She just locked multi million dollar roles and a permanent big league celebrity status. You did it Sup Forums. Congratulations!
She just locked multi million dollar roles and a permanent big league celebrity status. You did it Sup Forums...
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You guys are fucking idiots if you think this was a remotely good idea.
fucking sage
>Sup Forums
these fucks didn't do shit
We didn't do it you fucking retard. This was a false flag done by the Clintons "conveniently" right before her speech on the alt-right and "dark side of the internet" tomorrow.
>being this dumb
obvious proxy, sage and hide
Great. Let them all lose more money and prove our point
Of course. The Goym is godsend. Truly.
Like grass in the wind..
> Star in shit movie
> Movie has shit revenue
> Star in another shit movie
> Movie has shit revenue
> Leslie Jones on suicide watch
Do you think this will lead to net neutrality or some shit if dem feels democrats get in? Or more web monitoring?
>hacked by 4chin
Its not Sup Forums fault.
Lol BATFAG wears a fucking skirt!
Hillary already said there needs to be limits on the first ammendment. She will try to shut down us and any "dissenters" on the internet if she can.
Fuck off faggot. This is either a false flag or some autist from sheeky forums/reddit.
We didn't do shit.
Sup Forums had nothing to do with it, now fuck off.
they need to catch it first. get the net!
We dindu nuffin
Good for her. Was a smart play to manipulate the left by false flagging under the guise of the spooky "alt-right". I think the 2 forms of gov't ID w/ the pics was a bit obvious but what's it really matter. People's minds were already made up.
I work for the Clinton campaign and support BERNIE, and I'm the one who leaked the photos. DEAL WITH IT you fucking BIGOTS
You fucking alt right racists and cowards are going to be EXPOSED to the WHOLE world now and everyone is going to HATE you for BULLYING. WE SET THIS UP. YOU’RE FINISHED
Hillary will be president now. So what if I had to fat shame an African American female. This is OUR time to shine, bigots will be BTFO and there is NOTHING you can do.
Good luck getting anyone to believe you. We have all of the media in our fucking back pocket. Good luck getting this printed in the New York Times, the Washington Post or having our paid agent Anderson read it out on national TV to the masses which WE have exclusive access to. Your time is over. We control everything. We call the shots. Get ready for Hillary, bigots. I imagine when she gets into office your website will be shutdown… what are you gonna do about it?
Nobody here did this. Unlike Jennifer Lawrence, NO ONE wants to see her nude.
Sup Forums is the board of peace. We would never do that, it is forbidden in the 4'ran.
second movie?
Haha someone please spread this to the normies and post reactions.
racewar confirmed!
gonna steal this one
Wanna bet? No whenever this ape is on the screen no one is going to be able to get the image of her crusty gash out of her head and any project she gets involved with will be destroyed. She's poison now.
>i'm exposing pics of a naked nigger to make Hillary Cliton POTUS
What did she even do?
wow, how can they say Sup Forums is racist after this? we are getting more jobs for black people than obongo
>You fucking alt right racists and cowards are going to be EXPOSED to the WHOLE world now and everyone is going to HATE you for BULLYING. WE SET THIS UP. YOU’RE FINISHED
They literally already do.
How new are you?
You have zero power.
>Implying it wasn't Russian hackers
In any casse, it's a non-story. Good luck.
It was her turn in Hollywood, no amount of vitriol spewed her way was going to change her course.
"Trolls" had literally nothing to do with her meteoric rise. And if you think they did, then you're probably autistic.
Fuck makes you think you know that, asshole?
lmao. I gotta admit. That cracked me up.
I honestly think there is a dedicated group of trolls calling everything a shill thread.
People, especially liberals, have short term memories. Nobody gives a shit about Jennifer Lawrence anymore, for instance.
she a sassy, curvy BLACK woman of colour making her way through life in a white supremacists country so she's like the new Rosa Parks or something.
Because someone posted her nasty tits and ass online?
You must be huffing too much Zyklon, Schlomo, because what you say makes no sense. Never happened before, not going to happen now.
>meteoric rise.
you mean mediocre rise
You cant punish a paying audience to make them see something they dont want. The customer is always right, she already lost whoever made that abortion of ghostbusters movie 70 mil or some shit. keep putting her in movies its hurting them more than us who dont watch or care.
Because we literally had nothing to do with this.
This is what happens when you react to trolls, hope others learn that you don't give trolls what they want.
>not ending the tweet with Sad!
It's pretty obvious she "hacked" herself.
This is all just another viral PR stunt to try to make a C list actress seem important.
uhh pretty sure it was confirmed to be this psychopathic manbeast
It's such text book false flag that it could have been drafted by the laziest (((Hollywood))) hack writer.
Enjoy my ban.
Haha not bad. Subtlety is key next time
Blacks don't commit suicide though, they don't have concepts like existential anxiety or shame. Their overall suicide rates are much lower.
Thanks Sup Forums
>Be MSM.
>Hire failed stars that the public hate.
>Cant work out why people are turing off their TVs and not tuning in anymore.
Are the Jews as smart as people say they are? I don't think so, they seem to sabotage everything they touch.
We dindu nuffin, we good goys, tryna spread our board of peace!
>She just locked multi million dollar roles and a permanent big league celebrity status. You did it Sup Forums. Congratulations!
Dear God, what have you done Sup Forums ?!?!?
If she wants to win, the last thing Hillary should do is talk about a celebrity's leaked nudes. That publicity stunt will fail.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Contracts will be "renegotiated" when her movies bomb.
That shit was made possible before her nudes were ever released. Although, today has certainly sped up the process.
I appreciate you user
This guy gets it. Harambe was the sacrifical lamb for the kikes and their push for internet regulation.
whats her next movie? oh right nothing since ghost busters 2 isnt happening. sony just wanted people to feel like they werent losers
That's what I worry about every time something retarded like this happens. Some faggot thinks it's a bright idea to release the pics for the lulz and adds more fuel to the fire that normal people and SJW's eat up. All it will take is one 'leak' that exposes family pictures or something for both the Dems and Republics to shout THINK OF THE CHILDREN! for all of it to come crashing down.
that only works if they are hot.
Let's play a game. It's called "I don't give a fuck." It goes a little something like this.
Why is she wearing a chef hat?
gonna need a few more screencap sources on that one
They can put her at the head of every major project that they can put Amy Pascal on. Let them all bomb.
All we have to do to destroy her is to keep pushing downvote and not showing up.
I am not affiliated, tor is not required
>be not funny
>star in a blunder
>leak your monkey bags
>big league celebrity status
I actually think she's worth a chuckle when Schlomo writes her some jokes to bark out.
>She won!
>She's bigtime now!
Hi, where are the proofs?
The nudes are here
A lot of false flag accusations circulate on this board. How many actual confirmed false flags have there been? Isn't it more likely that people like this capitalize on any scenario they possibly can to push their narrative?
What the fuck is wrong with you CTR?
Sup Forums is a board of peace and whoever did this does not represent true Sup Forumsacks.
awww yeah im unbanned i keep taking some assholes fault ill probably be banned again
CTR just got caught pulling this shit a few days ago.
bb-bb-but muh sekret club
muh no normies allowed rules
This may be a shill thread but I'm sure that the other accused threads (about 98% of all threads) are not all shill threads.
Also this shit is fucked up if true, Hillary is a master manipulator.
>The internet is officially the worst
>Implying she didnt do it herself to get her degenerate attention hunger fulfilled
next time (((they))) need to post her social security number right?
maybe she recovers to old form
Ever notice that the harder a politician pushes an anti-gay agenda the more likely it is they like butt stuff? I'd argue anyone who hires this sheboon is acting in exactly the same manner. She's clearly hideous, an awful actor, etc. making anyone a better fit for the roles she's hired for so why would anyone hire her at all let alone pay her the obscene amounts she's currently receiving? It's clearly virtue signalling and the more guilt you feel the more she gets which is the opposite of what she be happening. She should be forced to compete and prove her worth like every other actor but it's not happening because people are feeling terrible about their thoughts so from now on when you see her hired relish in the fact that her boss thinks of her like a disgusting shaved gorilla that needs to be put on display due to being such a spectacle.
>horrific nude photo hack
Oh those photos were horrific alright.
>The internet is officially the worst
I read that and i think there is going to be a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge push for internet censorship over the next several years. Fuck these faggots.
This story is not important.
nice proxy
I'll be using this