No one has claimed responsibility for the hack, although many of the apparently stolen and released images are now circulating on Sup Forums’s Sup Forums boards.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ha no way, all the media browses us senpai. We run this shit.
WaPo is a joke now sadly
and im glad i didnt see those pictures
I've seen this pic enough times to now ask whether or not it's real. Is it?
We are a pro-hillary board! Cuckservative alt right for Hillery!
>and im glad i didnt see those pictures
There it is. There's Clinton's alt-right set up.
>No one has claimed responsibility for the hack, although many of the apparently stolen and released images are now circulating on Sup Forums’s Sup Forums boards. Those include an image of a U.S. passport and of a California drivers’ licence. The address on the license appears to match that of a recent address of the actress, according to a public records search.
What do they have to name drop Sup Forums for?
>the MSM gets redpilled from spending too much time browsing Sup Forums.
It's their way of subtly telling you where to find them since they can't post them themselves.
I am the hacker known as Sup Forums and I regret nothing.
nice indeed!
because its a false flag. She probably hacked herself. Think about it. Who the fuck wants to see harambe jones naked?
Sup Forums is right again
She hacked herself. Or Apple did with their automatic UPLOAD TO DA CLOUD black-up """feature""".
There is not one person on these boards who wants to see that woman naked, though.
I wish they were not being circulated here.
I should not be forced to take the risk of happening upon such pictures while I brows and partake in this very serious political message board.
Lets get back to the issue's Sup Forums
Why are the richest arabic states the least empathetic?
This is a false flag!!
It says they got her nudes. Gross.
Fukken saved
Louis Thoureaux the most based autist out there.
Legit O.K. Jew.
Vascular dementia symptoms may be most obvious when they happen soon after a major stroke.
Sudden post-stroke changes in thinking and perception may include:
•Trouble speaking or understanding speech
•Vision loss
These changes may happen at the same time as more familiar physical stroke symptoms, such as a sudden headache, difficulty walking, or numbness or paralysis on one side of the face or the body.
Multiple small strokes or other conditions that affect blood vessels and nerve fibers deep inside the brain may cause more gradual thinking changes as damage accumulates.
Common early signs of widespread small vessel disease include impaired planning and judgment; uncontrolled laughing and crying; declining ability to pay attention; impaired function in social situations; and difficulty finding the right words.
>>the MSM gets redpilled from spending too much time browsing Sup Forums.
I bet her hole is all hairy and dry as fuck yuck
>because its a false flag. She probably hacked herself. Think about it. Who the fuck wants to see harambe jones naked?
she put her stuff on icloud, especially after the other hacks from icloud she was asking for it
We all need to leave!!!
He's not a kike you dumb cunt
harambe isn't a meme embraced by us
KEK ist hier! Heil Kek!
This is slander.
>literally looks like a tranny
wtf Sup Forums what are you doing?
i tought we like aryan woman here.
Surely nobody would be that dumb or have such a short-term memor....
Oh wait, it's a nigger. Nevermind.
I was just think about how convenient everything was
>kick up a stink with Milo on twitter because he said mean thing to Jones.
>Milo is vocally supportive of trump
>Hillary is going to mention nazi frogs and the apparent connection between alt right and the kkk or some shit
>Jones nudes "hacked" by the hacker known as 4chin
>well who are these horrible people? they will ask?
>why trumps people of course!
They're trying to shut us down because of our effective research at /cfg/ is where all the media has been getting their info from... it has been devastating to her campaign and CTR is also pissed.
It's really the /cfg/ work though... they are quite pissed.
Pandora's Box has been opened and the Chaos is already out. You can't put it back.
Praise Kek
looks like a naked gorilla
This is an anime website that had child porn circulating on it for a long time. Who cares if they slander us? We are causing way more damage to them than they are to us.
Impossible. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
reddit did this
>a decent media organization which takes journalistic integrity and non-partisan reporting of the facts seriously
Pick one and only one
nice digits
Is this the reason the site has been shit slow the past two hours
>Muslim kills some people
>ISIS claims responsibility
>someone on twitter spreads false rumors of a nude leak
>no one Sup Forums knows anything about it
>no one posted nudes
>no one claimed to have them
>IT'S Sup Forums!!! DEY DID IT!!!!
What's with the hypocrisy?
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Went on a gossip site and they are blaming Milo for some reason
If trump was a female he would look like Clinton.
>online stormfags and white supremacists want to see a fat black woman naked
Does anything think before writing these articles?
This smells like another hey rabbi watcha doin?
Reminder that Sup Forums is, has, and always will be a Hillary Clinton board.
No one brings those filthy niggers to heel like our Queen Hillary does.
No one massacres Muslims in middle eastern wars like our Queen Hillary does.
And no one keeps the black population down by allowing rampant abortions- 363,000 black deaths annually, more than all other causes of death combined- than our Queen Hillary does.
Russian paid Trump shills will try to infest and subvert our cause, but Hillary Clinton is the candidate of the White man.
Sieg Heil!
>"Leslie Jones is the funniest comedian out there these days. Too bad the teenage racist twits haven't got the guts to go up against her one on one. She would shred their little egos in to stale hog fodder."
mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga
>blaming a board of peace for the actions of a tiny minority of fundamentalists
We are innocent!
I'd tongue punch her fart box if you know what I mean.
100 percent.
Wow wtf. ew. This is fucking nasty. Next time use a fucking NSFL tag you fucking asshole.
Is she wearing a chefs hat?
>green eyes
I just like beautiful women, most beautiful women are white, but some non-white ones are pretty good
Leslie "Harambe" Jones is definitely not a good looking woman though
She is so perfect and beautiful desu.
Who's that guy?
> Checked
Tfw Niggers
This is a board of peace. Anyone can post on this board and claim to be a member of Sup Forums. This is just not the case, they are not real Sup Forums posters. Real Sup Forums posters do not believe in hacking or doxing people. This is clearly stated in the Sup Forums rules that it is not allowed. These are not real Sup Forums posters. These are scum just giving us a bad name. To say they are one of us is downright wrong and painting with a simple-minded broad brush.
Is this the infamous speech she was gonna give?
I didn't even want them, I'm not going to take blame for this.
>I just like beautiful women, most beautiful women are white, but some non-white ones are pretty good
Same here, though if it comes between a 8/10 white woman and a 10/10 non white woman I would certainly have children with the 8/10 white.
Exactly, why would anyone here want to see those images? I never even watch animal planet
>Sup Forums’s Sup Forums boards.
Apparently there are many pol boards? Weird!
What fucking morons. They have no idea what they're talking about as usual. No investigative journalism.
Wouldn't doubt this is going to be part of Hillarys speech on trump and the "alt right"
Gotta love the South African court lol.
it's preferable to keep it in the race, even better if she's the same religion and nationality
mixed race kids come with a lot of baggage and a disproportional amount of them have mental issues
Who is this Sup Forums you speak of?
Variety is also blaming Milo for Leslie's suffering.
CNN can now confirm those sneaky Jews are at again. We interviewed our very own Mossad plant Wolf Blitzer for more information
Kek reveals the truth and no one takes a trip to the Czech Redublic... for shame, sinners.
(You)'ll deserve it if it happens then.
Dicks out for Harambe
Sup Forums is a board of peace
hillary is a hate-mongering bribe taker looking to hide
fucking kek
but please no that shit's disgusting
God Bless Poortugal for giving us Sara Sampaio
Look at who wrote the article...
Abby Ohlheiser
She spent time doing this...
Development Assistant
National Yiddish Book Center
June 2005 – December 2005 (7 months)
-Assisted the development staff with database, filing, and research.
-Assisted with the summer Paper Bridge Festival at the Center.
-Ran the lighting and sound for the weekly theatre performances.
>Implying they are not blaming us for the hack so that they can curb free speech and SHUT IT DOWN (Sup Forums)