Hillary to talks about Sup Forums tomarrow

>post yfw Hillary mispronounces Sup Forums to /po/

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>"Come on, let's see how long you can talk, or breath..."

someone post the screencap when they accidentally invade /po/ and still get btfo'd

>slash polle slash

"alt-right 'trolls' on the internet forum slash paul slash"

She's gonna probably mainly address Breitbart and maybe /r/thedonald if she calls anything by name as those have official ties to his campaign.

Why do you delusional fuckers think she's gonna call out Sup Forums?

is that megyn kelly

>tfw she talks about Reddit

Poor /po/. Slowest, confiest board of all

>she pronounces it as 'Paul'

Post yfw she says good things

> Sup Forums, which stands for "people only love", is board for intelligent discussion

If she mentions /r/the_donald, she'll lead thousands of Hildos to tame yet effectice redpills.

but that's how everybody pronounces it

>not doing this

>/po/ gets analed up the ass

I honestly feel bad, but holy shit we need a break from the shills

sorry /po/

She'll probably say "Reddit Sup Forums organized hate groups" with possible links to terrorism that should be shut down

Why is Hillary talking to Sup Forums tomorrow? Been out of the loop for a good while, is it to do with the Leslie Jones nudes or the Clinton Foundation stuff?

she'll probably only mention breitbart and maybe "anonymous trolling websites" or something like that. oh and gamergate. she'll mention that the alt-right "harass women", how they are racist and want to divide america etc and she'll say that that's what trump represents. overall she'll just make the alt-right seem like a really big deal to people who have never even heard of it so i think this is something that will work in our favour.

Then her supporters visit the site and realize she's full of shit.

>Unironically not pronouncing it like "Poll"


And then we spam gore.

>"We must stop this anonymous internet hacker named Four Chans."

I'm deeply concerned that Sup Forums may be fucked with this.

If Hillary is legitimately turning her gaze on this place, it's going to get shut the fuck down super fast. In days long ago, Sup Forums used to have a community where people could gather together and raid the shit out of specific things, and actually accomplish something. I'm talking well before "we are anonymous we are legion expect us" became some faggy anime-liberal cult.

I mean when anonymous used to cause real life impact in the world when we wanted to raid something. The anonymous of 2005 and 2006 would have fucking gobbled up Hillarys scandals she has been dropping left and right, and their mark would have already been felt on the real world.

But instead we have /CFG/. A fucking fantastic concept, but just a circle jerk where we trace red yarn from photo to photo like on CSI, and ultimately accomplish nothing. Unless I am surprisingly proven otherwise, CFG has been a 500 thread general that ultimately was a complete waste. The information discovered on those threads will never impact the world outside of this board because 4chans board culture is too lazy and unorganized now.

We all share common beliefs and values here, but instead of using our powers to actually do something we post LOL SHART IN MART, LOL POO IN LOO, LOL IMPLYING GERMANY IS WHITE, while the world is literally crumbling around us.

If Hillary turns her gaze on Sup Forums, it will be fucked for good. We haven't been organized enough to change anything this entire time.

Truth matters none

She'll make an alt-right speech tomorrow linking it to Trump.

>be me
>go to /po/
>5th thread
> from 12/25/15(Fri)20:24:35


>mfw I've been posting on this damn website for over a decade and know full well nothing will ever happen to this lovely place

bring it the fuck on 8^)

It's pol as in "politically" not "politics". If you pronounce them the same, you're illiterate.

Hasn't this poor origamy board suffered enough because of us already?

They REALLY want to shut it down.

The internet is a glaring hole in their 24/7 wall of propaganda.

You see articles popping up about how everyone should have to leave their real name with comments, or arguing that comments/forums should be shut down…because they facilitate 'Harassment' or promote 'hate speech'

It's the only thing we have going for us at this point… and it's already regulated most places outside of the US.

Fight hard to defend it, because if the US loses free speech on the internet… I think it's pretty much over. The NWO wins.

We have literally infinite retreats if this place fucks up anyway, the population needs to learn that not everything is shitposting though.

other places in line with us are much more organised. Sup Forums is good because it's chaotic. you need that chaos to create memes and humour.

You talk like a fag.

can someone elaborate whats going on?

She will say Trump posted her childhood photos and commented with terms like;

Fap, loli, gangbang, cumbucket, creampie etc...


they wont be able to police the whole internet.


I agree heavily with everything said in this thread, also I'm an old fag and can remember Sup Forums circa 2006. Can confirm user was something to be scared of because the elites couldn't control it and didn't know how to handle it.

....Sup Forums has been through worse. nothing will ever stop this place. For better or worse "you're here forever" is a meme-magic spell that has become 100% true. VISA & PayPal couldn't stop Sup Forums when it was just a nascent goon's dream on a handful of colo'd secondhand servers. The intelligence agencies who couldve decided to just co-opt it for their purposes when necessary and let it live. No one can stop it now.


clinton is doing a speech on the "alt-right" tommorow. "alt-right" is basically anyone who uses Sup Forums memes and is right of the GOP.

Four Chans is a dangerous tube and it must be closed!

If I am elected president, they will be stopped!

Why is no one actually concerned about this? You know what's going to happen, right? This situation is going to turn into another GG


This is what infinity chan is for.

No but large central meeting places of like-minded people can be curtailed.

And I wouldn't bet that in the future they will be able to police it… they do in China… to what degree they are successful, i'm not sure…but they do censor and monitor


You guys sure have an overinflated sense of importance. It's all going to be about Breitbart, and how Trump hired their Chairman to manage his campaign.

>Hillary starts talking about hate websites
>Keeps naming reddit.
>reddit gets shut down for hate speech

One half of the board is frog memes and the other half scat pictures. I don't think Sup Forums can get any worse by this point. Let them come.

Yes, but it's fun to imagine.

I just call it "pol".

Because Sup Forums has a reputation in the media for "seedy place where internet trolls hang out"

YEAH I CAN SHITPOST AGAIN. Looking forward to the shilling that will happen tomorrow.

also check this out , guys gets caught JACKING OFF in walmart.

moot would have gladly bent over for the kikes, but not hiroshima-sama

>You guys
>implying you don't generally lurk here

Go back to R E D D I T.

Infinitychan is much slower than this place. A lot less brains working on any given problem.

Yes, it does tend to have WAAAAAAAAY less trolls, but its scope is just too small.

Where else then? STORMFRONT? INFOWARS?

Am I missing the super secret club where shit actually gets done? Because other than this place and infinity it seems like that's it.

Hillary is weak. She has surrounded herself with careless, moronic sycophants. Memes are her kryptonite, and we are winning. She doesn't stand a chance. She's better off sticking to killing young cuck interns.

Jej normies come to be offended, stay for arts and craft's

Oh kek let it be

The clock is tickin' on this board, losers. If you think pol will still be around by this time next week, you are *sadly* mistaken.

>You dun goofed, faggots

Rip Sup Forums

>implying most of the doers won't go to TORchan to work from there.


>the prize; his life

This one?
Welcome to /po/

We'll still have /r/The_Donald

I mean I hardly go on it but I do sometimes.

The sellout site? No thanks. Only newfags still post about it on here. There are numerous other chans that us oldfags go to. If you all weren't newfags you would know this.

Fuck everyone ITT

I work for the Clinton campaign and support BERNIE, and I'm the one who leaked the photos. DEAL WITH IT you fucking BIGOTS

You fucking alt right racists and cowards are going to be EXPOSED to the WHOLE world now and everyone is going to HATE you for BULLYING. WE SET THIS UP. YOU’RE FINISHED

Hillary will be president now. So what if I had to fat shame an African American female. This is OUR time to shine, bigots will be BTFO and there is NOTHING you can do.

Good luck getting anyone to believe you. We have all of the media in our fucking back pocket. Good luck getting this printed in the New York Times, the Washington Post or having our paid agent Anderson read it out on national TV to the masses which WE have exclusive access to. Your time is over. We control everything. We call the shots. Get ready for Hillary, bigots. I imagine when she gets into office your website will be shutdown… what are you gonna do about it CRACKERS?

Yip, although Sup Forums has become soft and memey, maybe the destruction of this place will allow a true place of kek to rise from the ashes.

Even though Reddit does have similar red-pilled brothers and sisters, they have to be the sacrificial lamb to protect us.
It's the only way.

When is it?
Where can I watch?


love it

>You're definitely a concern-trolling shill, but I'll humor you

How could you be so FUCKING weak? You're still voting Trump, I'm still voting Trump, and so is everybody else.

I can see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. You're letting the shills get to you. Don't let them intimidate you!

>he doesn't know the last time Sup Forums went down the entire internet burned for it
you poor sweet CTR shill, you have no idea the hell you have wrought, you know your safe spaces, the places where you think you won't get fucked in the ass? your gonna get the dick, and its gonna be rough and perpetual, no cop will save you, no military will save you, you will have no refuge, for the plague of Sup Forums will spread across every single corner of the internet where nothing will escape. this place is the ultimate containment hidaway sparing you lot from becoming one with the dick.
so do it, wake the beast, piss off the ancient evil with no mcguffin to save your poor dumb ass, your false savior will die, your nation will burn, and everything you know will be the stuff of nightmares commie.


That reads like Sup Forumstards pretending to be SJWs in order to confuse/troll /po/.


You could have at least said 8/pol/.


Possibly, it was still FAF. Even better they did actually have thread that day about making SS daggers and goblets and shit...
Wonder what happened to ol spooky mcdoot

>he doesn't know the last time Sup Forums went down the entire internet burned for it

Care to elaborate or copy/pasta? Newfag here


if she namedrops Sup Forums this will result in a ton of traffic and a week long media bombardment. We will be spammed into oblivion. Its been fun, anons

I've seen cfg memes all over twitter and even faceberg. Not saying it's gonna decide the election, but someone might just get accidentally redpilled.

Nice David Bowie reaction pic m8

i pronounce Sup Forums like how you would say doll,
as in a doll you play with.

Is this standard?

It would only wake the sleeping dragon if she actually tried to shut down Sup Forums permanently. Think of how many apolitical weebs or loners on this website depend on it, would be tossed into the streets in a rage.

It would be the most hilarious event possible. Weebs and nerds would flood the streets in protest, holding anime signs. Sup Forums memes would have to be put in the political record next to the Sup Forums riots.

Nice ID

Us who Awooo


I welcome Sup Forumsmageddon

You make fair points user, I admit, the people of this board seem to lack the fervor that the Anonymous of the mid 2000's had but I think you are missing a critical part of this movement. As long as the passion for our movement is there, no matter how small, we will all find a platform to express our ideals on. Sup Forums is just a vehicle for our dank memes, we don't need Sup Forums to express our ideals. As long as the desire is there to redpill the normies is there, we will find a new platform to express ourselves. So don't worry fellow user, Sup Forums will live on no matter what happens

Who is giving up? I'm saying I'm disappointed in our ability to mobilize an effective redpill to the masses with our work in CFG.

This has nothing to do with the shills.
This has nothing to do with giving up.

If anything, maybe being disappointed in our efforts could MOTIVATE some of you to take down this hag while there's still time


are you fucking kidding me


Lol you mean if you pronounce them differently you're american?

In England... where English was made and therefor the truest form, they are both the same, and neither sound like pole....

Yeah man , first syllable of 'politically'

So what time will she speech