How do we stop Uber?

What do we do about the cancer that's killing the taxi industry?

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nuke america

I agree. I'd much rather be driven by a Pakistani guy in a Turban playing his prayers while I'm in the taxi.

Fuck the taxi industry, Uber is the future. Free market, faggot.

>stop killing government business, goy!
>stop being more efficient!


I don't drive taxis, so why do I care? At least some shitskin driver can't rob me again.


What do we do? Support it, of course. At least more shitskins will get a boot.

Nothing. Why would you want to?



s-shut it down?

The taxes levied against Taxis aren't fair though




yeah i totally wanna pay 25e instead of 7e what the fuck.

I live in Pittsburgh and I'm so hopeful that I'll get paired with a self-droving car soon

Driverless vehicles will make 15% of the population unemployed which will mean that the borders will be closed to the unskilled.

We need to support this. Muslims and blacks will be starving in the streets.

The Somali parasites that crowd around my commuter ferry terminal, pawing at passengers and passerby's, yelling at people who ignore them, spitting on the ground and smoking disgusting cheap cigarettes are TOTALLY the people I want to give my business to.

You crossed a line today, Sheepfucker.

Why contain it?


Weaken legal restrictions on taxis so they can compete against a superior and cheaper service?

Where in Pittsburgh do you live?
I'm trying to get a job and move to Shadyside.


You do nothing.

Nobody lifted a finger to help stores like Blockbuster once Netflix came around. Shit like this happens in the world of business.

Evolve or die.

Free market motherfucker, other taxi companies need to step their pussies up!

I cant wait for driverless vehicles to get into a lot of accidents.
Much amusement if someone can remote hack them.

>Muslims and blacks will be starving in the streets.
Sounds bad for whites, though.

I dont regularly travel by taxi or Uber so I really dont know.

I know this though (from other people):

>In portugal at least, a lot of people complain that taxi drivers are rude as fuck and that Uber ones are more civil and professional.

>Taxi drivers have to pay a shitload of fees to the state in order to stay on business while Uber ones just escape them which is unfair.

Pretty much sums up the pros and cons of each.

I'm actually surprised more libshits aren't against Uber. Think of all the poor immigrants it would put out of a job.

I wont say "hack them" but maybe jamming their GPS signal with white noise lol

i work for uber and everyone hates hates hates taxis and loves uber

Automated cars.

>What is your profession
>I drive a car
Wow congrats for doing something everyone does every day dumbass, that's like saying your job is dumping a turd down the bowl every now and then
Shoulda rethink your career choices fuckign cunt

>taxi industry
You mean those upjumped fags in a suit who pretend to be more than just a guy driving a car all day asking way too much money in return?

Yea, fuck them.

not owning your own transportation

Friends of mine use Uber all the time (I suspect he got busted for drunk driving and is now paranoid) and their only complaint, is that they usually get someone from way out on the other side of town, who doesn’t where the fuck he’s going on this side of town but otherwise, they like the service.

In London uber is dominated by Pakis and other non-white Muslims, the proper black cabs are driven by old white men

i really don't want to support Pakis, someone should invent an uber with white drivers only.

Isn't Uber just a taxi service?

driverless cars will stop when the muslims and blacks stand in the road.

>killing the taxi industry


Fuck taxi drivers, they are all criminals.

here in miami its all spics

An online one. Because of its nature its not usually classified as a formal taxi business (their cars are normal ones and not marked like the others) therefore they escape taxes and special fees that other companies are subjected to.

Thats why traditional companies are mad as fuck.

I'm actually west of the city, let's say Bridgeville. Old(er)fag here, enjoying that suburb life. Shady side is great, I've got a few friends that live that way, great part of the city. What job are you looking for?

>What do we do about

don't use it, if you don't like it.


Not like I use it anymore.
Seems like every week, another driver is sticking their nasty dicks in someone.

I'd rather not be raped, desu.

Oh man, I just realized. What exactly is going to be the fucking protocol for these driverless cars if someone tries to rob/kill you at a redight or some shit? People will literally be like fish in a barrel in those things.

They better not or the companies will get sued.

"Oh no innovation is threatening an outdated practice, let's hinder it"

Go fuck yourself you faggot commie

if we are forced to use immigrant labour, is it better than they use Uber than go the cash route?

at least there is a record of the transaction so it's harder for them to dodge taxes

What taxi industry and why should I care

simple. dont fucking use it

>what are redundant systems?
Look at the picture I posted above. Their cars use GPS, Video cameras, and LIDAR in order to figure their position and most appropriate action. I'm sure if one system went down, the car would pull over safely. If they all went down, it would probably hit the brakes, park in the middle of the road, put on the flashers, and protect summer

Make taxi business more convenient and comfortable so it can compete with uber
It was already played up in south park, correct me if i'm wrong

They dont care when it benefits them. Why would they want to converse or be in arms reach of someone 'lower' than them.

The taxi industry should die and taxi drivers should become uber drivers.

That said uber drivers should have to maintain vehicle standards and insurance to cover all damages to themselves, others and passengers while working.

>"Oh no race-mixing is threatening my fetishism for certain physical traits, better kill people to stop it!''
Now I'm not against Uber but your argument is dumb as shit. Progress off a cliff is not good you know.

Las Vegas here. Fuck you. Uber is the free market fixing the shit ass taxi industry. They offer an infinitely better service at a better price.

I've waited over 2 hours for a taxi, and its always driven by some grumpy nigger in a smelly car that barely speaks the language. I've never waited more than 10 minutes for an uber, and the drivers are always nice in very clean cars.

They dhurka jerbs.

That's retarded.

The reason Uber is successful is the review system totally changes the power dynamic that used to exist in cabs.

Prior to Uber, YOU were in HIS car. HIS rules. If he chose to be a dick to you, there was very little you could do about it. Now, the power is all in the hands of the consumer. It's speaking softly whilst carrying a big stick, the big stick is the review system.

It's also partly why ebay is taking over from bricks and mortar, you have more power to damage them if you are unhappy with the feedback

Also Uber is popular in cities and cities have lots of immigrants themselves. They don't like it when some white cab driver drives them, they feel like they might be racist to them, it makes them edgy. This is a way of taking the power back so to speak.

>Isn't Uber just a taxi service?

Essentially, the main difference is that Uber drivers can't pick up random people off street corners, all their customers must be scheduled pick ups.

Of course most conventional taxis customers are also scheduled pick up nowadays, except for a few locations like downtown NYC and such.

Got my bachelors and half my cpa, but limited experience because I got sick. Was working as an office manager.

Uber drivers also get a rating, so they can't rip off tourists or get into fistfights like regular taxi drivers do all the time.

Buy a car and drive you yourself you fucking inept loser 2016 paying someone else to drive you somewhere.

Nice. Plenty of opportunity for you in the Burgh, lots of banking. Best of luck with the job prospects and, remember, Primantis is a meme.

It's called free market, you communist faggot.

>Uber drivers also get a rating, so they can't rip off tourists or get into fistfights like regular taxi drivers do all the time.

Sure, I'm just saying that Uber driving people around is fundamentally no different than taxis driving people around.

Also, I believe Uber can't pick up or drop people off at airports.

Primantis isn't bad having like once every year or so.

>Be an engineer
>drive uber every weekend during after club hours
>make a cool $1000 extra spending money a month

I'm okay with Uber, if you're smart you can work and make a little extra dough.

> the power is all in the hands of the consumer

You're the retard. You do realize that passengers are rated as well, right?

> It's also partly why ebay is taking over from bricks and mortar, you have more power to damage them if you are unhappy with the feedback

> Also Uber is popular in cities and cities have lots of immigrants themselves. They don't like it when some white cab driver drives them, they feel like they might be racist to them, it makes them edgy. This is a way of taking the power back so to speak.


How much does your car cost?
How much does commercial liability insurance cost, for 8 days per month presumably?

Also, fixing my toilet doesn't mean you're an engineer Pajeet.

The only taxi i support is faketaxi

People have been getting used to the power they get from online shopping . As a result their expectation of service is higher than it otherwise would be, but this hadn't happened in the cab world yet.

Also the customer rating is irrelevant, nobody cares about it, the driver rating is everything.

No. Capitalism is at work here.

The people will choose whatever the fuck they want to do business.

You don't
Let the "taxi industry" die
Basically word of mouth chauffeurs

My libshit friends ride Ubers cause they're all poor and can't afford proper taxis

It's literally the candle making industry complaining about electricity putting them out of business.

On Tuesday, the automaker announced that it aims to roll out an autonomous taxi fleet in at least one city in 2021. Ford said its driverless cars will have level 4 autonomy, meaning they will not have a steering wheel, gas or brake pedals.

Demand actual taxis provide cheaper higher quality service than Uber drivers.

This. One accident or major repair and you're going to blow through way more than a measly $1000.

its illegal to drive while under the influence my friend

"Proper taxis" literally shitty cartels. Hope they die out soon.

You will be able to be directly in contact with drivers without entities like uber in the middle. The blockchain will be the end of uber.

You don't need your own commercial liability insurance. Uber provides commercial insurance while your are on a trip. While you are driving around with the app on, Farmers provides "rideshare" insurance for that period of time, which only costs around $10 extra per month. When the app is on, you don't need commercial insurance of any kind.


>Also, I believe Uber can't pick up or drop people off at airports.
Depends on the city.

this faggots

Fuck the taxi industry. All they do is rip you off its entirely a guessing game how much they will charge and they'll try to take longer routes to charge you more.

Like people have said the rating system makes ubers better, if a uber driver rips you off you can rate him like shit.

Miami is all spics

In NY it's all brown people

Fucking this, Here(and I think in most of the places) taxist are cancer, they are a cuasi mafia mob, speculate on licence prices, have corrupted unions, etc
Fuck them!

Because they're openly racists and would prefer not to be hit on by some paki pretending he's on faketaxi or someshit. Most people on a taxi just want to get from A to B in this day and age of cellphone distraction. It's why Uber is doing great so far and will continue to into the future when the taxis become self driving

Yup. The amount of times Moslem and Jamaican cabbies have taken me for rides makes me sad

We had the taxi drivers of Australia blockade the parliament house in protest of Uber and it was literally just a sea of brown.

Uber provides cheaper emergency transport for workers and late night degenerates and access to jobs for actually disadvantaged Australians struggling to find work. We lose a little tax revenue to an American company but much better serve our community by travelling Uber.

Regardless of this, my commie state government is introducing a levy on ride-sharing services, doing away with taxi licences and then funnelling the money towards those taxi drivers.

>The reason Uber is successful is the review system totally changes the power dynamic that used to exist in cabs.
>Prior to Uber, YOU were in HIS car. HIS rules. If he chose to be a dick to you, there was very little you could do about it. Now, the power is all in the hands of the consumer. It's speaking softly whilst carrying a big stick, the big stick is the review system.

As a relatively new driver to Uber, this is not necessarily a good thing, and is why I only drive during the daytime, when customers seem to be genuinely grateful for the service and are much more polite. At night, you get these super entitled half-drunk baby boomers who think of you as a high school dropout who can't get any other kind of work and who seem to expect that you will serve an in-ride meal or something. It's never good enough for them.

I never got a sub-5-star rating until I started driving nights, and the way the rating system is set up, anything under 5 stars is essentially considered a failure. If your average rating drops below 4.6 (this number varies by city, is not published, nor are drivers ever given a warning), Uber will deactivate your account, and essentially "fire" you. The problem is that customers don't understand this. Normal people would consider even an OK ride to be a success and a pleasant ride, just maybe not up to the standards of some other Uber drivers who served them hot coffee or gave out complementary candies. They don't understand that a four star driver will eventually get fired. I have had riders tell me before I explained this to them that they "never give a 5 star rating, to anybody."

In the end, it seems to work out pretty well for riders at present, but it won't work in the long term. Uber is constantly lowering their rates, while simultaneously increasing the commission they take from drivers. In addition, you have all the peculiarities of the service generally throwing drivers under the bus, like the rating system.


>mfw only hire white ubers

Those legal restrictions were lobbied by the taxi companies to enforce their monopoly.

Taxi companies and unions spent their profits on making competition illegal instead of innovating and now they are getting precisely what they deserve

seriously, fuck vegas taxis

The situation is kinda strange in Brazil. The taxis here are (usually) nice, and the drivers too. They are all local people, and generally polite.
Also, we have taxi apps that make ordering a taxi something simple and fast. The apps also have a rating system for the drivers,and multiple payment options.
The only real advantage to Uber right now is the price. It just arrived in my city (Londrina), and it's 50% cheaper.

>get picked up downtown for a ride to the strip
>moderate Muslim woman cab driver
> the moment we start driving I hear a rhythmic thumping
>" hey do you hear that?"
>she ignores me
>thumping intensifies, car (a fucking prius) starts jumping on one side
>"hey I think you have a bad tire"
>ignores me
>as we are headed toward freeway on ramp
>"hey this would be a good chance to to pull over and check that tire"
>ignores me and merges onto freeway
>the moment we hit top speed the rear passenger side tire disintegrates
>that will he $26.50

Seriously fuck taxis

which city are you from?
in sp the taxi drivers are awful and expensive

which city are you from?
in sp the taxi drivers are awful and taxis are expensive