What the fuck? I hate white people now!

What the fuck? I hate white people now!

White power 14/88

>Not eating the still beating heart of your victims
You ain't gonna get ahead in life with that attitude

Obviously you do not know how the world works anymore, to advance in a career today you must be able to have people trust you and be able to be the linchpin of a group, it is extremely hard to be successful today as a lone wolf who only looks out for himself.

>"With the pulsing gushing heart still gripped viciously in the child's powerful white maw, she glared resolute into the camera and growled, You're next, Juden!"

holy shit

Based as fuck.

White people reppin' awww yeah., dem minorities, dey be mad.

wtf I ate animal hearts now

It's better to be feared than loved

>white people finally adopting Native American culture

Thanks for the advice teach now would you please get back to shitposting

Based as fuck if you ask me.
If NatGeo does a documentary on some primitive niggers in some god forsaken land, who ate the hearts of the animals they killed, people would be praising them for their amazing culture and bond with nature.

i swear white people i weird as fuck

>hunting with rifle



fucking badass

>mfw she consumed a prion


Did white people in America start doing this after watching red dawn or was it a thing before?

Its because of Game of Thrones. They should not of let her watch it.

I knew dindus would comment exactly that after I saw that picture earlier on here. They're too accustomed to whitey's culture to know this is normal in Africa.

This is a fairly common ritual amongst American hunters. Those that don't eat a piece of the heart may drink fresh blood from the kill instead.
Not everybody or even an overwhelming majority do this, but like I said, it is a fairly common practice to show respect to the animal.

Explain this white people "masterace"'

>human communicable prions
>in a deer and heart tissue no less
Kek I bet you think cooking would help at that point.

>Obviously you do not know how the world works anymore
He doesn't get it.

That image, safe as fuck mr red Indian.

No, no it is not. If you are loved than people will be willing to help you out at moments of weakness, if you are feared than people will take a moment of weakness to destroy you. Also ignoring the fact that many people suspect that the Prince was meant to mock monarchies the whole quote is "it is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both." Pretty much only a retard aims to be feared, ideally people should both fear and love you, and a combination of those two properties is pretty much respect. People like you but they also understand your power.

So yeah have fun with your life's work collapsing the moment the stock market takes a dip and everyone ditches you causing a rapid collapse.

LOL, saved. though if blacks want to start playing that game, I have a little stat that might interest you.

Best sum of of brains, looks, health, and physical fitness (other races are only allowed to pick one or two). Sadly modern generations are being retarded by multiculturalism and narcissism sold by the media, producing shitheads.

if a new hire at any major Fortune 500 company had that attitude they would instantly be let go.

Its a shame little girls grow up.


I mean hunting is great but this is raising a psycho bitch

Kek, no they wouldn't. Why do you neets even pretend to know the world of the successful and employed. It's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about my friend.

What's wrong with this?

This thread proves that /pol is as retarded and one-sided as SJW are.

If it were a non-white girl everybody here would call her a subhuman ape


she's cute as a button

if they were White they wouldn't behave like subhumans

>even in sleep i must have trigger-discipline

thats not how it works.

All this does is raising a kid who thinks nothing of gutting killed animals.

Niggers have been building mudshit houses, fighting with sharp sticks, enslaved eachother and produced nothing of value for thousands of years, meanwhile empires have risen and fallen

How else do you gain its warrior spirit?

why did you write all that? kk

>non-white girl hunting with her dad


wtf i love white people now

business today is all about group genius. If you are a lone wolf who tries to make everyone scared of him nobody will fucking want to work with you. If your boss asks you to jump you don't ask why. You ask how high he want you to jump.


i say its about 60/40 loved being the former



those practices are significative of the Western's World downfall
people need to be educated or we'll all lose

I hope he checked it for parasites before having his daughter eat it.

I mean seriously.

>implying this isn't native american culture
It's just diversity, user. :^)


Also check those quad quads

>took a bite from its warm quivering heart
Literally animals.

I've done it since I was born, dad did it, grandpa did it, pepe did it. It may just be a New England thing, but we totally do that, if you can dress it in the field fast enough.

parasites and disease

t. Still in high school

>h-hunting is bad
>h-how barbaric
Many first time hunters do this.
Get over it faggots

fuck off kike

t. Niccolo Machiavelli

It's not uncommon as other anons have said. Dad seems to be a little over the top about it, and daughters are always wanting to impress daddy at that age. Add to that the dumb ass posted it on kikebook. The father is an idiot.
>12 years old when I shot my first deer
>dad watches me field dress all by myself
>stops me and takes knife, cleans it
>takes blood straight from heart on tip of blade
>"you have to try it, it's your first deer" shrugs shoulders
It was really no big deal. When my son shoots his first deer I'm sure I'll do something similar.

el CONGOlombiano

You need to go back to your special place


Yeah she is definitely not old enough to hunt... I'm pretty sure the lowest age in any US state is 12 and she looks like 6 years old

Yeah she is definitely not old enough to hunt... I'm pretty sure the lowest age in any US state is 12 and she looks like 6 years old


>"fuckin white ppl"
>this was a common practice among some native american tribes and among many hunters

Niggers once again showing how pathetically uneducated they are, it's sad that liberals won't have the balls to correct them out of fear of losing street cred either even though natives are by far more "oppressed" than blacks by their own rules.

Niggers can't appreciate the art of hunting because they're so uncivilized they basically "hunt" each other.

Non-whites don't hunt lol, they're all cowardly anti-gun sociopaths.

I want to weld that metal thing connecting those lip disks together closed... just to see what they would do.

el palomANO