Trump supporters btfo

How are you gonna recover from this Sup Forums?

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Really makes your brain strain.

mS, dOuGhNuT ShApEd pIeCe oF ClOtH SuSpEnDeD By a wIrE. mSs, Cu, GeN SaMfOrD, uSaF InTeLlIgEnCe cHiEf, DiScUsSeS ThE "fLyInG SaUcEr" BeCaUsE He sAyS It iS An oBlIgAtIoN Of tHe aIr fOrCe tO InVeStIgAtE AnYtHiNg iN ThE AiR ThAt mIgHt pRoVe a tHrEaT To tHe nAtIoN. hIs fInDiNgS ArE ThAt tHe bUlK Of tHe 12,000 RePoRtS ReCeIvEd aRe hOaXeS. hE CrEdItS OtHeRs aS BeInG ThE ReSuLt oF AiRcRaFt oR MeTeOrOlOgIcAl aNd aStRoNoMiCaL PhEnOmEnA. hE ReVeAlS ThAt tHeRe iS A CeRtAiN PeRcEnTaGe oF CrEdIbLe oBsErVaTiOnS BuT ThErE Is nOt pAtTeRn oR MeAsUrEmEnT FoR AnAlYsIs. HiS CoNcLuSiOnS ArE ThAt tHeY RePrEsEnT No tHrEaT To uS. hE AdDs tHaT FlYiNg sAuCeRs aRe nOt tHe rEsUlT Of a sEcReT DeVeLoPmEnT By aNy uS AgEnCy. A CiViLiAn sEaTeD At tHe dEsK Is aDdReSsEd bY OfF-ScReEn iNtErRoGaToR As mAj kEhOe (?) aNd qUeRiEd oN ThE OrIgIn oF HiS BoOk, "fLyInG SaUcErS ArE ReAl". kEhOe sTaTeS HiS BeLiEf tHaT "fLyInG SaUcErS ArE Of iNtEr-pLaNeTaRy oRiGiN AnD CiTeS A RePoRt oF PiLoTs wHo eNcOuNtErEd tHe oBjEcTs.

>shitty joke

wow got em im voting for hilldawg now

not an argument

I don't get it. Is he saying Trump is so smart if he blew his nose he would blow up?

What does it even mean? is it some american phrase?
fact about Stephen Kike: If brains were cocaine, the guy would have 100 pound brain

>What does it even mean?


>shitty joke
>ignoring reality
>this idiot can vote

Are your brains supposed to be in your nose?

If Hillary's ass was filled with black powder, then ... nothing would change actually

seriously what the fuck does that mean?

what DID he meme by this?

Pretty weak shit coming from the man that wrote Tommyknockers

oh I get it now. He is trying to say that he couldnt blow his nose, because he would blow the black powder out

Wow some irrelevant author, who thinks his position in literature makes his political opinions relevant, made a shitty joke. Guess I'm a #HillShill now.

An IQ at least around 130 is required.

wat. I don't get it.

Seriously is this something only autists understand cause it doesn't make any fucking sense.

I am now a #Cruzlim

You can't be serious..

edgar what are you saying!

I heard that People in maine fucking dispise king,this is good for trump

It makes sense, but the writing is strangely obtuse coming from King.

This has to be the least funny """joke""" I've ever heard. The comparison is retardedly obscure

Another member of the 1% heard from.


Because if he blew his nose his head would explode?

I'm guessing you're autistic and understand this nonsense please explain it because if it means what I think it means it's probably the shittiest insult I've ever heard.

you would think that a professional novelist who has penned multiple best sellers would have an appreciation for the meaning of words.

What he is trying to imply trump has a small brain and that he'd have so little explosives in his brain that if they exploded his nose wouldnt be blown off


Go to bed Stephen King, you're a drunk.

makes one wonder if Jaden is really Will's son

I liked Stephen King.

Back in middle school.

This is what I'm thinking. But it just sounds too stupid to be an insult which is why I'm confused right now.

if steven king was still a good writer, he wouldn't be making lame low energy bantz on twatter. stating something impossible as a fact in order to barely make a point, nice

Ha, if brains were black powder Hilary would have a seizure inducing black powder clot

>getting your political advice from someone who only uses Indian burial grounds as a plot point

Yea nah. There are far superior writers to King. Remember quantity does not equal quality

> Brains are explosive
> Blowing your nose would blow yourself up
> Trump can't blow hus nose because then he would blow up.

I'm ok with this

One thing I love about this election cycle is that you get to see all the retards like this coming out of the wood work to try to get back into the limelight by doing what is 'socially acceptable' and using derogatory terms and libel to try and discredit a man running for the presidency.

Just adding all their names to a list.

What a little, weasel-looking creep.

Fuck off back to Whoville, cunt.

Why? God, I loved his books.

pidor suka blyat faggot

He's implying trump is a hothead. Jesus christ Pol is fucking uncultured

Somebody get him outta here.

Someone explain this retarded shit to me already

How does that make any sense?

Looks like he's a heavy liberal.

The question is how is Stephen King gonna recover from this. Have a look at the monthly users of the Huffington Post compared to Breitbart. Have a look at the viewer count of CNN compared to Fox News. The people don't eat the propaganda anymore. The people want Trump. Every public personality attacking Trump is going to suffer from it.

ITT we share superior, contemporary red pilled authors to counter King, I'll start

Robert Heinlein
Samuel Delaney (implying he wasn't red pilled)


I don't get it.

Isn't he a professional writer?

"yoyo heard its 2016 and its cool to have a public political opinion, better post that tweet. hope i will get some likes"

That tweet sums up the general quality of his writing.

>Troll rhymes with asshole
>This man is a professional writer
I don't know if I should laugh or be pissed

wow such deep and compelling thought from a writer whose main characters are 99% of the time a fucking writer

Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called, they said they're running out of jerks!

>avid book readers will defend this metaphor

You are the autistic one. You don't know what black powder is, that is why you don't get the joke.

Good God, just look at that butt ugly mug.

Stephen King looks exactly like the kind of guy who goes to the beach to strike up an "innocent conversation" with another guy who's alone at the top of a dune minding his own business and trying to enjoy the sunset, then as it gets dark and all witnesses have dispersed, he tases his victim, ties up his hands, and rapes him behind a tree.

Is the joke really that ""hur his brain is so small the explosions if it were like blackpowder or whatever would be to small to blow his nose"
wow, liberal intelectuals

If I ever get famous, I would get drunk and shitpost on Sup Forums and twitter. would be so much fun.

This Trump guy is absolutely explosive!!!

>Be an alcoholic hack writer
>Decide to get wasted and go jogging on the shoulder of a highway
>Guy in a van gets distracted by his dog and hits you
>Try to press charges against the guy
>Use your fame to mock guy
>Have guy murdered in his sleep

Nice one Steve

wtf I just noticed Mattv2099's Stephen King videos have gone (((private)))
fucking jews

why does it say 8 days, wasn't this posted today?


feels really fucking weird to have such an accomplished writer use centuries-old insults without changing or adding anything to it

I am ok with it, that's his opinion.
He's pissed about Trump's saying it how he thinks and about internet trolls:
But he's kind of a vulgar himself in his own way, he's trolling classical writers.

WTF? I hate black powder now.