Army Training Lesson Cited Clinton as 'Insider' Threat Risk

Oh shit niggers

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Wow. The army got something right for once.




Inb4: "the it's the governments job to spy on absolutely everyone, they're what's keeping us safe ;^)"

> Exposed the government breaking the law
> Enemy
> Traitor

I can't put enough quotations around the word "irony" so I won't try.

I always love how terrible looking official slideshows are.

you guys have computers in ireland?

wait if forgot, soz brah

well they're probably made by technical people, not graphic design artists
all that really matters is functionality

He stole and leaked Classified information. Shut up, Cuck.

He's an example of "disgruntled employee"
His opinion doesn't matter

The creator of the slides is probably suicidal or has a heart failure.

>Snowden & Hillary grouped together

Maybe it's the insomnia talking but that doesn't make any damn sense.

Seriously, so what if Hillary is a security risk, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? She's learned from her mistakes and her bathroom server will be a lot more secure once she's president.

Both were reckless with confidential information. Snowden could've given the information to multiple internal sources of government that could've gone down on the NSA for their actions. Instead he basically announced to planet earth that "USA Bad!!!!!!".

He didn't blow a whistle, he hooked up five thousand subwoofers to a megaphone and screamed it.

it will make sense in time.

maybe he just likes barbells


It's clearly a powerpoint over securing digital data and why protocols need to be followed

the "threat" is leaked info which everyone up there clearly did

Really makes me think

>proof obamas nigger goverment TRYING to keep our ARYAN GODDESS down

I am with her 2016

I know right? If the government is doing something wrong, just go and tell the government. What a reckless retard lollz :))!!!!

> The as yet unidentified corpse was discovered shortly after a presentation based on the sharing of classified information and the threats to the United States government and society was completed.

>A private reported he heard what he first presumed to be gunshots within the building.

>After entering, he found the body crushed under the projector, that was used to display the information from the presentation.

>The private managed to report incorrectly, that the corpse had a gunshot wound to the back of the head.

>The radio message cut off at this point, as the projector apparently exploded. Sending shrapnel into the back of the privates head.

I bet all the money of my E-4 pay that whoever made this PowerPoint is either now retired, sperated, or promoted to SNCO status and thus untouchable.

>not american
>deciding whether Snowden is a good guy for America

After 8 years of service. I fucking love seeing this

The government is not a single entity. It has multiple branches. D.O.D. Typically has no idea what the FBI are up to. FBI don't know what the CIA are up to. None of these branches knew what NSA were up to.

He did the right thing you worthless government toe sucking nu-male

I have a mixed opinion on snowden. On one hand he showed a massive amount of corruption and insane surveillance going on in the US, on the other hand a lot of the stuff he revealed was not neccicary and ended up harming innocent troops, civilians, translators, informants, etc etc.

His heart was in the right place but the way he went about leaking all the information was extremely amateur and caused a lot of un needed harm to innocent people. He should have had people looking through the documents and only released what he needed to in order to show what the US was doing wrong instead of releasing EVERything

>Clinton gets elected
>Army declares Trump the American Emperor
>Hillary btfo

>Seriously, so what if muslims commit more terrorist attacks than any other religion, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? Muslim's learned from their mistakes and opening our borders to them will make the US a lot more secure.

The FBI and CIA, both entities who've been spying on U.S. and non U.S. citizens for decades had no idea that the NSA was spying U.S. and non U.S. citizens.


I heard this.

They said it was a project and it didn't meet standards and was taken down.

It literally doesn't matter what individuals in the Military think of Snowden. Leaking national secrets is not good for the Military.

>Can't think critically


the problem is that liberals and leftists believe both of those statements are true.

For the good of Americans.

I've never seen a good slideshow. Always the pre-made background with the wave at the top.

>Trump gets elected

I feel like this diagram is mostly correct, but I don't know enough about manlets to confirm.
>pic related is me

>not knowing about compartmentalized intelligence channels.

Most of FBI only has limited SIGINT security clearence

>Harming innocent people

This meme again. Fuck those translaters, civilians and ''""""soldiers''"""".

so apparently this was something unapproved made by a small unit in the army

you probably know a lot about big guys so there's that


Stupid phone.

>implying Snowden and Manning weren't literally obeying the law in stopping breaches of the law


It's just the nature of the game. We like Snowden because he let us know that the government was violating our 4th amendment rights. The military doesn't like him because those revelations also unmasked many of the techniques used against foreign governments.

The military just wants to do their job better. We want freedom and privacy. Terrorism has made those two desires oppose one another. I think they're misguided in identifying him as an enemy. The person who truly compromised the program and deserves blame was the one who decided that it should be illegally used against private citizens.

They've been doing it for over 50 years. They knew. Everyone in the country who wasn't a complete fucking illiterate has known for over half a century. The media has written about this over and over. You probably also believe Oswald shot Kennedy too. What wasn't known was the extent to which the NSA has been, and continues, to go. I don't necessarily agree with Snowden's politics and his face is beyond punchable, but because of what he's done, even an inbred illiterate can no longer deny the gross amount of spying the NSA has been dedicated to.

Sounds like Clinton's camp will suddenly find out a couple of soldiers """""accidentally""""" shooting themselves on the back of the head, after """""accidentally""""" dropping a 100lb freeweight on their face in a crowded gym, with no one noticing it until closing time.

Revealing NSA corruption is good, selling intel to Russia isn't. Fuck him.

>the army
>cucked and PC'd beyond masculinization
it will be the marines who lead us onto the path of glory with our God Emperor.

If leaking information about classified government surveillance makes me a cuck, then I'm #proudtobeacuck.