
Tell that to a fox sneaking in and eating baby chicks alive.
True the least the animals deserve is a quick death not to be tortured by some pussy who can't fight an animal at it's best.
Like Bullfighting should be because it's fucking stupid
All natural.
>we arent animals
whoa nice logic
I've had dogs all my life and have never once been attacked by them. Hell, I've had wildlife let me approach it and help it before. Animals aren't a threat to people.
That's the way it should be. There is honor in hunting your own meal.
Animal abuse is for niggers and chinks
Because they are defenceless, is like abusing a coma patient or a baby.
I mean we as humans don't need to do it and the fox kills them for food killing a lion or an elephant for an ornament is nigger tier behaviour unless it's done for the animals protection like culling
Any answer other than this means you are a degenerate, a nigger or a locust chink. That's the way of the white man
so agreed its arsehole owners ..
I like you, user. You seem like a good person.
I love animals and hate animal abusers, but more often than not I hate the white knights more.
I've noticed this a couple of years ago while I still browsed the gore threads, and there were people watching people getting decapitated, burned alive, shot at point blank, raped....etc. Then appears a single video of an animal getting abused and all of a sudden there's a surge of reactions like 'ANIMAL ABUSERS SHOULD BE GASSED', 'I'D MAKE THE ABUSERS LIFE WORSE THAN HELL' and shit like that.
The comment section of this video is a great example.
Why do people value life of a human less than a life of an animal? I'm just curious. I feel the same sometimes, like when Harambe got killed for a little fucking in-the-making-criminal nigger (Harambe memes aside).
Respect dude