Ann j-join ctr
r-right guys ?
As she should. If Trump officially softens up on this then Im off the train for good.
A woman not understanding chess is not such a rare thing, in fact you could says its quite common.
>As she should. If Trump officially softens up on this then Im off the train for good.
Trump has to convince the moronic masses to vote for him in the general.
He won't do that by telling the truth.
You either want him elected or you want her. We already know about her pathological lying.
Eh, I'll still vote for him for 2nd amendment reasons but the wall was the only reason he got popular in the first place.
Dumb bitch doesn't realize how politics works. He's not going to soften on immigration, he just has to say he is to appease people who are on the fence about voting for him.
ann coulter is the most based mainstream political pundit on earth.
Coulter is actually a liberal elitist in disguise.
She mocks conservatives and they don't know it. Same with Malkin.
>people unironically believed a buzzfeed article
fuck it, buying a rope and hanging myself, fuck all of you
Well shes right. Weren't those reports of him softening up just clickbait shit from buzzfeed though.
Amnesty will kill the United States. Even teasing it is bullshit. She's right.
She said she's not worried. This is all the fault of that weaselly Kelley Ann.
That being said, Trump learning he could use ICE and existing laws for Operation Wetback III isn't earthshattering.
>people think that democracy works like this
hell lose more voters then he'll gain potentially. trump might soften on immigration. if he gets presidency i actually expect him too and i think Sup Forums will turn on him in a huge way.
She's right. I mean I would still vote for him because the alternative is fucking death.
Read her book btw :^)
>mfw watching the GOP slowly devouring itself
>"But I don't think he is," Coulter added, noting she still trusts the GOP nominee.
Nice clickbait faggot.
Ann is a political whore. First she was on the krispy kreme train now she's threatening to jump trumps.
These blonde bitches need to check their "women who people would actually want to have sex with and are most likely to get raped by Muzzies" privledge.
>soften on immigration
>people on your side get disillusioned since you're reneging on the biggest campaign platform you have
>people on the other side continue to hate you because you said mean stuff that hurt their feefees
Gee whiz, what a plan
you mean your whole country ?
i cant to witness your election in 8 years. once hillary has put the country in even deeper shit than it is now.
it's gonna be far right (actual far right not that clown) vs far left border-line commies. Good shit
except he's not even fucking doing it
this hole thing started because of fucking BUZZFEED
and retards like you ate it up
what are you even talking about
>I don't think he is
Guess you missed the townhall last night, didn't you shit stain?
Same here.
What's the point of electing a republican if he's as open borders as the left.
I think she might be a Performance Artist.
She shilled heavily for Christie then after Trump exploded on to the scene she went to him.
>What's the point of electing a republican if he's as open borders as the left.
Are you fucking dumb? trump isn't open boarders and never has been. God damn, maybe Trump supporters really are just a bunch of retards.
how do people not fucking see that wall is the mother fucking solition?
do liberals like cartels?
are they ok with their nature of torture rape and beheading?
are they ok with the fact that their extremely active in california?
are they ok with the fact that their kids have shit paying jobs because of illegals?
how the fuck can liberals campaign for 15 and h our, yet want amnesty for all?
fucking crazy man.
People are fucking insane
Is this babby's first election?
>there can be this
>there might be this
>x might be a possibility
>y could occur in the future
How any candidate appeals across the aisle.
So she was backing one candidate until a better one showed up? What's the problem faggot?
>I think she might be a Performance Artist.
She absolutely is.
Some day, when she's really old... she'll release a memoir about it.
Her joke about poisoning Justice Stevens was a tip off.
His base is the moronic masses you retard.
it's a fucking shill
people forget the biggest picture
this is the most important reason to keep her ass out
All about selling dem books, eh? Really makes you think.
>we will lose our fucking rights if Hillary gets elected
t. Guy who probably said the same thing before Obama won in 2008.
his base is real americans, not oyu globalist
"no laws no borders" Bastard children of spoiled hippies who abused LSD too much an made the fatal flaw of thinking themselves as enlightened
>His base is the moronic masses you retard.
Because average people are going to be benefiting greatly from Hillary.
The best part is by that time Hitler as an adjective will have less value than your currency
Obama's presidency and thus, the world stage, would be a billion times better off if Hillary was on his team.
She needs to go
#noJusticeNoPeace you insufferable faggot
>real Americans
>blue collared GED garbage who got turned on by hearing "wall" and Christ fuckers 700 club who got aroused by hearing "Muslim"
>can't forget the alt right anti social Milo Gamergate faggots
Lel nah, you're the bottom tier of society.
lol he supported further restrictions on firearms before running for president as a republican.
if he lied about immigration, what makes you think he isn't lying about guns?
Exactly. These people yelling "CTR HE LOVES LEGAL IMMIGRATION" don't realize that more than half of legal immigrants come from third world hell holes that vote left every time.
And this isn't even taking into account what would happen if amnesty passes. The US is fucked demographically and the left secures government positions for the next century.
Immigration was the reason Trump ascended, it will also be the reason he descends if he changes.
it would have been better if Hillary won and not Obongo, now it's too late. She can't win now.
I'm honestly to the point where I am probably going to vote clintion. i hope everything goes to complete shit and we get a civil war. Trump is not right wing enough.
except he's not changing
again you retards are believing a BUZZFEED article
>thinking Trumps popularity is based on his idiocy and not due to the populaces personal grievances with the criminal, liar, traitor, war-mongering capitalist elite whose family name has waged war on low-income black communities throughout their entire career and them blames it on conservatives
killyourself retard.
then why does she have an immense lead in the polls?
oh yeah, they are rigged by the zionist elite who hack into each poll conducted by distinct organizations
Wait, so is building the wall still part of his platform or not? This is important.
>not you globalist
lmao i work at a fucking salvation army you dipshit. I have no agenda. Just a brain.
>blaming everybody else for your shit choice in nomination
>b-b-but it had nothing to do with walls and Muslim guise! It was a stance against Shillary!
You first bottom feeding garbage
>Just a brain.
no you don't. you're a saltine cracker that was brainwashed by your enemies to hate your greatest friends
Thats it im a #hillarymissile
Can't wait honestly. Tasty happenings almost everyday until then.
>immense lead in the polls
>muh polls
ok CTR
>i love the poorly educated
so liberals admit they hate people who don't have a proper education?
Just vote for Gary Johnson if you're gonna do it. Don't act like you're doing anyone a favor voting for Trump
>shit choice in nomination
>staying true to yourself and your country
nah globalist. If you had a drop of an American in you, you would see why Trump isn't such a shit choice. While you nominate a confirmed criminal, brain-damaged, globalist elite. The cognitive dissonance coming from the left is outstanding
Gary is a pro-open borders cuck you braindead leaf
>your greatest friends
who? you cucks who wanna perpetuate trickle down economics and fuck our lower class families like mine? Yea, what great friends you are.
>Sup Forums cries shill all day
>falls for BuzzFeed social engineering
How far you have fallen
>so liberals admit they hate people who don't have a proper education?
they've never hid this fact. They think people that build,work and create are worth less than privileged twats who were coddled by their parents and school teachers and shielded from the world until they were in their mid-fucking-twenties
no fucking shit, CTR is working overtime
it should have ended with (((buzzfeed))) as the only source
>fuck our lower class families like mine?
>Sub-prime mortgage lending
>deregulation of credit-default swaps
if you're black and poor, democrats probably did that to you.
Great. You burgers know you can't let Hillary win though? Right?
im white and poor
so i guess i did it to myself?
Ann Coulter is a fucking shill.
Holy shit, who listens to this dumb skank?
>The Hill
Into the trash it goes
>who listens to this dumb skank?
Sup Forums
people have been praising 'iron anne' for a while now newfag
Thank you Correcting the Record!
>blue collared GED garbage who got turned on by hearing "wall"
Ah, nothing like hearing a leftist "intellectual" show his true colors. You're a vile little worm, raised in the lap of luxury.
>and Christ fuckers 700 club who got aroused by hearing "Muslim"
I'm an agnostic. I still don't want Islam over here. If there's ever a supermarket over here that has a "halal meats" section, I'll make it my personal business to throw some pork into it every day.
>can't forget the alt right anti social Milo Gamergate faggots
I'm very social, and couldn't care less about gamergate.
I do kinda want to give queen Milo a certain kind of scepter tho.
just look at detriot
That's Bill clintons NAFTa in action
look at the housing crisis
That's bill Clinton subprime mortgage lending and credit default swaps that created that.
If immigration was actually curbed and jobs were brought back to America, we wouldn't have tp spend our resources carrying the millions of illegals in this county who just make their money and stuff it in their mattress.
Every respectable LEGAL immigrant I've met is pro-trump and absolute HATES how illegals come over and take advantage of the system, making it worse for everyone, while people with strong character traits work themselves bare to make lives better.
go kill yourself
politians becoming more anti-immigration when the election is over happens all the time
>manufacturing jobs arent just going to be automated when they "return" to the US
>lap of luxury
Sucks to be poor, doesn't it faggot?
>throw pork
Kek no you won't you beta cocksucker.
>I'm very social
Yeah I'm sure you're a regular Chad, women love your info wars links on fb and your use of cuck every sentence you mildly retarded fucking loser
not everything can be automated, and would you rather take a chance or have no chance?
>our liberal technicians from the silicon valley will just fuck off low-income communities anyway, even if we bring jobs back
god I hope trump wins and your puppets on the street try to revolt so they can get BTFO by actual americans
And the left is worse. Enjoy your civil war your country is a shit hole now
it's gonna be fucking hilarious when it happens
I for one can't wait for Trump to cross the Mississippi
what the fuck are you even trying to say?
um are you generalizing my country sir? I am a MINNESOTAN. not AMERICAN. My state has a higher quality of life than norway. I don't care what goes on it california or new york. They do not represent me. I am kindly asking you to retract your judgemental statement.
>can't into revolt
>can't into America
>doesn't speak american
im not even surprised.
this is the inevitable downside of changing messaging to appeal to a different group, up till now Trump has been very resistant to doing this but he realizes he has to do it to win
it makes him vulnerable to misinformation campaigns run by your favorite goy news, if CTR is not completely retarded and useless, they are going to hammer us and hope they can demoralize us and enough retards split off and vote lolbertarain
If he as stood by deportation up till this point hes not going to fucking drop it, especially when Bannon just became campaign CEO. All that happened was a surrogate tried to weasel out of telling a bunch of bearers "ya we are going to form a 'deportation force' and round up all brown invaders' and gave a political deflection
Eh....understandable I guess. I just look forward to the inevitable day of reckoning.
Bloody well plan on enjoying it. Savouring every moment to be honest.
You're a fucking idiot.
holy shit this. Look at fucking obama you retards have no idea how Trump is. Obama was all about muh amnesty but guess what he deported more than Bush
>t. newfag
>getting angry as he softens
I've been here since before you had a decent internet connection cuck
Shes such a dumb cunt
>hurr durr I'm somebody on an anonymoose image bored
Eh, I was at a Trump rally on Monday. He's starting to bring up the wall again, so I'd hold off on that sentiment for now. Pandering to the hispanics and blacks is his big thing as of late, which is actually working out pretty great considering he's already convinced thomas sowell and shaq and some other important minorities to vote for him. The only thing he's said that's kind of vague is how he'll treat illegals humanely.
You have to go back.
Ann coulter is not someone you want endorsing you. It's about as bad as having Duke endorse trump all it does is make Trump look bad.