Can't pin it on the Slobodan!
Can't bitch the Karadzic!
Can't sporatic the Mladic!
Can't pin it on the Slobodan!
Can't bitch the Karadzic!
Can't sporatic the Mladic!
When will the "Le based Serbs" meme end.
These faggots were the first to bow to Ottomans, literal serfs
fuck off amerishit
Milovec did nothing wrong, serbia stronk
You guys know that remove kebab has nothing to do with muslims or turks,right?
stfu albanian piece of shit retard turkoid scum u literally converted en masse to the invaders religion to avoid paying taxes fucking mountain jew scum
I only respect catholic albanians the rest are good for tractor fuel
Haha fucking turk nigger trying to be tough by showing muj kills. Those same muj will be in your country soon.
Yes it does. It's a reference to the genocide of Bosnian muslims in the 90's.
t. Ottoman Rape Turd
Oh look! It's the roach that blows himself to Americans dying! How do you get your mandibles down to your tiny roach cock with such a hard carapace?
Well, Abdul, what does it mean then if not the removal of muslim degenerates from the Balkans?
hrvat scum go lick austrian ass some more
pathetic bootlicking nation
Day of the cheeki breeki when?
Croats were cucks themselves in the 90's when siding with Alja on the referendum.
did you get us confused with slovenians again?
or are you just serbian diaspora
>implying theres a difference between slovenes and croats
hmm true
they are our rightful clay
altho their language is worse then klingon
>implying all balkan languages aren't complete shit
but slovenian is by far the worst
ja sam jugosloven mesanog porekla samo se zajebavam ovde volim sve ljude s Balkana tbqh
anyway today I wear the hat of retarded serbian nationalist
so, die hrvat scum u are worse than albanian muslim
I do have to give you that, it sounds disgusting when spoken.
But again, all balkan languages are.
Only countries that have the Title "Champion of Christ" can criticize us, oh wait you are out.
a znam vise puta sam te vidio i slazem se
croats are just slovenians that stole our language
Jure zove Boban vice
>Literally known as the most rebellious provinces
desu I don.t blame you, Albanian history isn't widely taught.
Not having the title "Champion of Christ" doesn't mean we can't laugh at your third world of roach rape babies and broken dreams.
Have you ever been to Bosnia? There are literally no muslims(eveb before the war)
They call themselves muslim just to be independent (from catholic croatia and orthodox serbia)
Ma ako si bio u bosni znas da tu nema ni m od muslimana,samo bosanci,hrvati i wannabe srbi
>Bosniaks are generally associated with Islam, Bosnian Croats with the Roman Catholic Church, and Bosnian Serbs with the Serb Orthodox Church. Today, Muslims constitute 51% of the population, Christians 46%, and other groups 3% (including nonreligious, Jews).
Come on, Ahmed, just because they're not as devout as you doesn't absolve them of being filth
cuti cuti ujko ubicu te ja
Let's get serious here for a second.
I see Croatian and Serbs get along much more on this board than Albanians and Serbs. Are you really that different? I've even seen some edgy serbs on here say they want all Albanians dead regardless of religion or background. Is it really that bad?
hahaha taqqiya is strong with this one, why they cheer turkey, turkey, erdogan sultan
Ti ih ne smatraš muslimanima jer ne prate religiju doslovno ko ova stoka s bliskog istoka.
Po tim standardima niko ne pripada nijednoj religiji.
I don't care about the history of turkic hut dwellers that claim they're european.
Pusi kurac mehmede
Ovi zapadnjaci misle da je bosna=iran,how to change that opinion?
no serbijan speaks western stokavstina
before vuk u didnt even have literature, we made a standard to unite us with bosnians and then vuk stole our standard for the same reason
theres no other albanian in Serbia, Macedonia or Mmontenegro then muslim albanians, albanians in albania are chill people, but that clay stealing scum need to die or go back
Visit bosnia and then talk shit about it
It's not just Serbs who hate them. Albanians are literally the niggers of the balkans. Put them next to stereotype gypsies and you can't tell them apart until the Albanian starts his daily prayer to Allah.
You can't. Bosnia should be split in two and annexed by Croatia and Serbia.
Muđahedine potamanit.
T A Q I Y Y A\
Hey Hussein, don't lie, we all know what you are.
exactly, they accepted their seed for 500 years
the serbs are pathological liars, they made p their own history and think they won the battle of kosovo, while in fact their whole army and their own emperor was killed in battle. at least the albanians can make something out of kosovo without making up history
greater albania when?
show me croatian literature older then miroslavljevog jevandjelja
Bosnu treba ostavit kakvu jest,al ove wannabe bošnje vehabije pobit,republiku srpsku odjebat i ove sto hoce hercegbosnu poslat u hrvatsku
To be fair a lot of gypsies say they're x nationality rather than Gypsy, like Romanians
Albanians don't look like gypsies to me broski actually they kind of look rather Slavic
It should've been done before Alja ever thought of independence. All of the bosniaks that disagreed should've been given a choice; a hole in their head and dumped in the Sava or shipped to Albania.
Well their lips hide their secondary mandibles, it's a trait in most Albanians carried over from their turkroach days. Common mistake, really.
other then some serbs being a bit turkishly enriched serbs and croats pretty much same people just hate each other because we were always confronted in history on these areas
and albanian are hated by everyone because they r like gypsies most people dont even know the difference
And yet Albanians will fight tooth and nail to convince you they're not slavic.
>we wuz ilyrian n sheet
irl they're turk rapebabies.
>and dumped in the Sava
Sava flows from Slovenia to Serbia. You're thinking of Neretva.
>Oj Neretvo teci niza stranu,
>nosi Srbe plavome Jadranu.
You're right, senpai.
On the Neretva and the fact that Albanians are turk turds.
>>we wuz ilyrian n sheet
I know one more false nation who like to say this
Bašćanska ploča
Albanian turk turd trying to convince people that the muslim filth were the good guys.
Yeah? Who?
>Bašćanska ploča
ploca, literatura, ahahahahahahaha da nije gramofonska, ahahahaha
Upravo ovo zakržljalo ustaštvo najbolje govori šta si ti u stvari i čiji mentalitet imaš.
thats not rly a literature but a script
we have no such rich findings like this but older writings on glagolic in few spots
Baš si mi spustio, svaka čast
This is a Kebab hate thread, not a family tree thread.
>zakržljalo ustaštvo
Juriš na zaključke. Citiro sam pjesmu jer je burger spomeno da ih treba pobacat u rijeku.
Nemam ja ništa protiv pravoslavnih Hrvata.
Did someone say "Kebab"?
Thread theme:
ne kazem nista protiv, lepo je sve to, i treba se cuvati, ali ne mozes da nastupis sa gluposcu da su Srbi bili nepismeni ili sta vec, a onda ste se vi pojavili i mi ukrali od vas nesto, ako oces normalno da razgovaramo, tu sam uvek, ako oces da shitpostamo i to moze
Karadzic did nothing wrong. Neither did Milosevic and Ratko.
The west bent over for the mudslimes.
We can only hope such a thing would happen
aj provjeri Id-eve prije nego kaj se ideš svađati
pa jeste bili ste lol bjeda veca nek prije neg sto su dosli turci
niste nikakva djela imala kroz cijeli novi vijek jer ste robovali osmanilijama, niste prosli ni renesansu, humanizam, klasicizam... nesto slabo u vojvodini, a onda tek evo vas opet u 19. st
A opet imamo vise kulture nego vi.
yes they can
itt: orci na aparatima.
kaj vas tolko boli šule jbt pa moras odma defenzivno
pod turcima i nisi imo puno izbora
moderna djela su vam opet bogata i meni je crnjanski bolji od većine nasih drkadjija