I'll go first
>Sup Forums spends more time discussing the holohoax than they do (((central banking)))
ITT: Things you hate about Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums has denied Manowar as being centrally important to saving white Europeans
Ancap memes and the overall betrayal of Ron Paul and libertarianism in favor of Drumpf authoritarianism.
>HURR muh roads!!
>Getting called a CTR shill for criticizing anything about Trump
He lies out of his fucking ass yet the moment someone points this out, they get accused of being a shill, or they respond with "Hillary lies too!"
That's true as well; they're both habitual liars yet Trump supporters treat him like he's a saint.
The blatant false flagging.
Doctoring images and twitter posts to fit Sup Forums agenda. Gets pretty annoying with a lot of anons non-ironically believing that garbage and it just makes it hard to notice the real bullshit, since it's drowned out by the manufactured images and outrage.
Weird, you think Trump supporters would more open to constant criticism of their candidate like the Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and Hillary Clinton supporters are.
Everything you said is true but he is still the only viable candidate
>my record has been corrected.
This in every single thread
I heard Peter Schiff predicts QE4 happening next year bigger than 1, 2, 3 combined
Russia shills
the hypocrisy here, some of you are just as bad as radical leftists.
Also stop being such prudes.
Sometimes, Sup Forumslacks seem to truly believe that people are being paid to specifically raid this board, even though it are all trolls. And a lot of you seem to go out of your way to take the bait in obvious troll threads saying shit like
When there's no happening to discuss or we're being raided, anons respond to blatant bait threads just to argue.
Sure there's a lot of genuine idiots that don't know it's bait, but then there are anons that know exactly what they're doing and couldn't care less.
At the very least they could sage their replies so the threads stop shitting up the front page.
Guess that's every board, though.
That it's basically become a mixture of Sup Forums and /r9k/. There is no more discussion or debate on here. It's just a race to see who can be the first one to post the next "happening" or who can call who a shill first.
I hate this as well, people accuse Hillary and her supporters of debating with nothing but ad hominum, even though people here disregard any argument because they believe the person giving the argument is a Hillary supporter.
Either don't respond or actually refute the argument the person gives.
People thinking they can redpill people with pictures they claim of the death camps that they can't back up with sources. Instead of slowly helping them to any realisation over time like old pol did to me.
The obvious troll threads that everyone replies to, for example "all guns should be banned" with OP posting once.
yellow fever
Adding to this, I hate that so many people unironically believe in electoral politics and that you can defy the establishment by voting for the right person. Unless you're trying to take over your city council, there is far too much money and corruption in politics to ever actually make a difference in national elections. Revolutions are not fought at the ballot box ffs.
Great discussions turn to degenerate memeing about shit that doesn't matter.
This weeks contender? Shart in mart. I'm cool with the bantz, just annoying when a decent threat is derailed.
Also fags who talk like they know all the answers but are instead NEETs who don't go outside.
Mostly the Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposting that takes the place of actual political discussion here. I find most of the memes and shitposts funny, but it's sad seeing how shitty Sup Forums has become within just the last year or so
Amen! Talking about any government corruption without mentioning the monolithic control that Central Bankers have over society, is just shooting blind.
The Central Bank scam is the one issue that could actually unite a fractured country. No leftist I know (I grew up leftist myself) wants a small group of Elite Bankers deciding what gets funding and what doesn't.
If that word gets out to all the working people of all colors and all low level bankers who are just as locked in as workers, real progress can be made on he issue.
Competing currency is likely to be the best alternative, but it does not work until the whole USA and world know the score on Central Banking.
>the jews are evil masterminds that control the world
I see, and do you have any evidence for your claim?
Anons constantly spouting off intellectual bullshit about logic, facts, and data, and complain about how the left just uses emotions and adhominems like racist or sexist to quell disagreement on thier forums.
You present logic, facts, and data and they respond by calling you a zionist cuck who writes like a fag.
No part of Sup Forums ever resisting bait. Also more and more people refusing to just lurk more and demanding to be filled in on some random topic
Voting for UKIP forced the Conservative government to make a manifesto pledge of an EU referendum in the case of winning an outright majority.
Then we voted to Leave.
UKIP and Nigel Farage never even got CLOSE to the reins of power. They never would or could. But they can force the hands of those who ARE in power.
THIS is the power of electoral politics.
It's not about electing a revolutionary leader or government to change everything. It's about forcing those already in power to do what you want by legitimate threat of losing their OWN power.
The jew thing gets old. So does the cuck shit. There IS a global ruling elite, but these guys get so caught up in the beat-to-death humor of pretending to be a nazi that the real people like the bilderburg group only rareley get discussed.
And when they do its usually just lizard-man accuzations and the word cuck every other sentence.
Not entirely true. The mainstream media wouldn't put so much time, money and effort into manipulating the people if the elections didn't make a difference. The establishment wouldn't spend so much time trying to rig the election (which the DNC has already been caught doing) if it didn't matter.
Just yesterday, it was revealed that George Soros was funding pro-immigration groups in Australia in order to push the majority of votes towards the left wing. He's literally pushing multiculturalism to rig elections and effectively create a one party state. The DNC emails revealed a similar story where they wanted to capitalise on the flood of illegal mexican immmigrants to turn certain states blue. This would also use demographic shifts to create a one party state. Its the same reason why they push anti-white propaganda; so POCs won't vote for the evil white-supremacist republicans.
Another reminder is that Hitler himself took on the banks and the establishment and he was voted in democratically. This was in spite of the jewish bankers interests.
>The obvious troll threads that everyone replies to, for example "all guns should be banned" with OP posting once.
Don't forget the gay and tranny bait.
Anti-gay topic? Guaranteed to go to 300 most times.
>stupid memes
>edgy teens
>le red pills :^)
>general lack of intellectual honesty
>lack of self awareness
>flag based """"banter""""
>/r9k/ crossposters
>hurr durr I hate feminism, am I cool yet?
Just off the top of my head
>most of the main posters are fat ugly virgins
I hate all the libtards who think theres something wrong with central banking.
why are you here, then?
Australian newfags who make shit threads.
to shill for Shillery
Habit. Keeping sharp.
Unrelated porn pics in OPs
>Trump is a liar!
>no source
>CNN is not acceptable source
Next, please.
Dude, the earth is flat. Accept it.
There's even a picture of it from space, retard.
we know trump fucking lies aswell and isnt some perfect god but hes still the only viable candidate givin all the facts and everyone here should know this so if you say your voting for hillary or hillary is better your 1 of three things
Its alot to take in but if you take the time to watch these videos then you should understand
Also some reading.
OR a you can read this TL;DW I wrote.
Take the U.S. for example.
America is $19 trillion in debt.
>Who are they in debt to?
The Federal Reserve
>What does the Federal Reserve do?
The FR essentially controls the money supply and can print out as much money as it wants. For every dollar printed, a certain amount of interest is attached to it. This means that no matter what, the debt can never be paid back in full because the US is always printing money. Wars are especially profitable because funds are desperately needed so more money is printed and hence more debt is created.
>Who owns the Federal Reserve?
No one knows for certain but widely believed to be the Rothschilds among several other big banking dynasties such as the Rockefellers. The point is, the debt is owed to private bankers.
Almost all countries in the world have a private central banking system and all of these countries are in debt.
The fact that the majority of these bankers are jews is completely secondary to the sheer amount of debt and suffering they have inflicted over the past centuries.
TL;DR Read it all you fucking faggot
Tell us why we are wrong about central banking? Why is central banking so good?
The fact that you all believe the holocaust didn't happen, when all you need to do is google "holocaust denial" to see that nearly all of the major arguments that gets posted regularly here have been thoroughly debunked many times over. Literally no historians believe this, and neither should you.
If you try to argue against though of course, you get called a jew.
google "holocaust denial debunked" that should say.
Feminism is low hanging fruit these days but it still needs to be shut down where ever possible. Just because you get tired of discussing it doesn't make it any less degenerate. Happenings can't happen every day just to appease your boredom lmao
holocaust may or may not have happened, but it's pretty easy to independently confirm that at the very least, the numbers presented are massively exaggerated
Then please, enlighten me.
>shills posting bait
>retards falling for the bait
>anons resorting to ad hominem
>making a thread and none responds
>not getting (You)s
>posting porn in OP for replies
Did I miss anything?
I hate that many people can't post without memes.
Sometimes is fucking hard to have a real discussion about politic.
I wish they would just go back to Sup Forums
Funny how that only links to jewish websites.
Do you believe in the jewish shrunken heads and the lampshades made of jewish skin?
Just watch these senpai:
Spielberg’s Big Hoax – The Last Days of the Big Lie
David Cole in Auswchitz (1992)
David Stein/Cole on the Holocaust and historical revision
pol spends more time bickering in slide threads than in threads with actual politics.
People using digital nu-Simpsons characters instead of the much better hand-drawn ones.
Your stipend will be mailed within 3-5 business days!
>ITT: Things you hate about Sup Forums
20 threads up at any given time when Poo in Loo got big
Daily cuckold porn bait threads that hit 500 posts
Shart in Mart instantly deleted
Mods confirmed for fat fuck mart shitters
The fact that hardly anyone here is educated, or even reads.
It's so hard to have an actual discussion about economic policy. Most people won't even resoon because it'll go over their heads.
the all romanians are gypsies meme
if you want to discuss economics you should have gone to
Sup Forums constantly discusses Jews and their schemes, yet completely disregards another malevolent diaspora - gypsies - even to the point of calling them white and allowing them to freely shitpost their GIDF shit.
4/10 threads are about shitcoins, did /biz/ even exist before cryptocurrencies?
Sup Forums calls itself a Christian board and is completely against lust, however at the same time they are full of pride.
Yeah gypsies are scum desu
Typical GIDF tactic, calling gypsies "scum" while proudly displaying flag of Gypsyland. If you want to gyp this gadjo at least use a proxy.
>the 'your opinion is diffrent then mine so you must be a cuck meme'
>Oy Vey and other blame the jew memes
> Poo in a Loo and Shart in a marart meme
Christ, these same fraudsters every time. These are not historians, they are alex jones-tier conspiracy theorists. They are modern day sophists.
Porn pics get more responds though, right Sup Forums?
Constantly posting graphs without any labels
Sup Forums has made me start calling my dog a "good goy".
face is a little fucked up for me
faggots that actually reply to bait threads or cuck threads
>Mention that not every single nigger is bad and that even some kikes aren't so bad
Instantly accused of being a kike nigger lover kek. I just find it hard to hate people who have been great people to me just because they are jews and niggers. I still love Sup Forums though.
Economic policy is incredibly political.
>didn't watch the vids
>didn't address any of the points made
>resorts to ad hominem of people making the points
Literally not an argument.
Just curious, do you know the difference between a holocaust denier and a revisionist?
>Happening threads
>Being so far in denial that people would defend/show support for *insert political candidate that opposes your supported candidate* that they accuse anyone who holds a view other than their own of being shills
>"Is X degenerate?" threads (with X almost always being smoking or anime)
Forgot one
>Threads with screencapped twitter posts by literally who's
I dont actually think the holocaust was fake.
I dont know why thats such an unpopular opinion on Sup Forums, it makes the jews even more nasty for using such a huge pile of corpses as a sympathy podium.
The holocaust was real, the numbers were inflated to justify israel and have leverage on dumb goys.
Which in hindsight wasn't a bad idea given the amount of subhumans infesting palestine
Actually having their own country was an instaredpill for a lot of kikes. Can't keep being leftist parasites when you actually have your own country to build and defend.
My thoughts exactly.
My grandfather was a polish partisan, he stated as much, that the jews count a lot of non-jewish political prisoners in that 6 million number.
He got captured and ended up in a work camp. Said it was bad, hard work, cruel guards, and not a lot of food, close confines meant diseases like typhoid and shit killed a lot, but it wasnt as bad as a death camp would have been. Turned into a death camp when the supply lines all got bombed out and even the guards didnt have much food. Then people started dropping like flies, and the guards were so wigged out by the approaching soviets they started taking it out on prisoners. He says the russians treated them like shit too though, he states he came closer to dying under russian management than german.
He doesnt think, atleast at his camp, that killing was the main goal, though there were camps dedicated to such.
>he doesn't like happening threads
>he doesn't like shit posting
>he doesn't like being called a shill
Israeli jews=/=Zionists. Israelis are fascist and based as fuck, and oppose the "cultural enrichment" of EU. Look up Nethanyau's speeches
My gramps was locked in as a POW on Christmas in Birkenhau, escaped after 18 hours with a crate of cigarettes he sold to the partisans for a gun and a train ticket back home. But he spoke with a few of the inmates, essentially confirmed what you said, except for the russian part since they weren't there yet
We talk about the same things EVERY FUCKING DAY!!
>muh Holocaust didn't happen
>muh Anti-Trump Hillary trolling
>muh Are Turks white??
>muh Why do white girls not like me??
>muh Fuck Muslims
>muh Why doesn't everybody like National Socialism??
Future allies simply out of mutual need. Do I trust them? No, but they need a Nationalist Europe in order to not be surrounded on all sides by hostile mudshits and the leftists euros have already proven incapable and unwilling to reign in Mudslime violence against kikes.