Fallout series = green party propaganda

not only is the a whole world destroyed by nukes, but there is also nuclear waste every 100 ft. implying that nuclear energy is also dirty, dangerous and irresponsible.

it seems one of my favorite series is all about selling Jill stien to young men...

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The game is called fucking fallout. It's a 50s nuke scare post-Apocalypse game. I fucking hate this board sometimes.

The Fallout universe mastered nuclear technology. It only became a waste problem when there was no one around to maintain it.

>dat green tint
Are you playing Fallout pl3b?

I've recently sunk 5 days of gameplay time into survival mode. There is no political message you autist. Also if you aren't playing it in 4K you're a pleb and should kill yourself now.

fuck off to v fucking sharter

>it seems one of my favorite series
You've got a pretty shallow grasp of your "favourite series", friend.

Nice bait.

Have they released the new survival mode? Any good?

>wasting money on eye candy

The recent game I played the most was Mount and Blade

they have, and I enjoy the challenge. The first days gameplay was rough, you're so under-levelled even a cockroach can kill you. I had a pack of dogs fuck me up 3 times after about 20+ mins of gameplay (you can only save by sleeping).

Modding guns/armor/power armor actually means something now, as do perks. Really makes the game worth playing in my opinion, I found it boring before even on the hardest difficulty.
poorfag. When a game can be played in 4K and modded to the point it basically looks real it's a completely different experience, I actually feel like I'm in the game now.

>unironically playing Bethesda Fallout games

It's a guide for living, soon to be very instructive.

Now that sound like an actual survival mode instead of just having to fire more bullets to kill shit. Did they bring back the eating and drinking to survive as well or just mostly the combat and sleep save stuff?

There weren't collectible Wasteland Survival Guides in 3, retard. It's from New Vegas.

Damn thats a fucking good game. I've been playing it ever since it was the crude alpha where it was just two factions, swadians and the other guys, coloured orange and green. There were parties of heavily armoured mounted guys in black armour that absolutely fucked your shitty party up every time.

Feels so good becoming lord and dominating your subjects. I hope bannerlord expands on this a lot.

Ya I agree, they really didn't politicize it, the radiation was just a game-play mechanic and there to make it look more spooky

they could have had annoying preachy characters that go on and on about how we never should have used nuclear tech blah blah why were people so bad but most NPCs ignored it or weren't really that scared of it

It also depicts this as the best thing that has happened to humanity in a long time.

new vegas is bae

the message is not just about nuclear war, its about the EVILS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY. which everyone knows is great and clean and almost as good a fracking

which mount and blade? viking conquest was pretty good, like warband but not shitty

you need to eat and drink, you need to sleep to save and because you just need to sleep. There is zero fast travel, you have significantly lower health and can carry fuck all in comparison to the base game. Also you can get sick so need to see doctors/craft medicines. The enemies die more easily too so it's balanced at least.

The zero fast travel can be a bitch but really adds to the immersion. When you've been travelling to another location for 30 mins and you find yourself desperately looking for a bed it's pretty exciting. There are some annoyances though, like the shitty minutmen and settlement missions which want you to travel for 45 mins just to kill a few ghouls then report back to them. Makes you actually plan out the order you do things in though which is cool. Give it a go mate, the first time you go into the city with a shit gun, no armor and only enough health that a dog can kill you in one bite is not something I'll soon forget, nerve racking as fuck.

>install fallout 4 mods
>install a radio mod
>turn it on
>nice themed music
>radio host starts talking about the last US president before the bombs fell, "PRESIDENT DRUMF" who hates mexicans and built a wall that didnt work
>uninstall mod
>leave them a 1 star rating on their mod


The fuck are you talking about? It ain't about "the dangers of nuclear energy"
Actually it glorifies nuclear fussion reactors showing how even after the entire planet being glassed 200 years ago they still work.
Also the message would be more in the lines of "don't use nukes" or "in nuclear war there's no winners"

I really love the lore.

I was very skeptic at first, I saw some shitty looking screenshots of a dude in a horse and ignored it because it looked so awkward.
After I gave it a chance I couldn't stop playing.

A billion mods for warband and the original, Viking Conquest too, but I wasted most of the time in 1257AD removing kebab

I don't feel like that, I have the money to throw, but I prefer to waste fuel on my car.

I haven't tried any radio mods, any worth checking out?

All those barrels you see stock pilled underground are from all the pre war business owner who would illegally dispose of their nuclear waste instead of paying taxes.

It's specified many, many time that the pre war world was a fucking uthopia precisely because of nuclear energy until we just sucked the world dried of resources. THATS the reason for the war, countries where fighting for was little was left of whatever.

>>I don't feel like that, I have the money to throw, but I prefer to waste fuel on my car.
that was for

Fallout is retrofuture scifi, its presentation of radioactivity and its effects are intentionally comically incorrect.

Comments like these make me want to play another round of fallout

In Fallout universe you didn't have miniaturization of resistors and other tech like you did in our universe, resulting in hilariously inefficient power use, power generation, and 50s era fuckhuge mclarge computers and car engines. As a result things like oil got used up fairly quickly. Nuclear reactors were also used a shit ton more as they needed all that juice. Also kike tier business owners did a lot of shady shit with their nuclear waste and illegally disposed of it.

Definitely plan to, been suck without internet but my phones 4g since they brought in the robot shit. Dying to get it all updated though.

>some faggot actually created an anti-trump radio mod for fallout
You should of given them no stars.

This ones good. Fits the theme and creates a location + a companion.

I'm playing on xbone but these mods are also on the nexus.

And this one has all the songs from Fallout 3.

excuse me but two headed cows, immortal zombie humans and 30 foot tall crab creatures are exactly what would happen after a catastrophic nuclear event

nice one thanks. How's the modding on consoles?

>playing anything after fallout 2

If you want the actual thought-out story and not whatever the bethesda team put together sloppily, considering how Fallout 3 / 4 completely disregarded the events that took place in 1 / 2 / NV. Then your best bet is to play the three I just described.

If you want gameplay, then fuck it and play any of them. Except Brotherhood of Steel. That's garbage on all accounts.

I like it. One thing that annoyed me about modding Skyrim on PC was that my games would eventually break or my PC might be not high end enough to handle it.

Modding on xbox one seems perfectly fine. I just want to be able to play through the game and mess around without having to worry about corrupting the save file.

So my plan is xbox one for my permanent game + mods and PC for modding, then restarting, then modding.

We dont get a lot of the fancier mods though but maybe thatll change.

Not really its pre war lore is about resource wars in part thanks to us never developing efficient electronics which greatly increased energy demand as well as the government corruption and corporate fascism that aided in stopping the development of any alternative energy sources.

If anything it is fairly pro nuclear energy since it shows various technologies that are still powered 200+ years later on small nuclear power sources.

1 > 2 > New Vegas >>> tactics >>>>>>>>> 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

Glad it's working well, even console fags should get to experience the joys of mods.
I don't know if modders are getting better or if bethesda had anything to do with it but I haven't had any game breaking mods with FO4 like I would have occasionally in Skyrim. I have something like 95 mods installed at the moment, 20 or so of them visual mods and it still runs just as well as the base game. Modders really add so much to the game.
I don't think you will get a lot of the fancy ones simply due to hardware limitations unfortunately.

That and most of the nuclear waste in game that wasn't randomly placed as a gameplay mechanic was either A) in actual nuclear disposal sites or B) in places with lore showing that they were in blatant violation of nuclear disposal laws including up to the point in F4 of a nuclear disposal company outright murdering an inspector to keep getting away with their shit.

Since the pre war America in the fallout universe was a horribly corrupt to the very core to the point it would make Hillary look like Ron Paul these aren't jabs at nuclear power itself but the entire society and government in a world with dwindling resources and in its death throws.

what was the political message behind tenpenny tower?

Fuck people

They aren't as far off as you'd think
This autistic fuck has a dedicated series to finding out what shit in games is plausible and science fantasy
Also the heavily mutated creatures are due to FEV and rarely radiation itself.


All sides are shit

Except Herbert daring Dashwood he deserved better :(

Tunnel snakes ruke

Jill Stein is a qt

it's first and foremost about selling the nuke hoax to us.