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Video related
Age, deformity, weight, sickness and a lot of other things.
>What is an universally agreed indicator of ugliness, no matter what race,gender ?
Uh, I don't know, melanin?
Lack of empathy.
Just end the thread here.
Voting for Hillary Clinton
Asymmetric features
I'd go with health. Physical and mental
It is funny how there is a strong correlation to a woman being blatantly ugly and voting liberal.
>weak jawline
>weak chin
>jew nose
>southern accent
>Scottish accent
>curly hair
>red hair
>weak cheekbones
>bad taste in clothing
Facial Asymmetry
Oh and if they don't have a skin care routine
What the fuck
Is this real
Leslie Jones
>curly hair
Curly hair is pretty hot. So long it's not a Niggress, that's the important part.
Being fat. I don't think I've ever seen an attractive person who was obese not counting shit like powerlifters and bodybuilders.
How true is the stereotype that people in the UK are all ugly? I've never been there but I find it weird that a whole country could be ugly. And lots of Americans are descended from Brits so shouldn't we be ugly too?
Aren't there a lot of good looking British models?
>What is an universally agreed indicator of ugliness, no matter what race,gender ?
Being 3D.
Ugly teeth are an instant dealbreaker
some girls are top notch,
others cover themselves in makeup to hide their ugliness(uglyness?)
and then there's the landwhales who always seem to have children yet you're left wondering, Who would reproduce with them?
Damn, that is an ugly person, by all standard metrics of ugliness.
But i would still fuug!
Also being feminists.
This, desu.
Everything that has third dimension scares me
I do not think there is such correlation.
is that O'brien?
So basically the UK is no different from anywhere else?
Looking like Harambe.
> I can agree with this burger.
Fat => unhealthy => ugly. You don't want your ofsprings to be unhealthy.
endomorphs in general. pudgy structure, small hands,wide hips,small facial features etc
>a jew calling anyone else ugly
Do you even realize how pathetic you people look
The top 15 - 20% of British girls will make you diamonds.
The next 40% are average or slightly above.
Next 20% are moderately ugly.
Next 10% are fucking butters.
Next 10% are blacks/pakis.
i honestly don't have jew facial features.
thank god
calm down faggot, red hair is great.
I've noticed that I view/treat fat people like shit on a subconscious level.
not sure why
Because they deserve it
>weak jawline
>weak chin
Huge chins and manjaws are just as ugly though. A good balance is desirable.
>jew nose
>southern accent
>Scottish accent
Fuck off, both can be charming
>curly hair
Can look fine on some chicks
>red hair
Are you gay or something?
>weak cheekbones
Not that bad
I live in a place where obesity is still rare, the sight of a fatass makes me cringe a bit.
>bad taste in clothing
Very much so
>curly hair
>red hair
Well meme'd my friend
>Huge chins and manjaws are just as ugly though
What about Olivia Wilde though
Oh and I forgot freckles. A little bit might be ok but lots of freckles are disgusting.
It's really depends on your fetish.
Why do so many people like the southern accent? It sounds retarded.
bitch please
I'm a Spaniard living here and I would say that the average here is much lower than the rest of Europe.
Of course there are some hot girls, but the average tends to be uglier.
Why do the heavily Anglo and Celtic regions of the USA (New England and the South) not have the same ugly stereotype