Pol, Jesus God Damn Christ, I'm losing my shit over here. I just got done arguing with a friend from high school who is in an interracial marriage. I revealed my power level while at the same time telling him i could care less about his personal relationship with his wife(who is SE Asia btw) and that i think his wife and kids are great. He gets so fucking pissed that I am against mass immigration and replacement of the White race that he fucking threatens me with physical harm. I've been saying for a long time that I am praying for the Great Happening, but god dammit, now the last shreds of what are holding me to a stable grip on any hope for not needing to have a full on holocaust to fix the problem are quickly being cut. Also this mother fucker regularly gave Nazi salutes in high school. WTF?

TL;DR Blue pill high school buddy upset at my power level.

>sperging out like this
Come on dude, what was the point?

Race mixers are some of the scummiest people to walk this earth.

I say that as someone who is 1/4 Peruvian.

If we could show them the future they're working towards, we'd spare so much blood...

None of that shit happened and ur a faggot


I think you meant to post this on reddit.

Fuck. I know but Jesus Christ, I grew up in the military and then joined the Military so the few people I have any interaction with from the past really mean a lot to me because it feels like my only connection that time.

Youre an idiot. What purpose did revealing your power level have if that guy already has kids?

Why the fuck is racemixing so important to you that you tell an old friend that you think he betrayed his race and you expect him to be ok with you saying that?

There are far bigger issues at hand and youre a faggot.

Let him know he was being an asshole and that even threat of physical action against you for stating an opinion has ruined your friendship. If he doesn't apologize or continues being an ass just cut ties. Doesn't sound like he's a good person if he can't tolerate a difference of opinion.

>High School

15 year olds and politics don't mix. You probably only think the way you do now to be edgy.

You should reread the post. The whole thing this time. But yeah I agree it was probably a worthless endeavor.

A rational response. Thank you, and I agree.


I'm starting to feel more and more this. And I agree, though I don't think anything can stop the pendulum now. It's going to be a dark time ahead.

I'm starting to feel more and more like this. And I agree. But I think it's too late at this point. The pendulum is going to swing back hard this time. Harder than any time before it possibly.

Delete your account


The redpills have cooked your brain

We are witnessing the birth of Reviewbrah 2.0

Ah, okay. I'll get right on that.

I'm married to a SE asia that was born in America and I am super against immigration if it makes you feel any better.

Y'know, it does in fact. Also, I hope you and your wife are doing well.