We've just been mentioned on CNN, and the normies are already flooding in.
Holocaust redpill thread
We've just been mentioned on CNN, and the normies are already flooding in.
Holocaust redpill thread
>We've just been mentioned on CNN
Great thread. Will support.
Holocaust was real get over it
I wonder if they'll ever learn that they're just feeding us.
While people did die, because it was a war, the holocaust is propaganda
Never forget the Room of Knives!!!
Hardest level ever.
>Doesn't hide thread
>Doesn't ignore
6 hours long, but it shows how the holocaust is full of propagandized lies
Enjoy being known as a brain-dead fucking retard then, literally every infographic you post "debunking" the Holocaust have themselves been debunked long ago. Pull your head out of your ass and grow up, white trash.
Why normies call anyone they don't agree with a troll?
no it wasn't
Hows Tel Aviv?
What exactly is this image trying to show?
Lol wait, you guys don't believe in the Holocaust?
Wow, just wow. Can't wait to see drumpf get hammered for associating with you retards tomorrow.
HAHAHAHAHA! Everything I disagree with is extremest!
stop, just stop
Yep, normie newfags confirmed for here OP.
So how many jews died and how? If Japan has problems keeping up with cremation right now, how did they manage such numbers in the 1940s?
That images that are used to prove the holocaust happened aren't really images from the holocaust
There's one thing that always puzzled me about the Shoah, the Kraut's know how to make a descent fucking fire and those little ovens just don't add up to what an industrial super power would use to dispose of humans. They had massive coal fired power stations that could turn a human to dust in minutes.
I love the magic ovens
>anyone who disagrees with me is a troll or CTR or just or leftist etc
Yep, you're right.
None of it is exaggerated, no part of it is a lie. It all happened, never forget the 6 million!
And we have all these pictures to prove it!
Jidf* dammit
I love that one. I can imagine a normie just reading it and thinking nothing of it if it wasnt underlined.
The rest of that is also funny.
How the fuck were they "throwing people into ovens" 20 at a time?
Fucking retarded!
I should add I worked in a huge power station and the state government did use the furnaces to destroy documents.
100% undeniable proof of the holocaust is pic related
>CNN: "Just who is this anonymous hacker named "Four Chans?"
Jews rule the world newfags
you literally didn't make an argument, half of what OP has posted isn't an 'infographic' it's just historical source material.
Try not being a spastic if you want to be taken seriously.
Has the "giant electric chair" been posted already?
do you understand how many hours it takes to cremate a body?
>Oven roller-coasters
Top kek
Why the fuck is that 1.38 mb?
And why are retards still posting .png files on Sup Forums? How can you not have noticed how slow that shit is?
look at what happened to poor bruno
after being completely starved and as he was being gassed, he had the time and strength to scratch his name into the walls of a gas chamber
Ah, thanks Uruguay.
They didn't cremate them, you idiot. They gassed them to death and then buried them. 6 fucking million of them. There are living Holocaust survivors out there. Why don't you go and tell them the hell they lived through was all a hoax? Fuck off
moar pls
>They didn't cremate them, you idiot
oy vey, how dare you, you filthy anti-semite?
they were all cremated on a bonfire!!
>implying she's not right
The virgin nerd faction of the Alt-Right (/nu-pol/) grew out of Gamergate and Anti-Feminist politics.
Half of them aren't even actual survivors. They just say shit like:
>OY VEY! My grandmother died in the shoah when she was just 9 years old.
also, see to figure out who exactly are these holocaust survivors
Are you an idiot? The official story is that they were thrown into actual ovens and their ashes came out of smoke stacks. Read a book faggot.
I support HILLARY and BERNIE and I'm the one who leaked the photos
You fucking alt right bigots are going to be EXPOSED to the WHOLE world now and everyone is going to HATE you for BULLYING
Hillary will be president now. So what if I had to fat shame an African American female. This is OUR time to shine, bigots will be BTFO
Good luck getting anyone to believe you. We have all of the media in our fucking back pocket. Good luck getting this printed in the New York Times or having our boy Anderson read it out on national TV. Your time is over. We control everything. We call the shots. Get ready for Hillary, guys. I imagine when she gets into office your website will be shutdown.
1.1million bodies, 56 ovens
nuff said
Nobody watches CNN. Pic related.
"It was real in my mind"
Triggered as fuck.
Will you circumcize your baby with a Nazi knife before they kill you too?
Cremation is the on ly thing that would account for the lack of corpses
the official story is that they were "gassed, buried, dug up, burned, and the bones were smashed"
holy shit you are gullible, I'm sure you think Elie Weisel is an accurate historical source
You must be new holy fuck
What volume of dirt would have to be displaced to bury 6 million bodies such that millions of them couldn't be found afterwards?
Does anyone know a Jew who wasn't involved in the holocaust. David Irving was right, you simply had to exist in the 30s and 40s to claim you payout.
That video is so bad... I can't tell if they're acting or are they for real that simple-minded? This television and media thing is mind-numbing
No, I've been here longer than you guaranteed. I've been posting since the first /new/.
Trumpcucks migrated to this board during gamergate and came back when Milo started promoting Trump. Racism has always been a part of /new/ and Sup Forums, that's not the issue here. We're dealing with anime loving, video game playing virgin faggots that are just the right wing equivalent of SJWs.
>no Holocaust survivors with PTSD
Nice meme pics m8 you new here? I see that you weren't here back when /new/ was around or you'd know that the alt-right movement has been around a lot longer than all your bullshit CTR garbage.
6,000,000 Jews gassed to death x 3.5 pounds of ash and bone (average) = 21,000,000 pounds of ash and bone. That's 10,500 tons of ash and bone.
For every Jew that wasn't cremated, that increases the poundage of the remains enormously.
Let's just say that 0 jews were gassed and they all averaged 125 pounds at death for simplification purposes.
6,000,000 dead jews x 125 pounds = 750,000,000 pounds!
That's 375,000 tons!
That's a shitton of dirt to displace.
Haha, yeah I'm sure they called in "experts" to deal with a fucking stain on the floor.
Because that's high priority in a death camp during a world war.