Pol lite

is there a /pol alternative that doesn't involve memorizing 500 years of world history and arguing about wars nobody remembers?

thats all i know of

fuck you lmao

You want something even more retarded than Sup Forums? At least here, you have a chance that somebody will bring up something based on facts.


>can't learn basic history

Don't even try to be arguing the ideas we have here if you can't have the intellectual ability to clarify and learn why we have these positions faggot.

Just read these and you'll be fine. I'm not even a National Socialist but the books posing the ideas are well worth a read.

Are you actually saying that Sup Forums requires too much research for you? God damn.


I can't wait until robo-waifus put sluts out of business.

>ruskies invaded Poland in 1939

Fucking embarassing. Jebus christ

Why is it embarrassing? Getting attacked on two fronts by two much larger countries is not a very easy situation.

>sending calvary units to take on tank regiments

At least you Fins had one sniper that stopped entire platoons, Poland literally sent men on horses with swords to take on modern machinery.

That decision alone meant they no longer deserved their clay.

>someone out there can't keep up with Sup Forums

try tumblr, faggot

Lurk more and you might learn something.

>books are now facts because they say they are now true
>history is now all facts because people say its true

The real red pill is realizing most of history is false and a farce as the only evidence for MOST things happening are people telling you it happened, aka propaganda.

Yeah and reading it and learning about it will help you to decipher it better and see agendas in a broader sense.

You're literally refusing to read books because they might be biased or lies without looking at the clarifying arguments and information. No better than a nigger that ditches school because it only teaches what 'the white man wants du brainwush us wit.'

>Yeah and reading it and learning about it will help you
hahahhahaha nice damage control cuck. I guarantee half of the stuff you assume is true about history is completely false and not even close to what actually happened. Nice damage control tho.

500 years? You've got to know at least to 800BC, kid.

history is fun to learn tho user. unless you are fag of course


not an argument.

>500 years of world history

I don't remember shit about history besides WWI and WWII and I can have decent discussions here.

>literally posting picture of your reaction and then accusing me of it

It's okay if you can't read anything that can't be responded to with shitposts, you'll still be above ahmed intellectually while he turns your leaf into a crescent moon.

ummm you don't get to bring arguments....

fuck off to /his/ you faggot. Sup Forums is completely infested with stormweenies so either fight or stand down like a coward.
t. Sup Forums exile

/his/ is a fun board

I only know black history and holocaust history

Did you drop out of high school faggot.
This is shit taught in high school and even middle school. Though European history and Asian (Chinese and Japanese, not kek Indian) were far more interesting.

Wasn't that a stalling tactic? Still not a good plan but it makes it a little less stupid.


If it was it literally did nothing, the tanks ran over the horses, the ones that reached them had nothing to do but hit the side of them with a saber until troops following behind blasted them away or soldiers within pulled a small sidearm and fired at them.

It was if anything I think an attempted moral booster and to symbolize how Poland was defending its land to encourage the people to more heavily push against inevitable occupation.

Either way like most Polish ideas, it ended in disaster. At least the Aussies killed three emus when they declared war on them, they sent some of their highest ranking men to die knowing they had no feasible means to accomplish anything constructive.

Well sure! There's a place called go fuck yourself, faggot.