Anime can't be ki-

>anime can't be ki-

Has Sup Forums ever been this wrong?

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haha great thread right?

dude cute girls lmao

>muh anime has to be deep and edgy else its not art XD

Kys yourself weeb

>The manga's artist has zero qualms about drawing /ss/ or reverse-rape /ss/
>Lucoa still hasn't ravaged Shota yet because she's genuinely attached to him

people who watch this type of shit should be fucking executed

>those thick fuckin loli thighs

slice of life stuff is trash, you can have moe art style and not be trash, like madoka magica or made in abyss

They need more idris elba based animes

the loli dyke gag got old fast

Azumanga Daioh is kino.



Lucoa likes Shota? thats so cute!

>average magical SOL but this time with KYOANUS FILTERS
It was shit lad.

There are exactly three anime kinos, dragon maid ain't one

>my fav animes are what is kino, everything else is not XDXD!!


I'll just leave this here

Any examples? Does she do it under a pseudonym?

Okay look this is bait and dragon maid ain't that great, but it's still better than anything that has come out in the west in a long time.

west is trash now. they can't even do a proper family sitcom, which is more or less what dragon maid is.

Anime is shit you delusional weeb.

As if anime could measure up to the deep intricacies that is western animation.

Cute, delusional dumb weeb talks about Western entertainment. Stop pretending.

I don't even need to watch it to know if it's trash or not. Film is a visual medium, and this picture alone tells a lot about the quality of your show.

Tick tock Hollywood, your time has almost elapsed. Your stagnant ideas and rampant propaganda has crushed you and the death of western entertainment is upon you. Eastern cinema rises and will take your money and your viewers and grind you into dust and the conniving sheep will flock like rats on a sinking ship as they drown, sunk by the rising glory of eastern cinema. Too late, you'll change your ways, when the little spreadsheets that show the dollars that govern your lives read zero will you desperately try to gain back what they have lost through their own ineptitude. But it will be too late. No one will answer their call. But no one will be left watching to see.
The sun is rising in the east.

Typical dumb anime pleb. And even Hollywood is better than your cartoons. Hell, even blockbusters (for example Dunkirk or War for the Planet of the Apes) is better than any anime this year.

*tip* to you too, good sir. I am a man of high tastes, basically what you would call a - elitist - and I agree with you. Only few animations can pass my throughout examination and I can surely tell you this is not one of them!

Recommend me anime where mc is unpredictable/crazy. Comedy or not is fine

>he still watches hollywood movies