How would a half white/half east asian society look like?

How would a half white/half east asian society look like?

Would it be functional? Stable? First world? Or destined to fail?

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Fail of course.

No sense of nationality


Arent you living it?

>what is a USA

You don't need to have a hypothetical "sense of nationality"

I know its that Spanish catholics thingy but I had a chuckle

Tons of qts

Hispanics are pretty much eurasians so when we take over america due to higher birthrates, expect the standard american white to drop from 98% European genes to 92% European when they assimilated into the majority group

>How would a half white/half east asian society look like?
You tell us. Given how much navy semen has been spilled there over the decades, we could also ask the Philippines

>says canada

my town is like 70% white 25% asian and 5% other. seems to do pretty well. great schools and very conservative, especially for "commiefornia."



Why are you even asking this question? You already know.

How is Finland?

There's your answer.

you inbred weeaboo

>what is the slow deterioration of the USA over the past 60 years

he said east asians, not fucking ameriniggers. huge difference lad, pic related is typical "asian" you would find in mexico

As you can see they are completely different from east asians


This fraternity of La Borriquita

Pic related is east asian, from japan, obviously you cna tell the difference, and also which one is more attractive

Cuck. My child will be brought up traditional English despite my wife being Thai. You do need to identify nationally the reason why England is fucked up is because of cucolds like you.

if racemixing is discouraged and both groups have the same language and religion it can work

>ethnic Mayan


of course it would be great

I plan on racemixing just to trigger my racist extended family anyway. I was thinking an African wife would be maximum triggering but an Asian one would do as well.

besides the girl I'm fucking right now is Asian and her family is more "White" culturally than mine anyway

learn about migration lad, all the ethnic native americans came from siberia during an ice age when a bunch of mongols crossed the icebridge

A utopia filled with supreme gentlemen.

Yeah, but nobody calls them Asian. Humans were also all descended from Africa but we're not all Africans. You are literally retarded if you call Mayans Asian, they've been separated from Asia for millennia.

Brazilian here. I live in the Brazilian New Tokyo aka Liberdade. Theres countless Japs here, and most of whom keep it to their own. I've seen a few hapa couples and the guys are mostly nice and the girls very very cute. You're all just memeing.

Alpha East Asian Males and Conservative White Females would look like this

The true master race.


Id rather a 3/4 white and 1/4 black society desu. The intellect and soft features of whites and the big hair ass and tiddies from the black side
>implying Sup Forums can refute this

>Slide thread
>False Fin Flag asking about Fin culture to bait replies.
>1 post by this ID

Hello CTR

Something caused by spic immigration, not Asian immigration.

>having a thai wife
>not even a western gook wife
>calling anyone else a cuck.

The only refutal neccesary is that you are disgusting for wanting to mix white genes with practically monkey genes. Niggers have an average iq of 85, even a quarter nigger in the gene pool would be significantly detrimental to the race as a whole. East asians on the other hand have a fairly high iq which is on average even higher than whites and would ultimately create the master race through the mixture of the creativity of whites with the raw brain processing power of asians

Most "asians" are arrogant assholes. Please specify what ethnicity. Like i wouldnt group based japanese or south koreans with chinese or best koreans

Going from your example, it would go fairly well.

Going from a lot of other central Asian countries with euro/indo/Asian mixes?

Well, their starting points are shit, being landlocked and held under the thumb of much more power more populous nations for their entire histories.

And of course, having their historic populations slaughtered repeatedly and reduced to mere fractions of what they once were.

>Please specify what ethnicity
24% Germans
22% Japanese
20% Italians
18% Hafus
2% for each: Chinese, Korean, Thai, French, Irish, Hungarian, Scandinavian, Spanish.
Total: 100%

As long as its top tier white male and top top top top .000001% of the black female population I approve

Onions on there own are gross, but put them in a stir fry and you have a good meal. a littlw black blood is good it causes women to be thicc and juicy

In my professional opinion, we should be focusing on genetic engineering and coupling it with a non-violent eugenics plan.

Sterilizing everyone that is under a 100IQ, has a history of violence or caries genetic defects that do not promote a strong and successful human being.

We should be putting tens of billions into genetic engineering research and development.

> asians are uncreative

who this?

Like Vancouver (if you let chinks colonise your country, don't be surprised when it turns into a chink colony)

Being sandwiched between Russia, China, India and the evil death cult of Islam probably doesn't help them develop much.


Would be the wisest, strongest tightest most peaceful but most efficient and effective at war society willing to fight to the last man, woman and child alive if it ever got created.

This is why the (((media))) discourages asian males and promoted black ones. They don't want white women creating a super race that would obliterate the jews. Hapas with a strong wise father are immune to cuckoldry and more creative than any asian.

Hong Kong and Singapore seem to be doing alright.

Canada though...

>muh mexicans

pitiful shartnigger

Chinese men can be a pain, if they have money. The woman are White cock addicts though, regardless of race.

Maybe Asians don't like the Mediterranean White look that Portuguese have? Seems like most White guys I see with Asians are either blond or blue eyed, rarely swarthy.

Central Asia and Eastern Russia already exist and are ethnically Eurasian regions. They're pretty shit to live in.

what a hideous goblin
have a Siberian qt instead

Not here at least. Most white-asian couples are of Med/Iberian with Japanese. Theres a decent number of light eyes blond hair people and I would say they from at leaast what I see get as many asian partners as Meds/Iberians.

I would fuck her brains out

Would be fine as long as there are no niggers


This pic is in every freaking thread. It gets more action than the gentleman depicted.