>Capitalism works
The company that owns the Epipen, has risen the price of their product 400%, gouging the consumer.
This is the shit that needs to be illegal and why the government needs to step in and set the right price.
>Capitalism works
The company that owns the Epipen, has risen the price of their product 400%, gouging the consumer.
This is the shit that needs to be illegal and why the government needs to step in and set the right price.
Other urls found in this thread:
Epi is a crutch for genetic failures that should have been filtered out by natural selection, who cares?
>>Capitalism works
It does when there's competition. That's why we have anti-trust laws and such.
>The company that owns the Epipen
>A single company owns and makes the product
That's not capitalism, that's a monopoly.
The issue is bigger than Epipens, it's company in general that think they can jack up their prices of their products to whatever they want to, gouging and hurting the consumer.
this exactly why capitalism works but we have crony capitalism
We have laws and regulations that prevent competition.
If it was an actual free market someone would start producing epipens at a cheaper price and drive the price down until profits are slim
Choose one, SHART
Monopolies are allowed in capitalism, idiots.
monopolies are the future goy
CEO of the company is the daughter of Democrat Senator and Clinton ally Joe Manchin
She gave herself a huge raise too
Democrats will defend this and blame Republicans.
>own product
>set price
>people outraged yet still buy product
Really gets your noodle a spinnin', huh?
>This is the shit that needs to be illegal
>the government needs to step in and set the right price.
No, they need competition to reach market equilibrium for the product. What is the 'right' price anyway? You don't know, and government doesn't either.
Andrenaclick sells for about 20% of what the epipen costs
The cost for the actual drug in the pens is about 2$
People are paying for the convenience of a simple point and shoot injection
Someone should be able to produce a cheaper version but laws and regulation prevent that
This is not capitalism. Lobbying to prevent competition should be illegal.
Real capitalism has been tried. America pre-FDR
>Get stung by bee
>Deathly allergic
>No Epipen available
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Pre-filled adrenaline syringes are used in a huge variety of scenarios, not just as emergency treatment for anaphylactic reactions.
wow then another company comes along and sells the product for less money and consumers buy that
welcome to capitalism you fucking scrub
If it weren't for the government's regulations a small company could literally put out a product that's exactly the same for cheaper forcing Epipen to compete.
Capitalism ONLY works in a free market with a smaller government.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw this.
I thought it was some fake ad about being cucked into paying $600 for an Epipen.
What are patents? Every business should make money on their intellectual property. This isn't communism.
>Government over-regulates healthcare/pharmaceutical industries
>Only a handful of companies can afford to operate with all the red tape
>No competition left in the industry
>jack all the prices up on your goods because consumers have no choice but to your products
The biggest farce of it all is the government is summoning the industry to tell them this is occurring because of the government
Drug companies don't tend to undercut each other with seldom used drugs due to the short term cost of setting up production. There may only be a handful of manufacturers worldwide who produce a certain drug, which is why you still see generic drugs that anyone can manufacture command hugely inflated prices.
Tick tock motherfuckers.
>Company that has government mandate monopoly
Lel nice attempt kid
>implying capitalism doesn't always degenerate into "crony capitalism"
>implying the state isn't the extension of the capitalists.
You guys really are cucked, aren't you.
socialist libcucks need to die. This is Capitalism in action.
and FDRs socialist policies did nothing to end the depression
really makes you think
No you fucking nu-male commie.
>capitalism works
>but it degenerates into crony capitalism everytime
hmmmm rly mkes me tink
>freedom is eventually co-opted by the government
>we should never start with freedom and serve the state from the beginning instead
this is what redditors actually believe.
>Get stung by bee
>Deathly allergic
>No Epipen available
>have a different stab and inject epinephrine pen available
>use it
Really gets those synapses firing, huh?
Who told you that, your pastor?
Read a book you mongoloid. The only reason there isn't a great depression every 25 years is thanks to FDR.
Why the fuck is Sup Forums still full of edgy teenage libertarians that unironically think they will benefit from a return to 19th century laize fair capitalism? Truly boggles the mind.
>gouging the consumer
Are you suggesting that epipens aren't covered by insurance?
socialism has never worked in the history of the world you retard.
>implying Americans have health insurance
Can't you just buy a generic version for normal price? Why are Americans so entitled?
Trump BTFO. I am now a #ShillForHill
Who told you this fox news?
>implying you weren't serving the state from the beginning.
state = capitalists
It's the only thing protecting private property rights.
Nice argument, don't you have some job creator's dick to suck?
Did you even read his post? Can you highlight where he mentioned Socialism?
>implying that americans break the law by not having mandated insurance paid for out of their own pocket
sorry I dont get my news from marxist jungle trash msnbc bullshit and my local foreskin stealing rabbi you cuck.
>Epi is a crutch for genetic failures that should have been filtered out by natural selection, who cares?
Allergies are caused by environmental factors at least as much as genetic factors.
He effectively ended the great depression and laid the foundations for the 50's america, you retard
And where did he said anything about socialism, you retard?
Why haven't other drug companies been able to make a knockoff drug?
So government regulations causes a problem that government regulation will fix.
>freedom is a lie, worship the state
not surprising coming from the land where the government takes 75% of your paycheck.
if you dont like free market capitalism you're a socialist libcuck.
they wont since the government is bought by corporate interests so they don't care
>Read a book you mongoloid.
What book would that be? The one that trisomy 21 victim named Bernie Gutman wrote about Economics?
There's plenty of evidence, but if you didn't hold FDR and his policies sacrosanct you might be able to question the efficacy of them.
If he works hard enough, if he takes double shifts and works enough unpaid hours, he will one day be a millionaire. Poor people are just lazy ;)
WW2 ended the depression. FDR failed for like 8 years then the war came& he got lucky. It really makes you thibk
Why should I care?
I don't use one.
If demand is high because we coddle our weakest links, then let those guardians be bled dry as punishment.
>i am such BTFO. How can me and my wife son recover fro this savage blow??? Better go cry to my antifa chatroom
I bet there is a poor epileptic somewhere who'll suicide bomb company offices sooner or later.
Mudslimes and Russian Empire revolutionaries proved that the only way to make higher-ups accountable is by creatively using explosives.
Bet they won't take her down like martin shkreli
Anaphylaxis ?
Lol. How poor is your understanding of medicine?
Breaking monopolies is gomunism.
So if you don't agree with a completely unregulated free-market you're a socialist? There's literally no scale of opinion? You're a fucking retard.
Where did I have anything good to say about the state?
I'm refuting the argument that capitalism would be great if only the stupid big government wasn't involved. The government IS capitalism.
>a crutch for genetic failures that should have been filtered out by natural selection, who cares?
says the polack
>a crysis is solved in 3 days
>implying that when i wrote "and laid the foundations for the 50's america," i wasn't talking about american participating in WW2
Patents were a mistake.
I watched all of House.
Of course capitalism can evolve into crony capitalism and this is why society must create systems to prevent this from happening. The free market means you are free to choose how you spend your money and a monopoly of any kind is equal to a tyranny.
Your fallacy is that if capitalism naturally changes into tyranny, than it is inherently bad. But the same could be argued for civilization. "Without the rule of law and police civilization degenerates into barbarism so we shouldn't even try to be civilized to begin with." That's how stupid your argument sound.
When the state grows so big and starts working for itself instead of for the people, it becomes a parasite and of course will push for tyrannical systems like crony capitalism, socialism, redistribution of wealth, high taxation, welfare to multiply poors AKA state clients.
>If it was an actual free market
...you could pay for a hit squad to raid the smaller companies' offices and shoot up employees.
Police is a gomunist concept.
What if it has actually dropped in price and you just have toilet paper currency?
sorry i dont speak arabic you cuck shouldnt you be trying to prevent your wife and daughter from birthing brown children.
A WELFARE STATE IS NOT SOCIALISM. Socialism is taking the means of production and giving it to workers. That fails.
Welfare states succeed. As long as there's sufficient amounts of capitalism in them. Roads, schools, healthcare, utility infrastructures and safety nets should be Welfare by the means of the common
the company that makes my insulin has a patent that is about to expire and theres going to be a renaissance of imitation insulins that come out immediately and they wont be able to jew people out anymore and charge ridiculous prices
patents shouldnt exist
btw the fda banned natural pork insulin and beef decades ago and forced people to buy GMO insulin from bacteria made by these corporations , i cant even get the natural stuff
theyre a bunch of crooks
if we didnt have patents and fda regulations everything would be dirt cheap
They did. The epipen patent is on the injector itself. Tbqh what Mylan is doing is bullshitting, having spoken to people from Mylan, I know most of the advertising costs that they claim caused the price hike came from advertising the fact that pharmacists shouldn't be substituting adrenaclick for the Epipen on prescriptions since they aren't AB rated substitutable.
That being said, it's crucial to a capitalist market for companies to be allowed to set their prices without outside influence and they are perfectly allowed to do this.
you must be a nigger. Niggers all love welfare.
thats exactly what we are saying you idiot
>The Company makes The Product
Isn't that what Bernie wanted?
>BTFO by a fucking monkey
Universal Health Insurance will do that
Read , Police were originally used to breakup union protests, so they're actually anti-gommunist.
It's in the Netherlands that is a possibility
>Implying competition doesn't apply to hit squads
>Not purchasing your own counter hit squad
Dont bother. Pic related is who you're arguing with
If they couldn't jew you out of money, no one would have bothered developing synthetic insulin.
am i missing something here?
i like how CNN listed a republican as a democrat fighting against the price hike just to make it look like the whole thing was democrats. subtle kikery
Struggling to find an argument in there Shart.
>wanting an impure, allergenic pork insulin that is ridiculously expensive and impractical to make
You're a retard.
>Of course capitalism can evolve into crony capitalism
it absolutely does, like history shows us
>The free market
oxymoron. Without state there is no one to enforce private property rights
>redistribution of wealth
You're just a continent ruled by his own enterprises.
Nothing to be surprised about.
arguments are for libcucks like you. I know i'm right, if I argued with you it would only be entertaining the idea that I could be wrong, and only cucks think like that.
>gov is the reason for the high price
>gov needs to set the price
You are an ignorant person. Please allow me to educate you.
A) These can be purchased for roughly $20 per pen any where in Europe, and even less in other parts of the world. FedGov, the very people you think will fix the problem, will throw you in prison for attempting to import these from Europe to the U.S.
FedGov is happy to import cheap Chinese shit and H1B immigrant slave workers. But a drug or device that could save a life? Nope. You have to buy the American version at 5-10x the cost, even if the American version is manufactured overseas.
If it wasn't for FedGov sucking pharmaceutical company dick Mylan could never get away with charging $300 per pen because every fucking millennial with HTML skills and a PayPal account would become an importer of EpiPens.
B) It is BLATANTLY ILLEGAL under 15 USC to attempt to monopolize, restrain trade, or price-fix. Tomorrow morning the U.S. attorney general could indict and begin prosecution of the executive officers of Mylan for felony violations of 15 USC. EACH CONVICTION carries a 10 year prison sentence.
Loretta Lynch is no more going to pursue Mylan than she is going to pursue Hillary.
Because she is a good little house nigger who obeys her massas. And her masters, Obama and Hillary, offer Pay-To-Play to ANY corporation or organization with the cash. Mylan? Saudi Arabia? ISIS? Doesn't matter as long as you pay.
good we would have kept using the old kind of insulin which was better and more compatible with the body which they banned in order to have a monopoly
and people would invent things for charity and to help people...........
and we wouldnt have diabetes anyways because the food from capitalism wouldnt be poisoned and mass produced processed trash :p
So, again, a NEW company comes, spends the money required to set up shop, and sells the pens at low prices
Why are you thinking in terms of existing big pharma?
What the fuck, jap-moot?
The only places that socialism has ever succeeded are countries with no niggers. Are you sure you want to push this?