Be universityfag

>be universityfag
>take African American studies course to fill a gen ed and because I'm curiou>first day of lecture
>talking about colonialist attitudes
>talk about European ignorance of other cultures
>brings up that Europeans thought black africans were inferior
>"However in reality we were building pyramids while Europeans were still living in caves"
>professor also says that Europeans try to claim Egypt as a white civilization, but then points at a map and screams "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE ITS IN EUROPE? WHAT CONTINENT IS THIS ON?! ANCIENT EGYPT WAS A BLACK AFRICAN CIVILIZATION
Why do these classes have to be so damn memey. I'm hardly a stormfag and learning about African history and culture could be really fascinating if they didnt attach all this bullshit to it

Other urls found in this thread: Great White Tribe, africa


I have customary law as a module. Practically the entire Constitution is engineered around saving Africans from their own cultures.




Pls tell me this is a joke

>getting this triggered over indisputable historical facts
it's ok user, you still have your safe space here on Sup Forums


I'm taking world history in high school and it is actually pretty good, the primary textbook is extremely comprehensive, accurate, and even talks about the implausibility of gas chambers at Auschwitz...

Try to write your reports in a WE WUZ KANGS format. Start subtle, and see how far you can get.

wait, wait wait, you're saying the shit of WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIIIEEETT is actully taught in universities? fucking kekekekeke
god, it's getting more creepy as time passes by...kek

>Meaningful history or culture

Pick one, would you?

Underage detected

As bad as the Egyptian thing is, at least it's in a close enough area to have had blacks and "Nubians." The worst is when they try to take credit for Mesoamerican civilizations like the Olmec.




Do it, just start with something like a title as

>Africans: True Kings
Then get stupider and bolder until it gets to
>We Was Kings

in the eyes of niggers: everyone wuz black

And Americans wonders why European degrees are worth more in the job market

>seniors can't take AP world history

>seniors can't be 18

Here is one you should take a look at. Bring this one up and watch your professor's face melt. Great White Tribe, africa

Anyone who claims that Egyptian royalty (aside from the Ptolemies of course) was black or white are retarded. Egyptians were Semetic.

Here we go again, lawdy.

>intending to stay in SA
Shit move

You have to go back....
To leddit

This never happened.

At least make it believable.

Don'r make me laugh

>living in White Genocide Republic


If you feel like getting a bad grade, start building up the black professor's ego about black superiority over whites. Then after he is feeling good and proud of himself, ask him why are superior blacks so scared of white cops? Why can't they organize an effective resistance against whites in general? Blacks are stupid as hell if they can't do that.

He will probably start yelling and shaking with hate over this. It will be a chimp con 1 scenario.

As a fellow California Uni-fag, I can absolutely corroborate that this is the reality afflicting most liberal universities.

>forgetting the fact that niggers everyone complain about were kept at bay by a fucking desert and actual egyptians sometimes brought them to be slaves


nothing in your story actually happened
you're in high school
kill yourself

Ok you are retarded for the simple matter that you chose Niggerology

This just sounds like a Stormfag copypasta email chain

Why don't you faggots stand up and debate these retards? I don't get it. We were always encouraged to stand up and dispute our professors in school. I tried a few times and got wrecked almost every time. Although I was in Computer Programming so it was pretty objective who was right. The one time I wasn't absolutely wrong was in an instance of programming practice. In like 10% of instances I would have been right, but most of time the way I said it should be done was wrong.

God damn what is wrong with the world today?

Because we'll be excused, ostracised and attacked by the leftist assholes

Professors have been seen to call out the names and where the dissenters are so the hordes can harass them

>>"However in reality we were building pyramids while Europeans were still living in caves
Well professor, the current year is 2016 and we're building spaceships while Africans are living in caves.

that's 100% LITERAL cultural appropriation

claim that you are 1/16 Egyptian and the prof has offended your culture

>there are historical interpretations that are inherently indisputable


yes, because they assume that from the 'out of africa' theory necessarily follows that all people were, in fact, black

without realizing that this false interpretation of evolution implies that they haven't evolved beyond what the people who left africa did

which is actually a pretty funny interpretation



We don't openly debate because at my university the fucking police get called when someone starts printing and distributing Sup Forums memes.
Then they offer therapy to anyone who may have seen these "awful terrible images".
The only way to effectively fight this is with subtle red-pills delivered only to fellow students. Specifically trying to red-pill a teacher or staff will get you a one way ticket to the curb.


>In the United States, a couple of
>decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist
>professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in
>those universities where leftists have become dominant, they have
>shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else's academic
>freedom. (This is "political correctness.")

I have heard the whole African Americans are direct descendants from Pharaoh's meme before, but belittling Europeans by saying they're cave people is a bit over the line


It's the last stand of a dying historical fallacy: Afrocentrism. Represented by Cheikh Anta Diop, a very famous Senegalese historian. He's venerated by African scholars and is considered as the symbol of an educated Africa. The fact that his theory was wrong and basically a scam was revealed by genetic studies in the 90s-early 2000s, however nignogs are not really to accept it.

Niggers still think egyptians were black because it's the only civilization in Africa they know. They're so despicably ignorant about their own history they have to steal someone else's.


this picture is like the Green Party of the USA

>green on the outside
>red on the inside

Why should I? Just regurgitate what they say and get an A. Or you can try to be a hero to Sup Forums and flunk out of uni. I know what I'm choosing

>there are white people and black people in america
>therefore we must be native americans


feel proud of your WE WUZ degree !

Damn, I hope the University I'm going to isn't going to have any of this bullshit. I lack the self-control to not argue.


>hardly a stormfag

Cause your bluepilled and still expect something else then the entirely accurate memery.

>Not An Hero.


I think you may just be autistic

How the fuck do your professors even know your faces?

Okay, then when the police are like "haha okay faggots, thanks for wasting my time" and you go back to class, just laugh in their faces. God damn.

Well I followed your logic but holy shit get your maymay arrows under control. And again, who gives a fuck. Your professor can suck a dick.

>Why should i?
Because you aren't a fucking cuck. How is voicing your opinion going to make you flunk out? Any bullshit your faggot professor tries, take that shit to the Dean. Tell him you aren't spending hundreds to thousands of dollars per credit hour only so your professor can rob you of your education.

What is wrong with the world today, God damn. It's like I'm taking crazy pills!

>why dont you stand up and get torn apart by liberals?

You don't seem to understand how the liberal mind works. This is not to say that conservatives are infallible, but liberals are pack animals when it comes to an argument. They strategically attack people and make them out to be hitler incarnate, which in turn causes society to collapse around them. It's character assassination, basically. No one would want to be associated with someone like you, so they instantly hop over to your opponents side to avoid guilt by association.

In other words, it doesnt matter if you're right. In the liberal's, and by extension society's eyes, you're fucking scum for even thinking about the possibility that the liberal is wrong.

Hey if Uni doesn't work out, community college professors actually have a tendency to be quite red-pilled.
I guess if you're ideas don't fit the narrative, community colleges will take you in.
At least 3 of my professors were openly Christian, and one of my English Teachers actually had the balls to name the Merchant during an after class discussion with some other students.

Thats not how universities work oftentimes
Getting on a professors shitlist can screw you over hard

>take African American studies

Stopped reading right there, whatever it is your'e retarded.

Okay, so who gives a shit? Why would you want to associate with those niggers anyway? Let them call you a meanie doodoo head. Why should that concern you? Fuck them.

Could be interesting if done right desu

are the crystal gems.

Except you, whitey. I mean, you were black when you did something good, but not-black when you did something bad. All the good stuff we take credit for, but the bad stuff is because you're inherently evil. and the buck stops with black people, not with the apes before.

>why would you associate with those niggers

Oh no, they dont associate with you. They associate with people who know you, and those people know your friends, and those people know other people. You may not care about your image because you might be an autist, but if you're trying to get a professional job that isn't working at walmart then starting shit with liberals is very counter intuitive.

Consider mattress slut. That man's life became fucked over due to slander. Now turn that into a story about "racism." It's the same fucking thing.

Also, keep in mind that most proper Universities are the size of small towns and often have a dedicated campus police force, who's members are, guess what, chosen by the University.

You've obviously never been to an American university.

Jesus I don't know where you fags go to school but when I was in school I was free to do as I wish and people could NOT EVEN RIGHT NOW and that's their fucking problem.

Maybe it's my based small state full of conservatives who dont give a shit about your feelings. Plus I think I graduated just in time to miss all this shit.

Fuck if I lived anywhere near a libfag university I'd drive there every weekend and trigger the fuck out of everyone by wearing my Trump hat and calling faggots faggots... They couldn't do shit since I'm not a student.

>Be in Community College
>Prof Tells us day in and day out that most politicians are white old men
>"Not all whites, but most whites are the problem in this country. They are greedy selfish people that want to enslave people like you and me!"
>Constantly shames whites in her class in a passive aggressive way
>Shes Pakistani, Im Iranian and I stand up for the whites here and there. It actually got me a Black GF by arguing with her about affirmative action not being equality
I dont feel like typing out the whole story but thats the just of it. Fucking Colleges are liberal brain wash factories. They try to break your understanding of the world.

>and here we see the abublo tribe, they mutilate themselves
>and here's the dhgul tribe, they mutilate themselves
>and here's the ghfju tribe, they shove sharp stones into their own urethra
>all of these tribes think that fucking babies will cure aids
>most of them are cannibals
Sounds really interesting

Ask him why he thinks it's okay to minimize, malign and erase the accomplishments, culture and history of Berbers, Arabic and Semetic peoples?

Who's that semen demon?

Sound like your average shart in mart

>In research ethics class and israli jew doctor compares contemporary anti-immigration sentiment to 1930s eugenics movements and the nazis and spends the whole class race bating
>That afternoon in biomedical technology overview course, professor talks about how ashkenazi jews have a much higher rate of some really bad genetic disorders because of inbreeding

It's a confusing kind of feel

Huh, wonder why my community college professors tended to be more red-pilled.
Maybe I just got lucky with my schedule.

Also should have asked him if that meant that blacks were the ones who enslaved the jews?