>Astronomers have discovered a roughly Earth-size alien world around Proxima Centauri, which lies just 4.2 light-years from our own solar system. What's even more exciting, study team members said, is that the planet, known as Proxima b, circles in the star's "habitable zone"
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Not discovered.
As one of the participating german scientists at the ESO was quoted: "We are moving at the very edge of what is technologically possible."
Meaning, we'll have to whait for confirmation by other observatories.
Is Sid Meier channeling the Planetmind?
So what, it just means it's in the habitable zone, it doesn't actually say life is there. Life can exist technically anywhere right? In the grand scheme of things there are always things out there that can survive even the most extreme elements. Nigger unless you have discovered an alien artifact floating in our solar system or hard proof evidence, this is hardly news.
you're the nigger. It's not about intelligent alien life. if it's an earth like planet in the habitable zone it could very well be the closest extra-solar planet that can sustain a permanent human colony. It could be our way out.
>Proxima B receives rough 100 [times more] more high-energy radiation than Earth
>4,2 light years away
Where do you even start?
Study it from Earth extensively.
An orion nuclear pulse probe.
>implying the cuckolds will ever allow nuclear propulsion
muh irradiated stars asteroids
Confirmed life just now, turn on CNN?
Holy shit!! So it's only about 25 trillion miles away. This is ground breaking. We should totally keep investing in nasa because you it's completely possible to reach that
No, actuall, genuine discovery.
Offiical announcement will be tomorrow.
We've had technology that could theoretically get there in
>we've discovered another earth-like planet gorillions of miles away that could possibly have life if conditions are exactly right
Sorry atheists, but God only made one home for humanity. This is just another false flag to keep your blind faith in worthless science barely alive
Matter cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Good luck on your 25 trillion mile journey
>elite force of all the worlds countries put on a spaceship
>land on Mars
>europeans, russians and chinese do all the work while niggers and spics sit around consuming space drank
We would be there in a week if the Martsharters spend their defense budget on Nasa instead
Well we just have to beat gravity and deadly radiation. Gravity by making our own gravity and radiation i have no idean, maybe some radiations shields.
Ecxept almost being a generation ship gravity and radiation must be mastered and we have not mastered it yet but maybe soon.
It's too far away you nugget
>radiation i have no idean, maybe some radiations shields.
lead nigga, lead. And bigger rockets
It's about 4 light years away. You might want to look up what a light year is.
>4.2 light years
>somehow faster then light
>american education
tell that to the aliens already here, LOL pleb
Nukes not required.
Look up project Breakthrough Starshot!
Bascially accelarating a probe with the mass of only a few gramms to relativistic speed by using an array of lasers.
he said in less than 100 years
do you have any idea what a lightyear is?
>4.2 light years
>requires speed greater than the speed of light to make it in common core mathematics at work
and technically, the law is that nothing can travel through space faster than the speed of light. space itself can be warped faster than the speed of light, an alcubierre warp drive could in theory get a ship from point A to point B in less time than it'd take light to travel between them
>just 4.2 light-years
>just about 23,500,000,000,000 miles
k i'll be right there, let me gas up the honda
Why don't we just punch a hole in space and take a short cut trough Hell?
Do you understand what it's you fucking moron. He said 4.2 light years away which is about 25 trillion miles away.
Also let's just conveniently forget about the fuel requirements... air and food to last a millenia... planning a landing routine to an unidentified planet with who-knows-what surface conditions...not to mention many other ridiculous calculations and stuff.
Yeah not possible.
>interstellar travel
>physically plausible
Pick one.
In theory get back to me when it actually works. Oh and you're the last country on earth that should be criticizing other people's education system
>Land on planet after 30 years in stasis pods
>Get cancer and die
>Get killed by some alien animal/insect/undetectable toxin in the air
relax your sphincter buddy, hold it in until you're at walmart. you're the one who divided 4.2 by 100 and somehow got a number greater than 1
>4.2 light-years
By the time we reached it with modern technology and massive inbreeding on a space ship, we'd probably already have the technology to actually break light speed.
Cool, another planet to infest with humans like cancer through the universe.
ma nigga
No, life cannot exist everywhere. Just where conditions are stable enough. For example, you can't have life in a star, beyond the event horizon, where there is too much radiation, too hot, too cold, etc.
I can get you there if you want to...
That's why you send a probe
>implying that a planet is a living organism
Kys my man.
>land on planet after 30 years in stasis pod
>get out and find out there is no life or even water
>Is gravity on this planet similar to earth?
>Does it have a magnetosphere as strong as earth?
>Is the average surface temperature similar to earth?
If the answer to any of these questions is No, or unknown, then it doesn't fucking matter.
Given that the planet is orbiting a red dwarf that closely, it's probably tidally locked. That plus the high radiation would make sustaining life nearly impossible.
that jewish start at the center of propulsor system
WE WUZ 6 million light year away n shit
>alcubierre warp drive
Not sure if such a drive/engine, or the idea of contracting spacetime in front and expanding in the back of something is physically possible.
It would probably require such a drive to shoot some kind of matter in front of the drive that would pull the spacetime in the front towards the middle, then shoot another kind of matter that would push spacetime from the midpoint of the drive all the way to the back. Think of the movement as some kind of quadruped using its frontlegs to pull itself forward and the hindlegs to push itself forward (or frontlegs pushing backwards and hindlegs pulling backwards), with the surface being somewhat stretchable to multiply forward movement. Or maybe the movement as some kind of a caterpillar motion that can move forward or backward.
Here are the big questions:
Is there matter that can contract spacetime?
Is there matter that can expand spacetime?
Is there matter that can both contract and expand spacetime (for efficiency's sake)?
What kind of energy would be required to power such a drive that will generate/use/whatever such kinds of matter in such a speed that movement would be faster than traditional propulsion systems without destroying the engines itself, the vessel it's attached to, and any cargo within such a vessel (people, supplies, other matter, etc.)?
The emitter of such a matter must be impervious to "warping" and can shoot it from a distance, to prevent nearby matter not intended to be unintentionally pulled and pushed, to prevent tearing/destroying it. Is such a design (configuration of a starship and its drive) possible? The Star Trek starship designs doesn't seem like it facilitates proper emission.
I don't know. Just musing. Anyone with higher understanding of warp theory and how it could facilitate space travel (without all that improbable sci-fi nonsense)?
The only reason Nuclear Pulse Propulsion was banned was so people wouldn't launch nukes from space in the cold war.
Not for travel.
And at 20% the speed of C, that would take roughly 20 years to get to.
That's nothing.
>calls someone a nigger
>spouts a literal nigger opinion
If it's so close, what took them so long?
For a 'short term' trip like Centauri, you would need a massive generational ship, suspended animation is still science fiction.
This is a pretty good video explaining how we could colonize the universe surprisingly fast using technology we know now to work. Rather than frozen humans or massive generation ships, they are automated seed ships with frozen embryos,
How do we get there?
They won't have parents. That's retarded.
The chance of finding a planet that has an atmosphere, climate, gravity, radiation exposure, etc... close enough to Earth that humans could just freely live on the surface outside of structures is practically 0.
Seriously, we just need a way to mechanize ourselves. Then it wouldn't matter if a planet is "habitable" or not, you could live on fucking Mars, Titan, or even Pluto, it don't fucking matter. Even the time it'd take to travel to planets light years away would be nothing.
Having parents didn't help you any.
>tfw you will never drop down on an alien planet in your huge robot body and kill the alien niggers living there in the millions.
why even live
God don't post that shit it makes me think too much.
Who here is ready for the Centarian Empire?
They find one of these every year. It means nothing.
I still can't believe how shit Beyond Earth was.
When will our ancestors come back to earth and take whites away from all these savages?
>tfw the white people sent to earth were convicted criminals on their home planet.
>How do we get there?
It was just in the news yesterday.
Although they say it's possible within 20 years, it's probably a long ways away. More like 100 years. Even then it will be some time before humans can be sent.
so earth is the Australia of the galaxy?
Whites were sent here to conquer the Earth from the original inhabitants.
I think the concern is that the children won't be nurtured and will either be sociopaths or flat out can't live. The Russians did experiments with raising infants with machines and the kids died sometimes for no reason, like they didn't see the point to life.
German group publishing this is second group that has reported the observation. They wouldn't publish stuff like this on light evidence, even if it's not completely certain at this point.
First observation was done by a Finnfag who currently works in University of Hertfordshire. Pic related.
We have had couple generations of people raised by TV, Videos and interwebz.
Just another ploy to get more funding/taxpayer money. Nothing will come out of it. Fire them all.
It saddens me to think that humanity will never reach there because we have to pay for all the gibs
I'm not suggesting it's a perfect solution, even the video addresses this at the end. You would need some very advanced nanny bots just to get them through infant-hood and of course their real parents could record video or holographic messages encouraging and directing their development.
The past HARPS and UVES data never published a detection.
Because we wouldn't survive in the warp without gellar fields.
We should focus on O'Neill cylinders and other orbitals instead. Let's keep the planets pristine like they're our national parks.
Thank God we just discovered FTL travel.
Wait. There may be a problem.
>we need to stop being human in order to propogate humanity
nah son its better to stay here
Neither is the US election really, but it's still shilled to fuck and back. Personally I'd rather read about other planets than the inane boredom of watching the slow motion trainwreck of a pitiful, emasculated empire in decline splashed all over the news.