Thanks to Clinton Sup Forums will go full retard right after her speech on Sup Forums. Should we ask /LGBT/ to run Sup Forums for the next 48 hours and gtfo to ylilauta, kraut or inifini for that time? You know that Normies and Journalists will destroy this place if we try to shatter their delicate worlds. Normies will come, see that this place is as gay as the rest of the Internet and get back to Plebbit.
Thanks to Clinton Sup Forums will go full retard right after her speech on Sup Forums...
Better Idea :
Let's switch boards with /lgbt/ (q)
They can't call homosexual board racist, right?
What's up with the extreeme sliding and naked Harambe pics? This stinks really bad. US citizens are being killed in IRAQ right now and all you fags care is a naked celebrity.
How about we just start being pro-Hillary and be ourselves?
For those of us who can't take it it anymore, dank Finish memes at ylilauta could prove to be effective relief.
Yeah, but then liberals might realize that identity politics are bullshit and go full revolutionary marxist instead. is that what you want? revolutionary marxists instead of cultural marxists?
I'm preparing for mass butthole devastation
I do it for the Lulz. You people are dead regardless of what I do.
Yes, we can fight them when they become violent.
subversion is much harder to defeat.
We should use the new found publicity to redpill even further
Inb4 Clinton scores massive ratings that night.
pol is a board of peace
Why is /lgbt/ a SFW board?
We should all post pro-hillary pro-lbgtqmnop stuff for a couple days to fool them.
Hillary will call us out and then when people go to verify what she said, they will see that she was full of shit.
>dank Finish memes at ylilauta could prove to be effective relief
I hope it won't be like it was during and after the DNC.
post the racists for hillary memes and watch the left eat itself
That looks loads better than Sup Forums
What did she say about pol?
Nay, every thread should be dedicated to Hillary's corruption and emails.
She tells the world her emails are no big deal. She says this knowing most of her voters won't read them. We need to bring the worst of them to light here while the norms come here.
Nothing yet but she will have a speech about Sup Forums and "alt-right" in general tomorrow. That's why that black unfunny actress leaked her naked pictures today. Clinton will shit on Sup Forums on national TV and we will receive a large wave of Normies for a day or two.
We find out in her speech tomorrow when she'll be smearing Trump by associating him with how horrible the "alt-right" is on the interjew.
Soft pill time. The red bubblegum losenge.
Example thread;
Pol, I have been a life long democrat, but after what they did to Bernie and all of the attacks here for simply questioning Hillary, I feel my whole world crumbling.
Help me out pol/ I can't even.
Thank you for:
Candidate CLINTON
and the
C.T.R. Initiative
have deposited 2 Shekels into your account.
D U B S: Lord KEK breeds the autism out of your line.
Don't forget to post DNC emails Regarding bernie in these threads.
Exactly. If pol/ can calm the autism for a few days we can hammer this right back in their faces.
>calm the autism
Can we really do that? Remember that CTR will be out in full force that evening.
>That's why that black unfunny actress leaked her naked pictures today
Fuck off to your slide thread.
If for lack of proper creativity, we can just agree with the CTR posts.
we should paint ourselves as victims of actual autism. nobody bashes retards, right?
I just want titty pics mang
Nope. Not smart enough. CTR will use that to its advantage. Also, they will attack blacks and jews just to make us look bad.
You're the one who brought it up. But never mind, I just saw the gorilla who's pictures you mean
Revolutionary marxists would be easier to defeat.
For example you can ask the Police to beat them.
What are you talking about. Hillary and Sup Forums? Somebody fill me in please
Hasnt KC been shut down by the germans?
Nope. We are back, baby.
Let s just have shart in mart threads. We have to push this to msm
Huh, well hopefully it will redpill at least some of the people who stumble across this site. I found this place because of gamergate, but I was already redpilled about most of the shit talked about here through simple observation of the world around me. I always hated the left myself, but hopefully others who are brainwashed by the MSMs never-ending propaganda can finally see the light. We'll see
Better idea: we go full subversion. Pretend to support Hillary for extremely racist reasons, making any normalfags who come here think that it's really hillary whose supported by terrible alt-right racist sexist homophobic bigots.
To beat the jew, we must become like the jew.
Just voice your support of the woman that will kill more sand niggers and coons than any other president. You know you want to support her for starving all those Haitians to death and starting wars across the Middle East, let the invaders see how we are on their side.
nah, if anything nows the time to stand fast and stay here. Its time
let's go over what we know
>Sup Forums has a reputation for being abhorrent amongst your average citizen
>Sup Forums as a website has been given blame for actions of individuals either totally unrelated or events blown out of proportion, along with the occasional story that comes out of here (oregon shooting, etc.)
>Sup Forums itself is not important when it comes to US politics, however Hillary Clinton can attempt to tie trump and his supporters to the Alt Right (a moniker made by liberal think tanks to box in all opinions slightly right of the overton window as racist)
>Just before her speech about a website, SURPRISE, just to make sure that "le Sup Forums boogeyman" is relevant in the eyes of your average person via facebook blog sensationalist stories and clickbait, ANOTHER NUDE LEAK
>DOUBLE WHAMMY! It's a "stronk independent woman" that has been "harassed" for years for starring in the new Memebusters movie (this event gives ammunition for at least 3 narratives. Racial, war on women, and possibly calling for restrictions on internet anonymity)
I'm sure those poor, poor executives at (((Sony))) are heartbroken. The only way to soothe their pain is to purchase 10 blu ray copies of Ghostbusters™ and to vote for Hillary™
If you guys only knew.
Guess you'll see soon enough the might of some on this board.
Im sure her crowd of about 100 people will care
I'm sure CNN will pay everyone to broadcast this on their stations in primetime.
>implying CTR isn't raiding us
Even Fox News started attacking "Alt-Right". The media went full retard. Not good.
>Yes, we can fight them when they become violent.
>subversion is much harder to defeat.
Yeah that's probably better. Revolutionary Marxism has been defeated and debunked for decades. If the communists face us head on they will lose 100% because facts are on our side. That's exactly why the commies changed tactics to Cultural Marxism. It's much harder to defeat Cultural Marxism because of the extent that they have managed to indoctrinate it into the population via public schools and academia. All the social justice dogma is effectively just newspeak to distract everyone from realizing that collectivism has been debunked.
We just need to bring back Operation Sup Forumsipolar for Sup Forums.